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Greetings: I greet you, dear Bishops, priests, religious brothers and sisters, and all of you who are following the Voice of Truth program. I am Sister Maria Nguyen Thi Thuy, who has testified on the Voice of Truth channel in parts 322, 345, 417 episode 2, and part 533. Thanks be to God and Our Lady, today, once again, the Lord and Mother have wanted us - the little children of the Church who are walking in the new work of the Triune God, to share more about His work with you, those who sincerely want to understand.

Dear viewers, on June 6, 2024, on the website of the Vietnamese Catholic Community in Western Australia, there was a pastoral letter from the community's auxiliary priest, Father Micae Pham Quang Hong, about the House of the Father in Bao Loc. This letter was copied verbatim from 10 points by a certain believer whose identity was not mentioned by the priest, sent to Father Mattheu Nguyen Khac Hy to help him understand more about the House of the Father. These are questions about the vocation of Thien Thuong, and some events that have taken place in the House of the Father project related to doctrine, dogma, and theology.

These questions have been explained on the Voice of Truth channel through videos by Thien Thuong and the priests. Here, we would like to summarize them to present to Father Micae and those who want to find truth and reality about the work of the Triune God in this new era.

EVENT ONE: Nguyen Thi Thuong - Sister Thien Thuong - Archangel Thien Thuong.

“Nguyen Thi Thuong has a husband and four daughters. But in recent years, she has claimed to be an incarnate angel, the Archangel Thien Thuong, the secretary of the Father. Currently, she is wearing the habit of the Angel of Light Order, which her family established, and she wears a veil like a nun.”

Dear viewers, we would like to answer the events that fall under the category of theology, the category of faith mentioned above, based on our Catholic faith and our simple faith in the work of the Father, in the Light of the Holy Spirit, through the Eternal Word and the Real Word.

We believe that God directs all things, believe that God reveals the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven through simple, small people. Because I myself have been transformed by this faith: faith in God using angels to cooperate with humans, faith in God using demons to work for God, and especially faith in God using Nguyen Chu Thien Thuong to write His Word for humanity. Therefore, our purpose in explaining these events is:

• First: To protect and proclaim the Catholic faith.

• Second: To defend and spread the truth and the truth revealed from the House of the Father.

As you know, God's first work is the work of Creation. God created everything good. But after humans fell into sin and disobeyed, humans were no longer worthy to stay in God's Garden. But God still loved humans, He promised to send His Only Son into the world to become human. That is the second work - the work of Redemption. To prepare for the Son to come into the world as a human, the Father chose a human creation. Under the power of the Holy Spirit, He preserved and protected this human creation, immaculate, free from original sin, a beautiful, pure maiden who pleased God very much. That is the Virgin Mary. She lived in the grace of the Holy Spirit, waiting for the time to come, when He sent the Son into the world to become human in her womb.

To prepare for the work of Sanctification of the Holy Spirit in this new era. God also chose a woman who was ordinary like any other woman, with weaknesses, worldly passions. That is Nguyen Thi Thuong, who has a husband and two children, please correct, two, not four, at the time Thien Thuong was chosen. (because the two daughters later, in this article, we will present. God has purified and sanctified Thien Thuong, so that at the right time, God allowed her to write His Word for humanity under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Now, I would like to provide detailed answers to the above statements.

Firstly, people say: Thiên Thương claims to be a reincarnated angel, which is not true. Thiên Thương does not claim to be a reincarnated angel, but God sent the angel Thiên Thương to this world to accompany Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương. When the time came, God saw that the human Thiên Thương belonged entirely to Him, completely submitted to Him in everything, and was pure before God and her siblings, then He allowed the creation of the angel Thiên Thương to merge into one with the human Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương, to do everything according to God's will. Therefore, I can answer why Thiên Thương is no longer a woman, but has become a nun of God. This transformation is a great gift from God to humanity. Thiên Thương changed out of reverence for God and out of love for souls. The fact that Thiên Thương wears a habit and a veil is a manifestation of absolute submission to God the Father. Therefore, Thiên Thương does not do anything on her own without His holy command.

To distinguish between the incarnation of an angel and the companionship of an angel, on March 12, 2023, the Word of God told the Archangel Rafael to tell the 12 stones and the brothers and sisters in the Army of Light while digging the well of Salvation, he explained that:

"Incarnation is being born by a human being, for example, Thiên Mai Hoa is called an angel that God allowed to be incarnated as a human being born by Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương. Incarnation encompasses both: both being born and coming down to earth as a human being. Incarnation means that both angelic nature and human nature merge into one within a human being to be born. But with the angel Thiên Thương, it must be said: God sent the angel Thiên Thương to this world to accompany Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương, so there are stages from when Thiên Thương received the grace of transformation, to now, everyone believes that an Archangel of Light from heaven has entered the human Chu Thiên Thương to become one and carry out the mission that God the Father entrusted:

• Exorcising demons and healing.

• Writing the Word of God the Father to teach everyone in the whole world, answering questions, and fulfilling the wishes of those who sincerely come to ask for the Word of God the Father's teachings.

• Praying for souls

• Laying hands on people to work for the work of God the Father

• Laying hands on people who have angels dwelling in them.

• Laying hands to bless the dying.

• Spreading the work of God the Father in the new era.

Please listen to the Voice of Truth part 4 about Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương, the truth about Sister Thiên Thương part 93, confidences of Thiên Thương part 490, the truth about Thiên Thương's calling on videos episode 1, 2, 3, 4 part 536. There are many more revelations about this angel, please watch the following parts.

We must always remember one thing. The fact that God sent His angel to this world to be incarnated as a human being cannot be compared to God coming down to earth as a human being. Because angels are creations, God is the Creator. The Real Word of God explains and distinguishes very clearly the incarnation of Jesus, Jesus is God, so it is said: God came down to earth as a human being in the womb of the Virgin Mary, the chosen woman, immaculate, free from original sin, Mother was protected by God from the womb.

Therefore, saying that Thiên Thương claims to be the Archangel Thiên Thương! Not true! Thiên Thương does not claim to be, because Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương herself does not understand herself. But God used many other people to gradually reveal this angel to humanity, even the journey to see the angel's activity through Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương,

Next is the statement that Thiên Thương claims to be the secretary of God the Father. For this answer, I would like to give the floor to Sister Teresa Hà Thị Bảy. Please help everyone understand better about the human Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương, the angel Thiên Thương, and the origin of the phrase "Secretary of God the Father"

Ladies and gentlemen, Sister Teresa was shown many visions by God the Father, foretelling His work before meeting Nguyen Chu Thien Thuong. She was the one who accompanied Thien Thuong from the beginning of this work. She was also the one who had visions of the Angel Thien Thuong and what the future held for Father Damian. To prove what I am saying, Thien Thuong knew nothing about herself. Only when God revealed it to Sister Teresa and Thien Thuong began writing the Word of God did she learn about herself. Everything was directed by God. He used many people with many different events. And now, as the work unfolds, when the events are strung together, people can see and understand better. Therefore, it must be affirmed that Thien Thuong did not do anything on her own, but everything was under the direction of God.

I invite Sister Bảy.

Greetings to the esteemed Father, the priests, the nuns and monks, and all the listeners. I am Teresa Hà Thị Bảy. I have shared with you many times on some of the "Voice of Truth" clips, part 5, part 123. Today, once again, thanks be to God for allowing me to continue sharing what God has shown me beforehand about Thiên Thương.

I am a non-Christian who was fortunate to learn about God through my husband. I don't know much about the Catechism because I haven't had a proper education. In 2013, God came to me in human form, about 1.8 meters tall. The first thing God said to me was: "Father has returned to you, it's true." God repeated this sentence three times. Then I saw a tall figure, so I thought it was my father-in-law coming to ask for forgiveness for his grandson's debt, so I turned my face to the wall to avoid answering. After a while, I didn't hear anything anymore, I turned around but couldn't see the person anymore. The next night around 1 am, I heard a sound coming out from above my headboard, I opened my eyes and looked up, and I saw the image of the Divine Mercy, large, black and white, hanging outside the living room, but now it seemed to be hanging over my headboard. The head of the image seemed to be looking down at me. The image lit up and there was a voice from within the image: "Father has returned to you, it's true." At this point, I confirmed that the person who came to me last night was God, not the spirit of my father-in-law. The first prayer God taught me was the Our Father. I said: "I know that prayer," but God still recited: "Our Father who art in heaven..." the last word "heaven" echoed from this horizon to the other, making me tremble. Besides that, God taught me many other things, including that God wants me to love and forgive all those who have harmed me.

Before Christmas in 2013, God said to me verbatim: "In the new era, Father has chosen Southeast Asia." At that time, I thought to myself that I should run away from God, because God once said: "You must go with Father to preach the Gospel everywhere, when you go you must cross the Red Sea, I don't understand what the Red Sea is so I'm afraid and refuse in my heart because I don't know anything about the Catechism, the Bible, I don't know many prayers, I said to God: why don't You choose the priests, religious men and women, the sexton or people close to me, because this person often goes to Church to pray, but You choose me. Because I don't know anything, if I say something wrong, people will kill me. Then God said: "Just go, when you open your mouth, Father will speak for you, Father will protect you, no one can touch you." Because I don't know why, I'm afraid, so I try to escape God, I will go somewhere far away so that God can't find me and won't force me to do what He wants.

But the next day God came back and said: "Specifically, Father has chosen Vietnam." Then I was so happy, I thought to myself that I would escape to Korea with my daughter so that God wouldn't catch me. I didn't dare tell my husband and children because I was afraid that God would hear. The next day, God came back and asked: "Who created this earth?" I was so happy and thought to myself: "So God doesn't know my thoughts." I answered: "It's God." Right then, God asked me again: "So where are you planning to go?" At this point, I was trembling with fear and covered myself with a blanket: "So God knows all my thoughts." From then on, I no longer ran away from God, and my soul was at peace. There were many other times when God came to me, but I don't have time to tell them all, so now I ask permission to share about the person chosen by God in this new era:

The echo of Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương

In July 2014, around 3 am while I was sleeping, I heard the sound of wind chimes and I woke up. I saw right in front of my eyes a golden light mixed with the transparent color of crystal, covering my room. There were angels singing near me, so I could clearly see the four-stringed pipa. The angels were very beautiful, round faces, like children about three years old, the angels smiled brightly at me. The music was incredibly beautiful, I had never heard anything like it, and I haven't heard it again since, even though I really want to. Then, while I was engrossed in listening to the music and admiring the angels, I heard a very loud voice from the sky: "NGUYỄN CHU THIÊN THƯƠNG." And immediately below the ground right at my headboard, I also heard Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương. The voice was round and very resonant, I felt like my house had no roof, like the earth and sky were merging together. About 5-10 minutes later, the light shrank and the angels flew higher and disappeared into the sky. At that time, I was stunned and wondered who Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương was? because my daughter's name is Trần Hà Hoài Thương, could it be that God changed her name. Seeing that it had nothing to do with me, I didn't care and let it go.

Sơ Thúy: It's truly miraculous, ladies and gentlemen, what Sister Teresa was shown by God in 2014. It's astonishing that just recently, on July 3, 2024, God sent the Archangel Gabriel to her. Gabriel said he came with the angels that God had shown Sister Teresa with her own eyes in 2014, and he revealed that they were the angels of light of God. The light, yellow light mixed with gold glitter, emanated from Heaven. The echo from the heaven: Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương, this is the voice of God calling the name of the one to whom He will send His Angel of Light to merge and become one, fulfilling the mission entrusted by God.

Hearing Sister Bay tell the story, I'm truly amazed. The echo of Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương is the voice that God called from His throne, which reverberated upon descending to Earth, a beautiful and sacred moment of harmony. Now, reading the five sentences of the “Sấm Ngôn” which God bestowed upon this new era, I understand what it means: "The Angel merges with the human, as ordained." The Angel will become one with the human chosen by God from the beginning, Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương, through whom God will re-establish a new heaven and earth, where God the Father will reign.

God's Covenant Box, The Universe and All Creatures, The Angel Merges with the Human, as Ordained, God Establishes a New Heaven and Earth. The Triumph of Heaven's Kingdom is Sung.

I invite you to continue sharing the events related to the Angel Thiên Thương.

Sister Bảy:

Yes, I will continue. The night after, God returned to me. I asked who Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương was, and God replied: "Thương, I have made her the daughter of Father Đaminh Nguyễn Chu Truyền, so he will bear the name Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương." God also revealed to me that Father Đaminh was chosen by God and placed in a special role in His work.

The Writing of God's Words

I asked further: "What will Thiên Thương do?" God said: "I will have Thiên Thương write down My words." At that moment, I said to God: "In the world, someone who writes down the words of a high-ranking official or records the content of a meeting is called a secretary." God said to me: "You can call it that for easier understanding," but in reality, God did not say that Thiên Thương was His secretary.

(That is also my answer to everyone: Thiên Thương does not claim to be the secretary of God the Father)

I asked further: "What will God have Thiên Thương write down?"

God said: "I will have Thiên Thương write answers to all the questions people ask about My holy will."

The first grace received from the Real Word of God, written by the hand of Chu Thiên Thương

At the end of July 2014, quite by chance, a former student came to me, asking for her child to be enrolled in a school in Bảo Lộc. Seeing that my skin was very bad, she introduced me to a good cosmetics store, Uyên My, and took me there. The first time I bought cosmetics and used them, they didn't suit me, so I went back to exchange them for something else. I didn't meet the owner, but I met the saleswoman. I asked her where the owner was, and she told me that she had gone to a prayer meeting in Tân Hóa. I was curious about what was so special in Tân Hóa that she had gone all the way there to pray. The saleswoman explained: "The prayer meeting is for those who go to Father Quang to ask for blessings and are given the grace to conceive holy children. They gather together, go to churches to pray for souls." While waiting, I saw a notebook on the table. I opened it, thinking it was a list of cosmetics. But when I opened it, I only saw lines of writing: "Father greets you, God the Father speaks to you, you must do this, this,..." I opened it a lot, almost half the book. The strange thing is that when I read those words, my heart felt warm, like the voice I had heard when God came to speak to me.

Then I asked: "Who wrote this?" The salesperson said: "The shop owner wrote it."

I continued to ask: "Do you have to pay to write this?" The saleswoman said: "Writing the Word of God is free." At that time, I picked up a pen and wrote three sentences like a fortune teller, to see what God's answer would be.

• The first question I asked was: "When will I get money?"

• The second question I asked was: "What will my future be like?"

• The third question was: "What will the future of my children be like?"

Then I left my phone number and asked the saleswoman to tell the shop owner to call me when it was finished.

*After that, I forgot about it because I was busy with work. More than a week later, at a little past 5 pm, the landline phone rang. Kinh, my husband, answered the phone, and from outside, I could hear his voice, very happy: "Are you okay?" and then he called me in and said: "There's a woman named Thương who wants to talk to you." When I picked up the phone, I asked: "Excuse me, are you the parent of a student?" Thương said: "I'm the one who writes the Word of God that you asked me to ask the Word of God about the other day." At that time, I remembered and asked: "So what did God say in response?" Thương read God's answer to me: "Father greets you, God the Father speaks to you, you should forgive your grandchild, then it will be better for you."

I didn't understand why God answered like that, so I asked Thương: "So what did God say about my three questions?" Thương said: "I wrote it over and over again, but God only said that much, so I was hesitant to call and answer you. But God has been giving me a headache for three days now. I asked for the Word of God, and God said: 'You must call Sister Bảy immediately and tell her to forgive her grandchild, then it will be better for her.’ I exclaimed: "Oh my God, the answer isn't what I asked for." At that time, I thought: "Maybe Thiên Thương is snooping around my family or something, that's why she only wrote that much." While I hadn't told anyone up there about my personal matters.

Not long after, Father returned to me. God shed light on the answer that He spoke through Thiên Thương's hand. God said: "You should forgive your grandchild so that I will forgive your sins." I said to God that I had no sins. Because I didn't steal or rob, so how could I have sins? God then showed me: "The way you grade your students, the way you teach them, and all the things you do related to society, even in your family. If you do those things not according to God's holy will, then you have sinned." I said: "Oh, then my sins are from the soles of my feet to the top of my head." At that time, a thought arose in my heart that they must examine themselves.

From then on, Thương often called me. I remember one time when I was teaching at school, Thương called and said to the child: "Sister, God says you must open your heart, you must forgive your grandchild." At that time, I was very angry. I said to Thương: "Where is my heart to open, how do I open it..." After that, I felt sorry for Thương, so when I got home that night, I called back and apologized. And many times, God also urged my heart to call Thương to ask for her real name. In fact, I also wanted to test whether this person was the one God named when He sent the angels to me. Because I thought that if this was truly the person God chose, then they should know their own name.

I said: "Put your hand down and write your name." Thương said: "My name is Nguyễn thị Thương, why should I write it?" I said: "Just put your pen down and see what God reveals your new name to be." After a while, Thương said: "Oh, sister, why is my name Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương?" At that time, I said: "That's the new name God gave you. You are the child of the head of the Bảo Lộc congregation, Nguyễn Chu Truyền." Thương asked how I knew, and I told Thương about the times God came and spoke to me. From then on, I truly believed that this was the person God chose to write down God's words to answer all the questions people wanted to ask for God's holy will, as God had told me.

Dear viewers, in the pastoral file of Father Hong, there is a quote from a believer who said that Ms. Thuong practices divination about souls or that the Word of God is written incorrectly. I also sympathize with this person, because initially when I asked for the Word of God, I also thought that Thien Thuong was like a fortune teller, so I wrote three questions to leave behind as I shared above. But actually, it's not like that. God answered my questions according to His will, not according to my will. Thanks be to God, even so, I have simply accepted and I have obeyed God's forgiveness of the great debt for my grandchild and for many people, so God has given me great joy and happiness that no one can take away, that is peace of mind.

Dear viewers, I want to share my feelings with everyone: when you ask for the Word of God, believe that you are facing God through the hands of the angel Thien Thuong, be simple like a child when you ask your parents, don't use the limited reason of human beings to test God because He knows everything, He knows the heart of each person. Just like I shared above.

To understand more about Thien Thuong's journey of writing the Word of God, please watch The Voice of Truth Part 1, 2, 3 "Father, Son, Holy Spirit, New Jerusalem."

The vision of the Archangel Thiên Thương, why is she called the Archangel Thiên Thương?

Sơ Thúy: Thanks be to God for revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven to the little ones. Because you are a very simple person, a believer who knows nothing about the Catechism, the Bible, a person who is busy with work, who does not have much time for piety, when I hear your story.

God the Father always teaches us: the simpler we are, the closer we are to the theology of God the Father, to the truth of God the Father. The more we think we are wise, the more we are lost from the truth and from the theology of God. There are only two simple things: Faith and simplicity. That is the way of life that God the Father teaches us in this day and age. Actually, it is very easy to say, but very difficult to live. When I let go of everything to return to the Lord, my greatest difficulty is letting go of my ego, letting go of my pride. I think: God has given me a lot of education, so I must be better than your brothers and sisters who have not been educated. But when I returned to Vietnam, God did not allow me to remember much, until the time came, God gradually allowed me to remember again, because God wants me to be truly humble and self-deprecating, to give up everything, even the awareness of being this way or that way, being a religious person trained this way or that way. No! Here everyone is the same, the simpler and smaller people are, the more God gives them knowledge. For example, Thiên Thương is a very ordinary believer, a pious person, without theological knowledge. When we work with Thiên Thương, I see that she doesn't know everything, but she has to rely on the priests and nuns, and then verify it by asking for the Word of God.

Hearing you tell it, during your time working for God, you have also seen the Archangel Thiên Thương appear to you many times, please share about these visions.

Chị Bảy: During my time working for God, around 2022, He gave me a vision of the Archangel Thiên Thương in broad daylight. While I was working on zoom, I saw someone standing in front of me, I looked up and saw a tall person, wearing armor, very majestic, like a female general. This person's face looked very much like Thiên Thương. At that moment, I heard the voice: Archangel Thiên Thương, and I bowed my head in greeting. When I looked up, she was gone.

A few days later, whenever I worked, my mind always asked the Archangel Thien Thuong to help, then I saw that the work was faster and many times more effective than when I did it alone.

* The next day, Chị Loan, who works for God, was told by God that while she was working, she said: Archangel Thiên Thương is here. Then I was convinced that what I heard and saw was completely true.

Another time, when I went to the Archangel Thien Thuong to ask for the God's will, I saw someone who looked like the Archangel Thiên Thương coming from outside into the person of Chu Thiên Thương, at that time Thiên Thương was sitting at the table preparing to write the Word of God. Seeing that, I immediately told Thiên Thương to ask for the God’s holy will: Did the Archangel Thiên Thương just enter Thiên Thương's body? Then the Word of God answered me: "Father greets you, God the Father tells you, the Archangel Thiên Thương entering the body of Chu Thiên Thương to work is true, you should believe."

*Thanks be to God. Recently, while I was praying evening prayers around 8 PM, I saw someone approaching me, standing close to me, I turned around and saw a majestic, tall figure, this time not wearing armor but wearing feathered clothes and white wings. I recognized that it was the Archangel Thiên Thương. She knelt beside me and said one word: Huế. She wants me to go help Sơ Huế, maybe she is tired.

But I didn't want to go, I continued to pray, then I suddenly felt lighter and fell down close to the floor, I put my hand on the floor and crawled up to run down to the prayer room, then I heard a voice in my ear: Archangel Thiên Thương. I thought I should ask for the God’s Holy will, but I hesitated and continued to pray. After a while, I felt very restless and uncomfortable, so I had to call up to ask for the God’s Holy will. God said: Archangel Thiên Thương wants you to help Sr Hue

On the birthday of the Angel Thiên Thương, I went to celebrate and ask for God's will, and at that time, I saw Angel Thiên Thương shining brightly, as if someone was inside Thiên Thương. I said: Angel Thiên Thương, please ask for God's will, and God said: Archangel Thiên Thương will now stay forever in the body of Nguyễn Chu Thiên Thương, but the Angel will still help everyone by letting me see many pairs of Thiên Thương's wings flying from the sky towards God's house. But the Angel's essence is still inside and working with Thiên Thương. Thus, at the same time, Angel Thiên Thương can help many people when God wants.

Sister Thuy: Thanks be to God, I would like to thank Sister Bay for the wonderful sharing about the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, the mysteries of the angels in this new era, specifically about Archangel Thiên Thương.

And to the esteemed audience who are seeking the voice of truth, to help you understand more about the Archangel Thiên Thương, Sister Maria Tran Thi Phuong will now announce the Word of God revealed about this angel.

I invite Sister Phuong.

Hello Sister Thuy.

With utmost respect to the esteemed bishops, esteemed priests, male and female religious, and esteemed audience who are seeking truth and reality. Now, I would like to quote the Word of God about the identity of the Archangel Thiên Thương.

“God the Father wants to announce to the whole world that: The Archangel Thiên Thương is a created Angel, created by God the Father, so that when the time comes, He will send him down to earth to merge with the human being Thiên Thương.

God has absolute power over the Angels He created. He wants His Angels to be as He wills. Humans cannot know the ways of God, cannot understand His thoughts. He wants the Angels to be incorporeal, invisible, to be in Heaven with Him, constantly praising Him, building this world with Him, creating this earth with Him, all according to His will.

From ancient times, since the creation of heaven and earth, He has allowed the Angels to descend and accompany humans everywhere and at all times. Only humans have physical bodies, created by God in the image of God, while created Angels are invisible, but invisible does not mean non-existent, does not mean not present in this world. All those who are proficient in the Bible, in the teachings of God from the Old Testament to the New Testament, will see the presence of Angels accompanying humans. the Angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.

God has absolute power over the created beings of humans and Angels. When a certain stage is reached in God's work, He will act according to His will. The Archangel Thiên Thương is a created Angel, created by God from ancient times, placed in His work, and now the time has come, God has sent her down to earth to merge with the human being Thiên Thương, to collaborate with God's work of salvation.

This era is the era of the Holy Spirit's activity. The spirit and power of the Holy Spirit are always with God's work, with the created beings of humans and Angels who descend to earth to become incarnate as humans to work together, unite with the Trinity to build this world, hoping to save humans from the death grip of Satan. In this era, when Satan is rampant throughout the world, gradually plundering souls, dragging souls into their hands, God begins to reveal clearly about God sending Angels down to earth to become incarnate as humans, accompanying humans in His work, those who are chosen by God, those who live according to God's teachings, to fight against Satan.

God knows that when Thiên Thương tells the world about his origin and identity, people will not acknowledge it, but it is the truth. When the time comes, God separates the Angels to continue the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came down to earth as a human, that is, to cast out demons, heal, and write the words of God the Father, to help people abandon the path of sin, abandon the dark path of Satan, of the world, and return to God.

Thiên Thương always knows to obey God the Father, to do everything according to the guidance of God the Father, completely not according to her own will, so she will be opposed by the world, will be condemned by the world as delusional, as an illusion, as blasphemy, because Thiên Thương is just an ordinary human being like everyone else, a human being whose origin is known to society today, yet she dares to claim to be an Angel.

The image of an Angel is always pure and innocent, yet Thiên Thương, a person filled with sinful passions and past vices, dares to call herself an Angel. In this life, Thiên Thương will be condemned just like Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was also considered blasphemous because in the eyes of the world, He was just an ordinary person like everyone else, yet He dared to proclaim: "I am the Son of God who came down to earth as a man, I am the only Son of God the Father, equal to God the Father. To humans, that was blasphemy. Now, in this era, Thiên Thương is also condemned in the same way, but Thiên Thương is merely a human creation given an Angel by God to merge with her, to walk alongside humanity, to help people live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, who has already shown the way, under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

God the Father instructs Thiên Thương to testify that everything she is doing is by the will and appointment of God the Father. Earthly humans will not believe and will ask Thiên Thương what evidence she has to prove she is an Angel? In the eyes of the world, people always think that Angels must have a holy life, a pure and innocent life; Angels do not build families, do not have children, yet now an Angel lives like everyone else, with a family and children. How can this be believed!

But God the Father instructs Thiên Thương to steadfastly testify that this is a truth, a reality from God. Human minds and intellect cannot believe it, so Thiên Thương does not need the world to testify, only God the Father knows her thoughts, actions, and deeds, and will continue the work of God the Father. Thiên Thương does not need the world's praise, does not need the world's acclaim, does not need the world's testimony, only God the Father's constant love, constant companionship, and protection to help Thiên Thương fulfill and complete the work that God the Father has entrusted her with in this world. When God the Father calls her back to Him, it will prove that everything Thiên Thương is doing, living, and continuing the mission of Jesus Christ is the truth from God. There is no falsehood in Thiên Thương's words when she introduces herself as an Angel. God the Father says that these things will also be questioned later. But truth, reality, is only one.

God the Father instructs Thiên Thương: The time has come for daughter Thiên Thương to start living like a true Angel. As for the remaining earthly attachments, she needs to give up everything, to have a holy life like the Angels in Heaven, to see what the light of the Angels is like.

And those chosen by God in His work, when He calls them back, if they are faithful to Him until their last breath, will be called saints and will also be equal to the Angels in Heaven.”

Reverend Fathers, Reverend Priests, Reverend Monks and Nuns, and all of you, those are the words of God on March 31, 2022.

Thank you for listening. Thank you, Sister Thúy.

Thank you, Sister Phượng, for these announcements.

To conclude the revelation about the Archangel Thiên Thương, I would like to read the Words of the Real God, He says:

“Father greets you, God the Father tells you, God the Father lets you know, the Archangel Thiên Thương is an Angel of God the Father, a creation of God the Father, but God the Father chose this creation to be the only daughter of God the Father, and God the Father sent her down to the world to accompany humanity.” (The Real Word of God, June 18, 2024)

“God the Father tells you, God the Father lets you know, the daughter Thiên Thương is the only one that God the Father chose in this new era, in the Work of God the Father, to be accompanied by the Angel, to become one with the daughter Thiên Thương. Therefore, God the Father also uses the Archangel Thiên Thương in a special way, so God the Father chose her to be the only daughter to enter the daughter Thiên Thương.” (The Real Word of God 19/6/2024)

That is the Word of God, Lord, I believe, I praise and thank you, Lord.

It is truly hard to believe if God does not open your heart and touch you. Therefore, in this work, God always calls on everyone to listen to the Word of God with the simple heart of a child who trusts completely in their Father. Do not use your limited reason to judge the Word of God because as He said: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah chapter 55 verse 9.

And the Words of the Real God have repeatedly reminded us, “God the Father tells you, the Father is not pleased when you use your small minds to judge what is right and wrong when God the Father speaks.God the Father wants you to humbly listen and obey the Father God absolutely, you must be simple then you will overcome the devil.” (Words of the Real God 08/06/2024)

According to my experience, when a soul refuses to investigate thoroughly and quickly judges and condemns, Satan will have the right to intervene and destroy that soul. They will make you hear, understand, and analyze things that are not pleasing to God. For example, some people say: Thiên Thương’s writing of the Word of God is not accepted by the Ecclesiastical Authority, so the House of the Father God must elevate Thiên Thương to the rank of angel to “claim to be the Archangel, because angels are closer to God than humans, Angels are of a higher rank than humans, Angels are more credible than humans, angels are more trustworthy and respectable than humans, so it will not be too difficult to convince and conquer the faith of many people.”

Thank You, Lord, please forgive these wrong arguments because some people have not had the opportunity to learn, and it is also for God to want His angel to receive the grace of humiliation, to become nothing, nothing before God and everyone. 

Thiên Thương does not need the world to testify, only God the Father needs to testify for Thiên Thương is enough. Thiên Thương’s work is to be determined to leave sin, to be determined to live a pure and holy life so that the Archangel Thiên Thương can do, only the sinful souls are repentant and the group of people who are graced to return to God (over 650 videos, and more every day) is the only evidence of the power and boundless love of the Father God. For the truth will set you free.

Dear Bishop, Priests, and all of you who are watching The Voice Of Truth program. Our sharing about the revelations of the Holy Spirit announcing His era with the calling of Nguyen Chu Thien Thuong, about the initial revelations, concerning the Archangel Thien Thuong will end here. We invite you to watch the next part. May the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary bestow upon you their abundant blessings. Best regards and look forward to seeing you again.


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