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  • Writer's pictureNHA CHUA CHA


Updated: May 23

Exorcism and healing are the graces of God bestowed on all who believe in him.  Anyone who lives according to the instruction of God can frighten the demons.  In the past, we have seen many people who were able to exorcise demons: bishops, priests, religious, catechists, and students. But today, exorcism-healing is limited to the ranks of the ordained: bishops and some priests appointed by the bishop.  However, not everyone has the ability to get rid of the demons because the exorcists have not lived according to what God has commanded.

Because of the love he has for humanity which is being gripped by Satan, he has chosen in his divine plan of salvation at the House of God the Father for those who live according to his instructions: Fasting, praying continuously, and living according to the Ten Commandments so that they can cooperate with him to cast out Satan. The saying: “The House of God the Father casts out demons” clearly shows that here it is God himself who casts out demons and directs the exorcisms.  God allows people to cooperate with him, when he invites them including exorcists, demon recipients, as well as patients, to do according to the Realistic Word of God written by the hand of Thien Thuong.  It is God who is the main cause of exorcism.  Whether he expelled the demons or not is up to him.


1.  How to exorcise demons

There are two methods of exorcism: Direct and Communion.

1.1 Direct Exorcism: a patient and an exorcist

Exorcist: Raise hand to make the sign of the cross on the patient and at the same time read:"In the Name of the Holy Trinity: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I command you to leave this person (repeat three times).  In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Before exorcising the demons for a patient: it is a must to ask for the Will of God through the hand of Thien Thuong.

At the beginning of 2016, the exorcism of Thien Thuong was a direct exorcism.  Thien Thuong only needed to cast out demons in the name of God, then the demons came out, and the patients were also healed.  But then God changed the method of her work.  Her question to God was why she had not seen any exorcists performing the same way as she and the priests do at the House of God the Father.  God answered: “My beloved child, I used you that way in the beginning, because you have not sacrificed much, you have not undergone much of my purification, so you could do it easily.  But when you are purified by me, you will be allowed to do communion work of exorcism.  Step by step, I will let you and the priests exorcise demons directly, the demons must come out, and not be hidden in the body of the patients.  When you and the priests are subjected to my thorough purification, I will give you and the priests the authority over demons.”

Thien Thuong shared that when performing “direct exorcism” the demons cause the patients a lot of physical pain; they strike them very hard before they come out.  In the first few sessions of exorcism, very few low ranking demons come out.  The high ranking demons will have to undergo a long process of exorcism.  The patients have to sacrifice and pray a lot before the demons give up and come out.  These types of demons lurk in disguise, deceitful, and hypocritical.  The demons would take advantage of the kindness of the exorcist; they use different tactics to hide themselves in patients such as pretending to surrender or kneeling in front of the exorcist begging for forgiveness.

1.2.  Exorcism of communion

Communion exorcism is an indirect exorcism in which everyone including the exorcist, recipients, and patients must make sacrifices and be united with God.  Why did God choose this method of exorcism? The more people unite with God and do this work for him, the more light there will be, and the more darkness will fall.  It is the sacrifice, renunciation, and communion with God which create a powerful force to drive out the demons, and they must flee.


2.  The conditions for the devil to be expelled

2.1.  For the patients

They have to practice according to the Realistic Word of God written by the hand of Thien Thuong and the teaching of God spoken by demons.  Otherwise, demons will re-enter.  If demons completely control patients, then the patient's family members must do of what God teaches on behalf of the patient.

2.2.  For the exorcists

They have to become like Christ by fasting, praying constantly, being humble, being humble oneself, loving, forgiving, renouncing all passions, submitting completely to God, and serving patients unselfishly, etc., only then the power and authority given by God is bestowed upon the exorcism.  Through that the demons must fear and come out of the patients and enter into the recipients.

2.3.  For the recipients of demons

God needs the sacrifices and prayers of those who receive demons: they have to bear the pain, make sacrifices, pray and help the sick. They must love the patients as themselves; must be the servants of the patients, for those are what God wants.  “You must love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12).  These works not only help save the patients but their own family members as well.

It is the Will of God for the recipients of demons to sacrifice to alleviate the pain in patients in order to share their pain and to be in communion with the suffering of Jesus Christ. God allows some of the recipients to feel the pain of the patients: when the patients suffered eyes pain, headache, heartache, etc., the recipients would suffer the same.  Because when God chooses the recipients to work for him, they must promise to be faithful and do everything according to his will; must serve God and the patients selflessly.

Because of love, God wants the patients know when they come to the House of God the Father that if there are many recipients many demons will be expelled.  For that reason, the demons will strike the recipients very hard, making them frightened and painful as they receive them.  Without  the grace of God , this would not be possible.  When the recipients sacrifice and receive the demons from the patients, sometimes the whole legion of demons will be casted out, and all the demon generals hiding within the patients will also be expelled by God.

2.4 In short, in order to exorcise demons

First: The first thing must have the written of the Realistic Word of God, and everyone must be able to do what God the Father teaches.  The Realistic Words of God are the Words written through the hand of Thien Thuong, inspired by the Holy Spirit, which is different from the Eternal Word of God, which is the Word of God in the Bible.

Second: The patients must believe this work is coming from God and must pray to God to let the demons out ofthem.  They must promise to follow God's instructions: fast, prayer, love, forgiveness, humility, humblethemselves, renouncing all passions, confession, attending daily Mass, worship, and only love of one God.  When they do all of the above, demons will be expelled.

Third: God empowers the exorcist, and the exorcist must pray for the power of God to come into his/her hands to cast out the demons, "God please take control of my body.  May I be your instrument and to live what you have taught me."

Fourth: God gives us the grace to receive demons.  The recipients of demons must also live and do what God has taught and must pray to God as follow: “Ask for the power and strength of the Holy Trinity to bestow upon me, allow me to be Your instrument, come and take control of my body and soul.  Grant me to give up everything to completely be used by You, to love the patients as myself, and to dedicate myself to receive demons from the patients when God cast them out.”


3.  Things to Know about Demons

3.1.  The Actions of the Demons in the House of God the Father

In the House of God the Father, Thien Thuong, and the Army of Light witness every day the attitudes and feelings of the demons when they speak the Word of God at his command. They cry, curse in tongues, growl, mock, threaten, disobey Thien Thuong or ask Thien Thuong to request God granting them a favor, not to allow the devil general to beat them when they speak what God command them to say. They argued with Thien Thuong and the priests.  Besides being fierce, they showed discomfort when people talked or made noise while listening to God's Word.  

3.2.  Varieties of Demons in the New Era

In the experience of those who exorcise and receive demons in the House of God the Father, when demons enter one's body, there are many demons entering.  There are some patients who have armies of demons, while others have legions of demons. An army of demons consists of all kinds of demons, including general demons, big demons, and small demons. The legions of demons are made up of all the angels who have fallen and become demons. It is an invisible world, it can split into a variety of demons capable of causing illness, causing the temptation to sin, controlling the body or causing death, and destroying things, houses, and vehicles. There is a King, a General, and an army, which takes advantage of every opportunity to capture souls to follow them.  As the demon entered, it brought all the levels, each rank and each type has its own task.

3.3.  God Forces Demons to Convey the Words of God When he Command

When demons enter through the recipient but do not leave, they must ask for the Realistic Word of God through Thien Thuong. If God wants to teach the patient something, then he forces the demon to speak according to his will.  They must disclose their name, number of them, what they do, and what the patient must do to be freed from their control.  They must expose the secrets they know.  If they do not speak or speak contrary to the will of God, they are trampled underfoot by Mother Mary, or by the Archangel Michael.  The Archangel Thien Mai Hoa will tie their hands and feet.

In the history of the French Church in the years after the revolution, the period of Saint John Vianney, the French Church witnessed a very special case of demonic possession. This was the case of Antoine Gay, who was born on May 31, 1790, in Lantenay in the province of Ain.“This brave Christian has lived for nearly half a century in chains and in a reluctant attachment to the oligarch of Hell.”In the work of Le possédé qui glorifiaL'Immaculée (who was possessed by demons has glorified the Immaculate Conception). The author is J.H. Gruninger, from Lyon who wrote in 1952 about the painful life of Antoine Gay. A witness who has been possessed by a demon for many years, which no one has been able to get rid of including Saint John Vianney for the reason that God desires for the devil to reveal himself by remaining and controlling Gay's body to prove the times when people still doubted and refused to believe that there was a supernatural world and to unmask the devil. “The devil's greatest trick is to make us believe that he does not exist.” This insidiousness is harmful to us. The devil wants nothing more than to act among humans without humans knowing it exists or operates at all. But God does not allow the devil to do that. He forced them to tell their plots even to praise God and the Immaculate.


4.  Phenomena Made by Demons When They Come to the House of God the Father

4.1. Demons cause body pain such as shoulder pain, back pain, headache, etc.  

These people went to many doctors but could not get well, and spent a lot of money, but when they came to the House of God the Father, the patient asked for the Word of God through Thien Thuong's hand to know the cause of illness, and God the Father replied:

“My beloved child, your sickness is caused by the devil.  You must fast, prays, make sacrifices, give up your passions, live in love and forgiveness, humbly humble yourself and have demons casted out, then the pain will go away.”

4.2.  Demonic Possession

The devil has complete control over the body and the people cannot control themselves. In those people's bodies, there are many demons. Each type of demon does a different task. And each type has its own legion. Causes those people unable to control their own language or actions, speaking in tongues.

4.3.  Demonic Tortment:

In this case, there were also many patients who came to ask for the Realistic Word of God to know why their families were broken, lost all their possessions, children became bad, addictions, gambling, and alcoholic,suffering, then God the Father replied through the Words written by Thien Thuong's hand: “My beloved child, the devil made your family like that. You must fast, pray, trust in God and Mother Mary then the devil will lose…” In the case of these demonic torture, it causes many unhappy families, adultery, and deserted children…by following the Word of God and the devil will not be able to do anything.

4.4.  Demonic Obsession:

The patients often want to be in the dark, alone, scared of light, sometimes scream, cry, or laugh, and sometimes want to kill themselves.  There are many cases of depression today, especially among young people and new mothers (postpartum depression).  In the exorcism diary number 168, Monsignor Stephen Rosetti referred to cases of depression as being lost in "the maze of the devil", and once the depressive demons were expelled, the patient returned to normal.

At the House of God the Father, when the demons of depression took over Mrs. Toan's body, they controlled her to find a window to jump out or to open the door to run to the street, crash into a truck to commit suicide, hoping to rob the patient's soul.  

There are many cases of demon possession, but medical professionals are misdiagnosed as psychotics or labeled as psychotic by society. This results in the patient being helplessly locked in and given sleeping pills, making the patient even worse.  The House of God the Father has expelled many of these cases of demon possession. The power of God forces them to come out to let us know that they are many, numerous, and cling to every part of the human body.  The devils do not have the right to kill the human soul, but they do have the right to tempt, and if people freely follow, then they have power over that soul.

4.5.  The Demonic Destruction

This is a typical case when the House of God the Father is about to announce something important, or when there is an important meeting occurring on the computer, the devil causes the internet to be disconected and the computer will not work. The Word of God was written through the hands of Thien Thuong, and when the demons were expelled, the computer began to work normally.  However, there are instances where the devil damages the computer, and it needs to be thrown away and replaced even though it is brand new. 

4.6.  Demonic Control

There are cases where patients work as fortune-tellers, venture into the fields to worship or sell their souls to Satan, play charms, witchcraft, worship ghosts, etc.… (s.  2Cr 12,7).


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