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  • Writer's pictureNHA CHUA CHA


Updated: May 23

5.  Maria Pham Thi Hai

My name is Maria Pham Thi Hai, and I was born on April 24, 1963. Currently, I belong to Quang Lam’s Parish in Bao Loc, which is part of Da Lat's Diocese.

In May 2016, I went with the mother of the patient to Bao Loc Parish to cure diseases through the means of universal energy. On that day, this patient just sat outside and refused to come in. By chance, a passerby introduced and guided me to take this patient to this specific address at 14 Le Thi Pha, Ward 1, Bao Loc to see Mrs. Thien Thuong, you will know how sick she is.  We immediately went and found the place; there, we were warmly and joyfully welcomed by Thien Thuong. Then, she wrote the Word of God about the case of the patient: "My beloved child, your illness is caused by the devil.  You must completely trust in God the Father, must fast, pray, live in love, and forgive, then God the Father will heal you.”

After that, Thien Thuong laying on of hands to heal her.  Since then, I have visited this place often and naturally fell in love with it. Every day, around 6:30 AM, I drive about 10 kilometers to her house in Bao Loc to pray together with everyone, then return home.

During this time, I was very impressed with Theresa Trinh Thi Toan.  God sent many souls to her. And there were souls who could express their pain through her body and asked everyone to pray, including the soul of the aborted fetus. We were very surprised because we thought that if the souls of the aborted fetus died, they then could go to Heaven immediately.  But the Word of God written through the hand of Thien Thuong allowed the souls of the aborted fetus to speak: “We hate our parents who killed us without mercy.  We often cling to the bodies of our parents to make them suffer.  God wants us to forgive our parents and then he will allow us to go to Heaven.But until today, we finally could forgive them, and so God sent us here to ask Mrs. Thuong and Mr. Quang to give us Christian names and ask God to send us to Heaven." They talked in an innocent manner. Those incidents motivated me to make more sacrifices and united with everyone in prayer for holy souls in purgatory, sinners, and patients all over the world.

That was how my graces of God came to me: the beginning was the gift of faith.  I had no doubt about Thien Thuong writing the Word of God, exorcism, and laying on of hands for healing, and the incidents of holy souls coming back. The events that happened at that time, I did not understand, but I still believed this was coming from God, because there was nothing suspicious, everything was obvious and miraculously happened before my eyes. I could only admire and thank God.  God enlightened me to be more conscious of glorifying the name of God by loving souls, fear of sin, and afraid of unpleasing God. That is the grace of conversion. Then, I realized that I need to fast, make more sacrifices, give up passions and dedicate more time in prayer.

At the end of 2016, as we prepared for the Luna New Year, God sent me and a few others to meet the parish priest of Bao Loc Parish.  But they did not welcome us due to the directive from Bishop Anton Vu Huy Chuong.  Whenever we meet any of the priests who ridicules the House of God the Father, God does not want us to be sadden, but rather accepts it and prays for him more.

From May 17, 2017 to September 15, 2020, God the Father appointed me to write  letters to the local bishop, Bishop An Ton Vu Huy Chuong and Bishop Dominic Nguyen Van Manh. In these letters, I reported the progress of the House of God the Father in each phase.  I wrote a total of seven letters, waited but never hear back from them.

God granted me the grace to pray for the souls of bishops, priests, religious men and women, and the aborted fetuses. Every day, God allowed some holy souls to come to me, and through the prayer of Thien Thuong, God allowed them to enter into heaven.  In this New Era, God permitted some holy souls to enter the bodies of Mrs. Toan and Sister Sinh to say what he wanted to convey to us. When the souls came back, they always advised people: “when there is still an opportunity to live on earth, live it well so that in the next life you will lessen the atonement of your sins. Because the pain in purgatory is unbearable!” The souls urged everyone to pray more and make many sacrifices in order for them to be soon released from purgatory. For there is no other pain or loneliness in this world that can be compared.  God has allowed Saint Cecilia and Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus and the Archangel Michael to accompany me to fulfill the mission that God the Father has entrusted to me. On December 17, 2019, God the Father gave me a female angel through the laying on of hands of Father Dominic. God named it Thien Nga.

Since Bishop Dominic refused to accept the Incarnation of God the Father in the statue of the Child Jesus in the house of Thien Thuong, every time I pray before statue of the Child Jesus, I often call him Father: “Dear Father, Lord of heaven and earth, yet you humbled yourself, and took on flesh to be among us.  Thanks be to you and praise be to you for coming to us through Jesus Christ in the Spirit of the Holy Spirit.  Miraculously, someone sent me a picture of God the Father with a cross on his forehead, but instead, I saw the image of God the Father becoming the Child Jesus in the manger. I asked for the Word of God through Thien Thuong, and God confirmed to me: “My beloved child, God the Father showed you it was real.” Thanks be to God the Father.  

At the end of February 2021, around 10:00 AM, some other people and I saw the sculpture of God the Father weeping two streams of tears flowing down slowly.  There are other strange phenomena such as God the Father closing his eyes, opening his eyes...

Everything is transparent and open to the whole world with great spiritual value through witnesses on The Voice of the Truth program and uniting in prayer on the Way to Heaven channel on YouTube. That is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. As God's instrument, we serve the sick as servants, because God teaches people to love and serve one another.  It is the Holy Spirit who supports and helps people achieve eternal heavenly happiness.

*I would like to share two stories about my family:

First Story: “The Walking Identification Card”

I have a brother named Dominic Binh Huu Pham, born in 1959. In 1989, he lived with an unmarried woman with one child, who was not married in a Catholic church.  He has not practiced his faith religiously for more than 20 years. As he neared the end of his life, he was granted the grace to repent, having confession, and attending daily Mass. He lived with his children for six years, then on October 25, 2020, he was called back by God.

I has chosen a picture to be used as a memorial photo and put it together with the identification card on the table; however, when the head of the village came to make the death certificate, the identification card was nowhere to be found.  In the afternoon of the same day, Mr. Ngo Van Tu in Bao Loc noticed that there was a need to help my family; so on the next morning he borrowed the motorbike from Nga's brother to come to my house to help from early morning to noon.  When Tu returned to the House of God the Father, he saw an ID card on the saddle.  That afternoon, he took it and said: “This is beyond me, sister, I do not understand.” The morning of October 27th, after the funeral, at the family meal, Mrs. Toan looked differently and everyone suspected that my brother had returned, I asked are you Long? She nodded her head.  “Would you like them to know?”  “She shook her head.  Again, I continued to ask, “no one believes why say it, right?” She nodded.  The soul of my brother in Mrs. Toan revealed all his past to the two people in the car on the way to the House of God the Father. Everyone prayed for the Will of God through Thien Thuong and God permitted him to speak. He started to cry and recounted: “God the Father allowed me to enter Mrs. Toan's body from the moment the parish priest celebrated Mass.  I was granted the opportunity to attend the last Mass on earth and received Holy Communion through the body of Mrs.Toan. Death is subject to the very righteous judgment of God. Gazed upon the state of guilt and the penalty paid according to the sins, it is so painful.  I had to atone for my sins since I had abandoned God for decades. When I was alive, I did not believe in the things at the House of God the Father, but I did not forbid Hai from going to work there either.  I now know the truth.  Please forgive me and pray a lot for me. Thanks to Hai's sacrifice, God the Father reduced the punishment.  Yesterday, God the Father also allowed my soul to follow the ID card on the saddle of Mr. Tu to the House of God the Father to apologize. “There was a surprise to everyone why the ID card was on the saddle as it ran about 10 kilometers at a fast speed without flying away.  “During the last years of my life, I was sick, and God took me home so that I could repent.  Still, I tried to work.  God has blessed me by allowing me to atone for my sins in this world. I urge everyone to live well, do not be like me, it is very painful. Goodbye, everyone, I must go to do my penance now.” As soon as the soul left the body of Mrs.Toan, she returned to normal. When the soul entered, she knew nothing. God the Father made known: “If the family unites in prayer, after one hundred days of penance in purgatory, I will go to Heaven.” Thien Thuong then pleaded with God for him to go to Heaven. Thanks be to God.”

The story of my mother

On January 1, 2022 (Lunar New Year) at 3:40 A.M., God called the soul of Mary, my mother, to be presented to God.  Around 10:00 A.M., God permitted my mother's soul possessed into Mrs. Toan's body.  God allowed my mother to tell me three things:

First, " I would like all of you to make my funeral as simple as possible, everything is simple."

Second: "You must all be united.  If your brother or sister has something to say, you must remain silent."

Third: "You have to love the poor because you cannot take anything with you when you die, keep that in mind, my child.  Hai, you have to remember it, my child!”

Then she said to Thien Thuong, “Will you ask God the Father for me: ‘After staying here for three days and where do I go?’” The Word of God written through the hand of Thien Thuong, "My beloved child, I am letting you know that she can stay at my house to pray for three days, afterward go to purgatory and continue to atone for her sins.  I want the family to unite in prayers and after 100 days, I grant you permission to plead with me for her to go to Heaven.” On May 11, 2022, everyone offered Mass praying for her, and Thien Thuong asked for her to go to heaven to be with God. Thanks be to God!    

I believe that God is in control of all the creation of the universe, and all creatures are wonderful in their order. Therefore, everything that happens in the house of God the Father is seen with the eyes and heard with the ears, real people, and real events. I believe God is continuing to carry out his divine plan of salvation for humankind and calling us to cooperate in his plan.

I am convinced that this is the Era of the Holy Spirit and he is working very clearly in the divine plan of redemption of the Holy Trinity in the House of God the Father in Bao Loc. I would like to give thanks, bless, and praise God who is eternal, was, is, and will come.  Amen


6.  Teresa Ha Thi Bay

My name is Teresa Ha Thi Bay. I am married and have two children. I currently reside at 74/34 Lac Long Quan, in the city of Bao Loc, Lam Dong, Vietnam. I was a pagan then became Catholic by marrying a Catholic man from Tan Hoa Parish, Da Lat Diocese.

In June 2013, after a huge shock of my family's economy, I became depressed, sadden, and angry.  For two weeks, I only drank white porridge with salt and did not sleep.

God came to me before, but I did not know it was God, until June 2013.  God came to me in a form of a real person, a young man, and said to me: "It is true that I come to you." But back then I did not believe it.

God has accompanied and guided me for nearly two years, teaching me like a father.  God was so close that I could not believe it. God taught me to pray the “Our Father” and allowed me to feel words of the prayer, tormenting deep down in my soul.  When he asked me “how many commandments are there?”, I replied, “I don't know”; Afterwards, God taught and explained the Ten Commandments for me to understand clearly. But in short, the two important ones are loving God and loving people. Then God confided in me like a worried old father; With a sad face, he said to me: “In this world, there are many people who claim they love me, but their love is not sincere. My image is carried by their neighbors, relatives, and other people who they don't even love them, let alone love Me.”

Once, God brought me on a journey to Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell, showing me the fourth levels of Heaven, as well as many other visions so that I could recognize his power and believe in the Catholic Bible.

In 2014, I saw the angels singing, then my room was covered in bright yellow, with the light of crystal, with a very beautiful golden hue.

My greatest happiness is the apparition of Our Blessed Lady at my house.  The story began with my sister-in-law named Tran Thi Kim Loi, who is a pagan.

One day in early March 2014, when my family was going through a difficult time.  I had a sister-in-law who came to visit my husband and me from far away.  On the same day, at about 11 AM, she arrived at my house, sat on the floor, and said: "The sun is so beautiful here!"

When she said this three times, I was surprised and said to her: “Today it is cloudy not a beautiful day!” We thought she caught a cold, so we asked her to eat and rest.  After dinner, she said that she wanted to return home early tomorrow morning.  That evening I realized she was very strange. She remained quiet and did not speak as much as before.  The next morning, when the alarm went off, I saw that she did not wake up.  I approached and saw her lying there unconscious as if she was about to die.  At that time, I was very scared.  Around 6:00 AM, suddenly she got up and pointed directly at my face and said: “Sister, the Blessed Mother of your house told me that you must build a high monument to honor the her.” I pointed to the altar and asked her: “Is that the Blessed Mother?” She then pointed out towards the yard.  My husband and I looked outside but could not see anything.  I was too scared and jumped to the ground, but my husband pulled his legs up on the chair.  My sister repeated of what the Blessed Mother said: "If you say that, they won't believe it, but if you read this, they will believe it."  I said to her: “please read it!” So, my sister, a pagan, never knew how to pray, so now she said the Our Father by heart, tripping over a few words.  After listening, I interrupted her and asked: “when did you learn to memorize it?” She did not answer but continued: “Hail Mary… Holy Mary…” until the end of the Hail Mary.  She did not miss a word or stumbled.  At that time, my husband and I were very surprised and asked her repeatedly: “How do you know these things?” She said: “I saw the Blessed Mother in your home and has been standing here since yesterday afternoon; her hands outstretched as if she were lifting something.  Then the clear golden light from the palms of those two hands shined from the inside of the house all the way to the gate.  The Blessed Mother said to buy a statue 1.2 meters tall.”

The Blessed Mother in your home promised that if you build a statue of the Blessed Mother to honor her, then, your two daughters will make you proud in this place.  At that time, I did not believe it because I thought in my heart that one child was living abroad, and the other was still in school.  So, how could they make my husband and me proud? The Blessed Mother has been coming back to me continuously ever since, she smiled brightly, turned her face towards the house, weeping, and changed her appearance to a female marshal wearing a crown and holding a sword.  There were many people who came to ask for graces, and they were immediately blessed by Our Blessed Mother.  

Both Mrs. Toan and Mr. Trung have also received graces from this statue of the Blessed Mother.  At that time, God gave many blessings to my family, in which my husband also received the grace of laying on of hands for healing.  That was the time when the House of God the Father had not yet been established.  Then, God allowed me to hear a very loud voice from Heaven: "Nguyen Chu Thien Thuong."  At that time, I did not understand why I heard this name.

After a few days, a former student asked me to let her child admit to Bao Loc’s school and showed me where to buy cosmetics.  Upon entering this cosmetics store, I discovered that the owner was Thien Thuong and she had the grace of writing the word of God.  There was a time I made a phone call to Thien Thuong saying: "Please write down your name!" Because I'm curious to know whether or not this person has the grace to write the Word of God. Thien Thuong asked: “Why do you want me to write my name? I'm Nguyen Thi Thuong, so what do I need to write?" I replied: just put your hand down to write! Seeing that Thuong was silent for a while, she then said: "Oh my! why is my name Nguyen Chu Thien Thuong?" I said, "That is your new name!" Thien Thuong asked: "How do you know?"

At this time, I told Thien Thuong that I was told by God, that she would be the daughter of Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen.  From then on, whenever I am sick or have anything, I always ask for the Will of God.  But because I was still passionate about life, I still wanted to do my own things.  God told me to go to work for God, but I was still hesitated.  Part of it because I was afraid that God knows that I want to be free, but I am not ready to work for God yet.  Part of it, because I was too frightened of the power of God, I lied and begged God to postpone until October 2018, when I retire, I will work for him.

Throughout my life, God purified me.  It must be said that if a person has any defects, God trims them all. God's trimming caused me so much pain that no pen can describe it at all.  Sometimes I wanted to hide from God, but I could not. I must regularly go to the House of God the Father to pray and to be instructed by him. When I did as God instructed me, the pain would go away.

In August 2018, God reminded me that when I work for God, I must come to work on time.  Startled, I thought to myself: “Wow! Why does God have such a good memory?" I thought he had forgotten my promise to work for him.

October 1, 2018 was the day I officially worked for God.  The first day I went to the House of God the Father, God assigned me to lay on of hands on patients.  I pointed to my chest and asked, "Me?" Do I lay my hand on the patient to drive out the demons?  Lest I heal their illnesses, the devil may beat me to death." At that time, Mrs. Toan said: "If you don't lay your hands to heal the patient, you will get hurt."  When I heard about getting hurt, I was very scared, because I had experienced suffering pain to the point that shattered the heart of my liver.

Then I sit still, not knowing what to do.  At that time, Thien Thuong came holding my hand and placed it on the patient, immediately my hand lifted and automatically worked skillfully like a person who had the skill to do this work.  I could only thank the Lord and asked for the grace to obey his will.

Living and working for God, and listening to God's teachings are seemingly simple, but are harder than ever, such as love, forgiveness, fasting, prayer, sacrifice, mortification, giving up all passions, living in charity, etc. My conscience and the influence of my family also led me to do those things when I did not know God.  But now, I understood more clearly the value of sacrifices and the charitable works that I do.  Before, I did not know what sin was, but now I am afraid of committing sins! The love that God has for me cannot be fully expressed in words! I can only thank God for he is always with me, giving me these great graces and allowing the Blessed Virgin Mary, angels, and saints who accompany me like Saint Catherine, Saint Cecilia, and Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus.  Angels have always accompanied and helped me in everything I did and led me to meet Thien Thuong, the priests, religious men and women, and those in the Army of Light.  I felt as though I was lost in a beautiful flower garden.  A flower garden of sacrifice, patience, humility, modesty, charity, and doing everything to help the patients, the poor and needy, the smallest people in society, yet they are the happiest people in the bosom of  God, full of mercy.  I am grateful to God for allowing me to participate in his divine plan of God.  


7.  Peter Tran Kim Trung

My name is Peter Tran Kim Trung, born on July 17, 1968. Currently residing at 74/1/23, Tan Yen Parish, Tan Hoa, Bao Loc, Lam Dong.

The House of God the Father first came to my attention in early 2016 through Mrs. Ha Thi Bay. At first, I came just because I was curious to find out more about women who have an angelic pregnancy. May 2016 was the month when everything began: My wife and I went to pray at the monument of Our Blessed Lady at Mrs. Ha Bay's house late in the evening as usual. Among the others who attended were Mrs. Toan, Mrs. Hoi, Mrs. Phuong, and Mrs. Thao. Before the praying time, God allowed the soul of Anthony to enter Mrs. Toan to ask everyone to pray and ask for forgiveness from his family members so that his soul could go to Heaven.

The next morning, Anthony's soul pleaded with me to take Mrs. Toan to the House of God the Father at 14 Le Thi Pha, Bao Loc for prayer, and then he asked me to drive Mrs. Toan to Bao Loc Church to ask Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen to pray.  After that, I went to the House of God the Father more often, especially at 3:00 PM.

In October, God the Father gave me the gift of laying on of hands to cast out demons and heal patients. I could feel in my body when I healed patients: my hands moved naturally, not according to reason but by the action of the Holy Spirit.

God gave me the grace to receive Saint Peter as my spiritual father, Saint Catherine and Saint Mary Magdalene as my spiritual mothers, and at the same time gave me the strength of Saint Michael the Archangel. At the same time the gift of receiving demons, catching demons, and power over demons. Upon receiving the demons, I felt that when the demons entered my body, my body inflated like a balloon, and when it expelled, my body returned to normal. Also on this occasion, God also gave me an angel to accompany me, fight demons, catch demons, and assist me in fulfilling the divine plan of God. God allowed me to name my angel Peter Tran Le Thien Thao. God also gave me the grace to pray for the souls who died during the covid pandemic.

Above are all the blessings that God has given me from the House of God the Father.  I am grateful for these blessings from God. I am absolutely certain that the divine plan of the House of God the Father is from God. May God help me to remain faithful to him and to serve others as zealously as he desires of me.

8.  Sister Maria Nguyen Thi Sinh

My name is Maria Nguyen Thi Sinh.  Born on April 5th, 1986, I am a parishioner of Khoan Vy Parish, Diocese of Hanoi, Vietnam. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me”(Galatians 2:20). Since September 31, 2006, I have been a religious nun in perpetual vows with the Dominican Sisters in Thai Binh Northern Viet Nam.

In June 2019, I got to know the House of God Father in Bao Loc.  The Word of God the Father taught me was written through the handwriting of Thien Thuong: “You must fast, pray constantly, live in love, forgive, be humble, be humble yourself, give up all passions, live and keep the three evangelical vows strictly.”

Through my research, prayer, and discernment by the Holy Spirit, I believe and affirm that these are the Realistic Words of God that were taught to me through the handwriting of Thien Thuong. By living according to the Realistic Word of God, I have been transformed into a new person completely belonging to God.

On June 29th, 2020.  In "The Voice of the Truth" No.  8, God wanted me to share the graces he had given me with the world for the purpose of glorifying him and saving souls. On August 31, 2020, my congregation discharged me due to my testimony in the video "The Voice of the Truth" No. 8.

Since September 8th, 2020, I have been living a consecrated life in the House of God the Father. “But when [God], who set me apart from my mother’s womb has set me apart and called me through his grace, was pleased” (Galatians 1:15).  I trusted the Lord because I knew he loved me and had placed me in his divine plan of salvation in this New Era, the Era of the Holy Spirit.

After I testified about the graces God gave me, I tried to live a life more pleasing to God, and Satan was furious.  They tried to draw me away from my consecrated life.  But God loves me so much that he brought me to the House of God the Father, bringing me closer to him.  Purified, corrected, and pruned those unpleasant thorns so I could live better every day to please God the Father.  God has given me many graces such as healing, recipient of demons, and suffering with God.  

At the House of God the Father, once God allowed me to see the separation between my soul and body.  I saw very clearly how my soul left my body.  At 9:00 PM, the second Friday of Lent 2022, God allowed me to carry my cross while the people in the House of God the Father contemplated the Stations of the Cross.  I was in great fear and pain when God showed me, he carried the cross beside me.  He comforted me: "Take courage my daughter! I will always walk beside you and carry the cross beside you."  At that time, I was trembling, causing my teeth to chatter continuously, but I still tried to scream: "I am so scared!" God, please give me the strength so I can carry my cross to the end.”

On the way carrying the cross, I saw many people condemning me and pointing at me.  A lot of demons tempted me: "give it up, turn around, do not carry the cross anymore, it will not hurt.”  At that moment, my soul writhed in pain, indescribable.  As I glanced to the side, I saw Jesus also covered in wounds with blood on his face, but Jesus was braver than me.  Instead of crying, he silently carried his cross.  The cross that he was carrying which are the sins of mankind.  I finally completed the fourteen stations.  I was in pain that was almost paralyzed until three days later it returned to normal.  

The third Friday of Lent was also on Friday night.  God continued to let me carry the cross.  This time my soul trembled, and I felt more pain and fear than before because I did not see Jesus. Throughout the Station of the Cross, only Satan and the crowd pointed and mocked me.  At that time, I thought to myself: “Why did God let me carry my cross alone? Where was God? Come help me! please walk with me!” I still could not see Jesus, and only heard the voice of the devil:  "Give it up!  We will give you everything, glory, honor, and no more pain.” But with faith and loyalty to God, I managed to trudge along to the same Station of the Cross that day.

After the journey, Jesus let me know that he also accompanied and carried the cross with me, but he did not let me see him. On the fourth Friday of Lent, I was able to carry my cross again to Calvary, but this time my soul trembled and suffered less. Even though I did not see Jesus walking beside me like before, I believed that he was carrying the cross with me. During the Stations of the Cross, Satan constantly tempted me to give up, but because I was determined to be faithful to God, I completed all the way to the end.

After completing the Stations of the Cross, God sent my soul to purgatory to atone for my sins.  Then I was alone in the dark, tormented by the devil, my soul was writhing in pain.  God told me, I must atone for any sins I committed, even the smallest sin, I must pay for in order to purify my soul.  God showed me that when I sinned, my soul was stained, like a stain on my body. Therefore, during atonement, God cleanses that stain from the soul, until the soul becomes clean and pure, when it enters the Kingdom of Heaven.

After finishing the Station of the Cross, people who witnessed me carrying the cross-saw Jesus dressed in red, bleeding profusely carrying the cross beside me.

At 3:00 PM on Good Friday, after Jesus died, God allowed me to descend with him into hell.  At that time, I saw the Lord shining with majesty.  There were angels and souls singing praises to him. Satan must also bow down before him. I felt the boundless happiness of righteous souls when they saw the Lord coming.

Before my soul went back into my body, I pleaded to the Lord to reveal more to me.  The Lord showed me blurry images of the souls of so many bishops, priests, and religious men and women who were atoning for their sins. The Lord said most of them were atoning for these two kinds of sin: poverty and chastity. The Spirit of the Lord then let my soul back into my body.

I surely believed and affirmed that: It was the Spirit of God that worked upon my soul and body. Every time I receive a demon from a patient, or when God lets the devil in to control my body to purify me, or when God wants the devil to convey the Word of God, or when there is a word of God written through the handwriting of Thien Thuong, then God shows me clearly that the Spirit of the Holy Spirit works within me.  I saw images of God, Mother Mary, angels, and saints present in the statues in the House of God the Father.  

When God allows demons to enter my body to convey his Word, they become very aggressive and violent.  The demons made my breathing difficult, and my face transformed looking ugly and disgusting, depending on the type of demon.  When God allowed a soul to enter into my body to convey his Word through me, I feel very light and slow.  For instance, when God allowed the soul of Joseph, the father of Father Martin, to sit on my shoulder, my body felt motionless, and my shoulders were heavy.  I asked for the Word of God through the handwriting of Thien Thuong, and God told me that the soul of Joseph was in me.

The above are true stories that the Holy Spirit has enlightened me to share with everyone so that everyone may know the power and the love of God.  I affirmed and testified with my life that: The House of God Father is the place God has chosen for his divine plan of salvation in this New Era, this place is called heaven on earth for there is the companionship of God the Father, the throne of God, the Blessed Mother Mary, the angels, and the saints.




9.  Maria Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan

His Footprints in the Sand Sea of My Life

There is a famous quote that says: "Time will be meaningless and empty if it is not continuous with historical landmarks." People need landmarks as a way to reflect on their lives and envision their futures. With Pope Francis, I contemplate the apostolic letter of his holiness to all consecrated people on the occasion of the year of consecrated life: “ look to the past with gratitude, live the present with passion, embrace the future with hope

For me, the time spent at the House of God the Father is an important milestone to reflect, listen, think, and draw lessons for the next journey of my life.  But above all, it is still to look back to thank God as a loving and merciful Father.

As I reflect on the journey I have taken, my life seems like a voyage in the vast sand of the sea. There is a story that says: There was a man who dreamt that he and God were walking on the sand. Suddenly a ray of light flashed in the sky, making him see all the events have happened in his life. In looking back on the footprints in the sand, he realized there were two footprints, one of God's and one of his own, as he paid attention to, he noticed that, in the darkest and most boring moments of his life, only one mark remained.  The person sadly asked God: “Lord, You told me when I decided to follow You, You would walk and talk with me all the way.  But I'm aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints.  I just don't understand why, when I need You most, You leave me” He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings.  When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”

The journey of my life is also a journey towards eternal life, how can I avoid loneliness, boredom, and wanting to give up? Like the friend in the dream, sometimes I feel abandoned by God.  He let me struggle to cope with life's storms, but I am not like a boat drifting aimlessly because God is always with me.  From the perspective of the one who is on a long journey, permitted by God to stop at the House of God the Father with many favors, I would like to share my experiences of God's footprints on the sand sea of my life through three stages.

Before the journey was a peaceful life at the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of Tam Hiep, it seemed that I was at peace within the four walls of the congregation, living a spirituality of contemplation and activity until the day I die.  Unexpectedly, the big storms made me feel miserable and insecure.  During the dark night of my faith, I prayed to God: "Lord, if you want me to continue in this vocation, please give me peace, if you don't want me to live in this vocation, please give me a sign so that I may know and do Your will." And after three years of praying and yearning to find God's will, God gave me a clear sign.  On November 4, 2015, I left the congregation to return to my family. On January 1, 2016, I went to Bao Loc City to open the Ceragem Treatment Bed Center.

Even though I had a stable job as a director, deep down in my heart I still yearned for finding God's Will and to do his Will.  I always hoped to find someone who could answer the questions in my heart, that was: is it right for God to give me a sign to leave the congregation?Is my leaving the congregation pleasing to God?

Thanks be to God that he still loves and watches over me, he understood that I have always yearned to be with him, so he finally made my dream come true.  On an evening in April 2016, I met Thien Thuong after she shared with me all of the blessings God gave her, such as having angelic pregnancy, the gift of writing the Word of God, the gift of exorcism, and the laying on of hand for healing.  Deep in my heart, I thank God and trust in the grace God gave her, because I think “There is nothing that God cannot do.” On that same day, God answered questions that no one had been able to answer for me when he wrote through the handwriting of Mrs. Thien Thuong:

“My beloved child, you know that the sign I gave you to leave the convent is true”, and I felt more secure when God said: "My beloved child, I'm happier when you left the convent,.  I did not choose you there, but I chose you to work for me here."  I was happy and grateful because I have discarded all of the sorrows in my heart. However, I did not understand what the phrase "the Father chose me to work for him" means. Because I was the director of the Ceragem Center at that time, and the house of Mrs. Thien Thuong had not yet been sought by anyone to ask for healing. Since then, I have often visited God and prayed with Mrs. Thien Thuong every day at 3:00 PM and afterevening choir practice.

At the beginning of June 2016, God began to purify me.  He allowed demons to enter me, making my limbs weak and suffocated. At that time, Thien Thuong wrote the Word of God and exorcised me, the condition was always "I must leave the center and not be a director to come here to work for God", and we combated for so long, about three hours, and the devil came out. Just like that, God purified me for about twelve days, every day the devil entered into me about 4-5 times, 2-3 hours each time. In those days, my body was in pain and fatigued, but in my heart, I still had faith, did not fear, and undeterred.  Perhaps God saw and understood me, so he has invited me to embark on a new journey with him at the House of God the Father.

At the beginning of September 2016, God invited me to give up everything of the world to work at the House of God the Father at 14 Le Thi Pha, Bao Loc.  I responded to the calling in peace and happiness.  When I returned to the House of God the Father, I was assigned to sell goods, go to the market, and take care of Angel Thanh Mai.  Because my Ceragem Center is near the House of God the Father, my customers come and go every day, so I was afraid to step out to sweep the house of God the Father, for fear of being ridiculed by customers, “the director is now working as a maid...” so I lost honor and reputation.  The symptom of “fear of losing face” resurfaced in me, and I swept the house quickly for fear of people seeing.  Meanwhile, a few schools of kindergartens in Saigon offered me the job of principal.  I was wondering between going and staying but going was greater.  At that time, God caused me to have a very large boil, swollen like a chicken egg, causing me pain and disappointment, but God said: "As long as you do my Will, I will heal you, otherwise, no one will be able to heal you.” I was afraid and dared not give up on the journey halfway, so I prayed with all my might. At that time, I would stay up all night to pray almost every night. Then finally after three months, God healed me, but a big scar was left on my cheek, because God said: "My beloved child, I did not want to cure you completely because I wanted you to belike that in order to bear witness for me.”

Although God healed the boil on my face, I was still very upset and disappointed about the big scar left behind.  I wanted to give up and leave the House of God the Father, God caused another ten boils in my armpits, ten boils undulating in my armpits like stalactites of a cave, causing me so much pain that I could not even raise my hands to tie my hair; first, they were in my left armpit, then in my right armpit...and so on and when I completely submitted to the will of God, I would not have boils anymore.  After that, God gave me the grace of laying on of hands for healing and receiving demons. Yet, God the Father continually refined me in one way or another so that each day I could grow in his faith, in his grace, and in his love.  

Continuing on the journey, God has given me a spouse, and God himself arranged, and blessed our marriage so that my spouse can accompany me in his divine plan. My husband is John the Baptist Dinh Quoc Viet. Thanks be to God for his love endures forever.

Looking back the last six years, the journey went by very quickly.  I thank God for he is always by my side, strengthening my faith and helping me continue on my journey on the sand sea of my life, I am not alone because God is always with me, angels and saints helping me, especially the Father Francis Xavie Truong Buu Diep is always by my side, the priests and others in the Army of Light are also at my side.  I am convinced that it is only in God and through his footprints in the House of God the Father that I can find the light and the right direction for my life's journey.  Because God is the only way that leads me to the horizon of eternal happiness. And I boldly said: "With God accompanies, I joyfully walk; with God by my side, I am not afraid of challenges".


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