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  • Writer's pictureNHA CHUA CHA


Updated: May 23

God also told mankind that, in addition to the House of God the Father in Bao Loc, there are two other places where God the Father has chosen to be "The House of God the Father." These are the Houses of God the Father in the United State and in Australia.


1. The House of God the Father in America

On December 18, 2018, God the Father announced that God the Father had chosen another house in the United States, the house of Father Martin Mai Anh Tuan's parents in the State of Virginia.  God the Father said that choosing the house of Father Martin's parents was part of his plan.  Through this house, God will pour out his graces on many people, particularly on the American people.  The process of choosing the second house of “the House of God the Father” was quite interesting.

On December 18, 2018, God said that he had come and dwelt in the house of Father Martin's parents.  God then informed us that if those who believe in the House of God the Father at house of the parents of Father Martinand to be united, So that Our Blessed Lady will come anddwell in the House.

On December 19, 2018, the family of Father Martin's parents contacted the House of God the Father in Bao Loc for healing, and God the Father taught them a few things.  As a result of the parents' sacrifice and prayer, God the Father gave him a gift, which was that Saint Joseph would come and dwell at his parents' house.  Also, God told the parents to prepare to welcome guests to their house in the near future.  Whenever the guests arrive at the house, the parents must welcome them cheerfully.

The next morning, December 20, 2018, God spoke, Father Martin's parents were to thank him for the gift, which was that Thien Thuong would receive Father Martin's parents as her parents.

As for the second House of God the Father in the United States, God said it is similar to the House of God the Father in Bao Loc. It is God who calls, those who long to seek God, who live in sinful passion and desire to be healed by God in body and soul are welcomed. Although God placed two houses in two separate locations, they are both under the direction of God the Father. God the Father desires that these two houses be intimately connected.  And when performing healing and exorcism, we must ask for the Will of God through Thien Thuong.

Every day, through the Zoom prayer, the House of God the Father in the US and many people living both in the U.S.  and around the globe fervently pray for the world and for souls. A day consists of three different prayer times: at 3:00 P.M. the Divine Mercy prayer; at 7:00 P.M.  thanksgiving prayer to God, and at 00:00 o'clock prayer hour with God the Father. Within a year, people who live and work for God will have the opportunity to meet at least once.


2.  The House of God the Father in Australia

The divine plan of God continues to expand.  Besides the House of God the Father in Bao Loc and the House of God the Father in Virginia, US, God the Father has chosen to establish the third House of God the Father in Brisbane, Queensland. This house is the house of Mr. Ta and Mrs. Hien. They are ordinary parishioners.  Since they were in a foreign country, they both like many Vietnamese who came to settle in Australia had to work hard to support their families. After a long time just worrying about how to make a lot of money, they have been inspired by God to spend more time praying to God.  Gradually, they came to know the House of God the Father in Bao Loc. As a result, they have resolved to devote a lot of their time to prayer and live according to God's teaching.  Day by day, they learn to love to recite the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy.

At the beginning of May 2020, God said God chose their house to be the House of God the Father in Australia. God instructs them to pray in front of the statue of Our Blessed Lady in their garden because that statue is pleasing to God since Our Lady present there.  God also instructs them to pray for the sick when patients come to their homes.  Now, their home is a place where relatives and friends come to pray to give thanks to God and ask for graces.

Every day from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM they pray six Holy Rosaries and four Chaplets of the Divine Mercy. Those in other countries can also be in communion with their families through the Zoom prayer.  Everyone in Australia is in communion with the House of God the Father in Bao Loc via the YouTube channel "The Wat to Heaven" at 6:00 PM (Australia’s time) to honor the mercy of God at 3:00 PM (Vietnam’s time), and from 8:30 PM to 9:45 PM people pray thanksgiving prayer.

The three different chosen places for the House of God the Father are part of the divine plan of God.  Only God knows what the future holds for these places.  However, once chosen and placed by God, everyone can only give thanks and obey his Will, striving to build the House of God so that many souls can be saved, and the name of God be glorified


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