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Modern Architecture


Image by Zachary Olson

The Voice Of Truth

"The Voice of Truth" is the voice from God coming to people in His light and in His truth.

The program "Voice of Truth" was launched on June 15, 2020​​


The Voice of Truth comes from the teachings of God Himself. God wants His work of salvation at God the Father's House - Bao Loc to be known to everyone, so when the sick come here, God gives them the gift of faith, conversion and healing. Inviting them to meet the Bishops and parish priests to testify about the power, love and mercy that God has given them.


When they came to see them, they did not receive them. But God patiently waited and still received no response. Because He loves people, God wants the world to know about this Voice of Truth program, to help people understand God's work of salvation.


Like the story of God curing the demon-possessed young man in Gerasa. After being cured, he wanted to follow God, but God did not let Him and said:  “Go home to your relatives, and tell them everything God has done for you, and how He has loved you.” (Mark 5:19). Jesus' words transformed him into a witness sent by God to spread the Gospel.

In the Father's House, too, those who are sick in spirit and body, who come here, are healed by God; When they return, God also wants them to announce His love to those around them. All of the witnesses in the "Voice of Truth" program are people who have seen and understood God's love for them. So when they testify, they do not speak with theory, but with all their convictions and with their own concrete witness lives.

Through the program "Voice of Truth", God teaches people:
- How to sacrifice to please God.
- How to pray to connect closely with God.
- How to recognize your sins, repent, and return to God. 
- At the same time, it helps people recognize the temptation of the devil in today's era.

God loves people, so He wants to warn people, teach them and help them return to Him.

The "Voice of Truth" program is a program that God wants Thien Thuong, the fathers and all those who work for God to carry out according to His direction. God said: those who desire to come to Him, listen and watch this program with sincerity, reverence, and humble themselves before God and everyone; Then God will give grace to these souls, He will guide them in the light of faith.

"The Voice of Truth" is where God brings divine grace to people, connecting God and people. God wants people to see what He teaches. God allows people to see with their own eyes and hear with their ears, so that people can repent and truly return to Him; helps people recognize the devil's seductive schemes and the devil's ways of attacking people. God will give divine grace to those who are obedient and faithful, following His path of light until their last breath. God has loved people, so He has clearly shown and demonstrated in the program "Voice of Truth".

God also said: Satan and the world are always darkness, always confronting God's light. The Father's house is light, and Satan is darkness. When God the Father wants to bring light into the world to dispel darkness, darkness will find ways to attract more darkness to repel the light. Therefore, speaking the truth on media websites is speaking the voice of God and His teachings. It is God who wants, God controls, and those who speak on the Voice of Truth Program are also those appointed by God. After these people received God's grace, they courageously spoke all that was true to bring light into the world, to repel darkness. They are doing what Jesus himself did. Jesus is the Light. He came to the world to testify, to bring to light the evils of the world, and the world tried every way to eliminate Him. Now too, through the "Voice of Truth", God the Father brings to light all the devil's schemes in this new age and of course the darkness will not leave the light alone, they will find every way to oppose and hinder God's work.

Modern Architecture



Come And See - The Voice of Truth Part 241

Come and See - Whoever believes will receive - Voice of Truth Part 241

Tiếng Nói Sự Thật Phần 664 Tập 1 - Các Mối Phúc Cần Phải Thực Hiện
Chúa Thánh Thần Hoạt Động Trên Con Người Chúa Chọn - Tiếng Nói Sự Thật Phần 660
Cùng Với Mẹ Tạ Ơn Chúa Đã Ký Kết Giao Ước Với Thiên Thần Và Con Người Trong Thời Đại Chúa Thánh Thần
Tiếng Nói Sự Thật Phần 657  - Mạc Khải Về Các Thiên Thần Trong Thời Đại Mới Tập 1
Tiếng Nói Sự Thật Phần 657 Tập 2 - Mạc Khải Về Các Thiên Thần Trong Thời Đại Mới
Tiếng Nói Sự Thật Phần 658 - Sự Quan Phòng Của Thiên Chúa
Tiếng Nói Sự Thật Phần 659 Tập 1 - Sự Hoạt Động Của Chúa Thánh Thần Trong Thời Đại Mới
Tiếng Nói Sự Thật Phần 659 Tập 2 - Sự Hoạt Động Của Chúa Thánh Thần Trong Thời Đại Mới
Tiếng Nói Sự Thật Phần 536 Tập 4 - Sự Thật Về Ơn Gọi Của Thiên Thương
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