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  • Writer's pictureNHA CHUA CHA


Updated: May 23


1.  Origin and Name

At the beginning of August 2016, God chose the house of the family of Mr. Quang and Mrs. Thuong at 14 Le Thi Pha, Ward 1, Bao Loc, Lam Dong, as a place for patients to come to pray and ask for the graces of exorcism and healing.  After a period of time, more and more patients were coming, and their house was not large enough for living and working.  So, at the beginning of 2019, God said to Thien Thuong: “My beloved child, please tell everyone that I want to have My house to be built here, and I have chosen this place.  More than two thousand years ago the Temple of Jerusalem was established.  God chose that place and was present there.  More than two thousand years later, it is in this holy land that the second Temple is located, and God the Father is present to give graces and salvation to everyone in this place.  It is also a place for people to go on pilgrimage.  In the divine plan of salvation of God, no one knows of his will, and no one knows what his intentions are."

The place, the time, the people and everything related to the new house was chosen and appointed by God.  Specifically, on May 27, 2019, at 53/5 Ho Tung Mau, Ward 1, Bao Loc, Lam Dong.  God chose Father Martin Mai Anh Tuan to lay the first stone to start building the house. Mr. Paul Tran Vu Le Thanh Quang was appointed to manage and supervise the construction work.  After a year of construction, on May 31, 2020, the house was inaugurated and blessed exactly as God had planned.

After the inauguration, God said that he named this house "The House of God the Father" because God himself is the owner of the house, and he is present here to give graces and salvation to everyone.  God also chose and appointed Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen, Maria Nguyen Chu Thien Thuong, and Paul Tran Vu Le Thanh Quang in the role of managing the House of God the Father. Thien Thuong also affirmed: “Legally, this house is mine, but I am actually only the manager working for God. It is he who is the owner of this house.  He wanted to have this house built for his own use, and everything in this house is under his direction”.


2.  Purpose

"The House of God the Father" is called the New Jerusalem and is the Holy Land in the Will of God from time of immemorial to carry out his divine plan of salvation in this New Era.

3.  Life Direction

The Word of God on February 2, 2022: “God the Father wants those who live in the House of God the Father and the Army of Light to be able to do what God teaches in the Beatitudes (the Charter of the Kingdom of Heaven) below. As long as the Beatitudes are carried out, the Kingdom of Heaven will be gained in the future without any worries, without any fears, and without wondering: whether I will have to atone for my sins in the future?  When I face the judgment of God, do I have to repay for the blessings I have received, without making profit for God?” God the Father teaches, “Place your complete trust in Me.  Every hair on your head has been counted by Me”:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the meek,For they shall inherit the earth.Blessed are those who mourn,For they shall be comforted.Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,For they shall be filled.Blessed are the merciful,For they shall obtain mercy.Blessed are the pure in heart,For they shall see God.Blessed are the peacemakers,For they shall be called sons of God.Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven”.

4.  The Members

The Army of Light consists of:

- The family of Mr. Quang and Mrs. Thuong

- The priests, the religious men and women

- The Laypeople.

5.  The Activities of the House of God the Father

5.1 The Praying life- Main praying hours are as follows:

* 3:00 PM: One Chaplet of Divine Mercy, reading Word of God of the day, Reflection, and twelve Hail Mary.

* 7:30 PM: Three Chaplets of Divine Mercy, four mysteries of the Holy Rosary, reading Gospel of the following day.  

* 12:00 AM: Twelve Chaplets of Divine Mercy, one Holy Rosary, a short passage of the Gospel (Father Dominic makes a choice under the influence of the Holy Spirit.)

*In addition, the Army of Light in general and each person in particular also prays according to the will of  God in each day.

5.2 Community Life

The members in the House of God the Father are from all walks of life.  They all have received the grace of conversion and have been chosen by God to cooperate in his work. Therefore, in order to survive and maintain a common life, everyone needs to: “…love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt 22: 37-39).  However, God knows that man is fragile and weak, and along with Satan's stalking, man sometimes also falls into Satan’s trap.  But God’s love always protects and kindly teaches people in every moment of life.  There was a time God has directly taught:

- God the Father wanted all of you to unite and love one another.

- All of you are sinners in front of God the Father, so you have to be humble in front of everyone.

- All of you have to serve God the Father wholeheartedly and serve your brothers and sisters sincerely.

- All of you do not measure your gains and losses.  You all have to work for the love of God and people.

- God the Father wants you to live honestly with each other, and should not live as “willing speech but unwilling heart.” I will pay you according to what you have done.”

At another time God taught:

“God the Father wants everyone in the House of God the Father to be united with each other at all times and  in all places, to help each other with work, nobody can finish your works then do your own things but have to pay attention to those around who need your help.   

God clearly knows who is doing what, so do not neglect your responsibilities instead pay attention, take care, help each other, and work quietly.  After  working hour is over go to pray with God the Father.  Do not spend your free time chatting and gossiping.  Only work and pray.  Pray for the divine plan of the God the Father and his works to be according to his Will.  Do not discuss, judge one another, and do not say anything against each other.  Those are prohibited, for when speaking of a third person the devil will get into that person's mouth to judge others.  So, do not say anything about anyone, no matter what it is. Living in the House of God the Father is different from living the outside world, because living in the House of God the Father, God teaches and corrects everyone when they do wrong.  Only God can judge them; therefore, no one is allowed to talk about a third person.  Only keep quiet, pray and work.

Community life at the House of God the Father is different from religious orders.  For example, when there is an incident that needs to be judged right or wrong in a religious community, the rector/superior sometimes favors one person over the other, bias and unfairness are unavoidable.  In the House of God the Father, God teaches directly.  God teaches that the first thing is to pray for one another, ask for the grace of modesty and humility, to be lowly in front of everyone, then to apologize and make peace with each other sincerely.  To better understand community life in the House of God the Father, please watch video clip 241 "Come and See".

5.3 The Apostolic Life

Evangelical Mission:

Proclaiming the Gospel is the mission of all who are called Christians.  The command that the apostles received before Jesus ascended to heaven, "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Mathew 28:16-20).  It is also the command we receive on the day when we are baptized.  However, this command has not been fully implemented.  

Today, God wants the people he chooses in the Army of Light to go and spread his love to everyone, to proclaim the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, to share experiences of encountering God, and how having been converted by God, and to invite people to turn away from their sinful ways and return to God the Father.  God always reminds people to give freely because they have received freely.

The witness of the Gospel does not only express in words but also in the life of each person, so God always invites everyone in the House of God the Father as well as his Army of Light to have a holy life, to live lovingly, a selfless love for other people, specifically for one another and for patients.  

According to the command of God, they joyfully go out to proclaim the Good News and be ready to receive opposition and humiliation from those who do not believe in the work of God at the House of God the Father. Like the apostles in the past, they also went away with joy, seeing that they were worthy of the humiliation for the name of God.  “They went away with joy, because they felt they were worthy to suffer humiliation for the name of Jesus.” (Acts 5:41)

The Mission of Exorcism and Healing:

Exorcism and healing are privileges given to Christians by God on the day of their baptism with the three universal offices: prophet, priest, and king.  However, by failing to live the demands of the Gospel, the effectiveness of such privileges is reduced or lost.  In apostolic times, those privileges were very evident. And in the present time, it is also expressed very specifically in those who believe in the divine plan of salvation of God at the House of God the Father when they live according to what God has taught them.  

Apart from fulfilling their duties in daily life, those who God has chosen to work for God, spend time praying for healing, and exorcising for the sick. They must make more sacrifices; however, the happiness that they receive is greater than their sacrifices because they are instruments that God can uses to bring happiness to others.


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