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  • Writer's pictureNHA CHUA CHA


Updated: May 23

God has begun his divine plan of salvation in this New Era, the era of the Holy Spirit, by choosing Chu Thien Thuong to write the Word of God the Father. Besides, he selected a few other people to collaborate in a special way in his plan. Below are some vocations of those who have accompanied and effectively collaborated with Thien Thuong from the very beginning of the House of God the Father.


1.  Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen

Father Dominic was born on August 26, 1948, into a Catholic family, in Thai Binh Province, Vietnam. In that environment, he primarily developed a vocation for a consecrated life at a very young age. Responding to God's calling, in 1962 he entered the Simon Hoa Minor Seminary in Da Lat and then entered the Minh Hoa Seminary in Da Lat (1970). On January 25, 1977, he was ordained a priest by Bishop Bartholomew Nguyen Son Lam.  

From there, he began his journey into the priestly ministry as a professor at Minh Hoa Seminary, teaching Formal Logic from 1977 – 1988. From August 1988 to September 1993: Assistant parish priest of Tan Bui parish, Bao Loc.  From September 1993 to August 2014: Parish priest of Tan Hoa Parish in Bao Loc.  From August 2014 to March 2017: Parish priest of Bao Loc Parish. Dean of the Deanery of Bao Loc.

While working as an assistant parish priest of Tan Bui Parish, he accidentally  learned a treatment method of universal energy healing. Especially, after only six days of studying, he was able to cure other people's diseases. He, along with Brother Andrew Tran Van Khiem, Sister Khan of the Holy Rosary Order and some others, opened a treatment clinic for the people in Tan Bui Parish, with the permission of Father Joseph Duong Ngoc Chau.  During this time, he realized that he had the gift of exorcism when he healed a boy from the K'Ho ethnic minorities who was possessed by a demon.

Around April 2015, Mr. Quang, husband of Thien Thuong, met with Father Dominic and discussed Thien Thuong's grace of writing the Word of God. Father Dominic listened and began quietly investigating and verifying for more than a year. During this time, God purified him a lot, and thanks to this purification, he has come to believe that Thien Thuong's writing of the Word of God is true.  For example, there was a time, he had an eyesore.  He took medicine, but the eye pain did not improve. He asked for God's Word from Thien Thuong, and God wanted him to fast, drink less alcohol, and then the pain would go away. After he heard God's word and followed it correctly, his eye pain was gone. Once he suffered from severe swelling in one ear. Another time he suffered from leg pain and limped for weeks. Usually, when he was in pain, he cured himself with universal energy, and when it got worse, he took medicine. But these times the previous treatment did not work. When he asked God, God told him that he had to suffer to atone for the sins of souls. God wanted him to spend time in prayer and pray a lot for souls. He did as he was told, and the pain was gone.

Later, God wanted Thien Thuong to accept him as her godfather and he accepted that.  In February 2016 God wanted Thien Thuong to go to his parish so that he could lay on of hands to give the blessing of healing and exorcism. Since then, when there were cases of demon possession, Father Dominic often asked for the Word of God and asked for the cooperation of Thien Thuong in special cases.

Around the end of February 2017, on that day after the hour of the Divine Mercy prayer at 3:00 PM at Bao Loc Parish Church, Father Dominic was laying on of hands to bless the parishioners, when Mrs. Xuan, who came from Saigon, rushed to the sanctuary.  When Father Dominic asked for the Word of God, he learned that the person was possessed by a demon, and he healed this patient at the church. This came to the ears of Bishop Anthony, and he summoned the Advisory Board to Bao Loc (because he was in Bao Loc at that time.)  After consulting the Advisory Board, he decided to separate Father Dominic from Thien Thuong's group.  

At the beginning of March 2017, obeying Bishop Anthony, he left Bao Loc Parish to come and stay at the Da Lat Bishop’s House. At this time, he was called by God to courageously bear witness to his faith and to the noble blessings that God has given him since he came to know the House of God the Father. God called him to give up everything, to obey his will to save souls. Although Bishop Anthony has made the decision to remove him from the position of a parish priest and a dean of Bao Loc Deanery, Father Dominic still had firm faith, walking in God's peace.

On June 20, 2017, Bishop Anthony told him to write a commitment not to contact Thien Thuong's group, not to exorcise demons, not to treat diseases anymore, then the bishop would assign him as a pastor of the Holy Mother Parish of Da Lat. After thinking and consideration, he chose to obey the request of Bishop Anthony Vu ​​Huy Chuong, so he wrote the commitment.

On August 8, 2017, he became the parish priest of the Holy Mother Parish.  In 2018, there was a case of demon possession of a religious brother at Thien Thuong's house.  God told Thien Thuong to call Father Dominic to perform an exorcism. When he did this, it came to Bishop Anthony's ears, so the bishop told the Auxiliary Bishop Dominic Nguyen Van Manh to give a written reprimand to Father Dominic.

In 2020, God invited him to courageously testify for God about the blessings God has given him before and after knowing the House of God the Father.  He testified in the video “The Voice of the Truth” program number 21. Bishop Dominic, who was the bishop of Da Lat Diocese at that time, asked him to take down video number 21 (within 3 days), but Father Dominic did not remove it because he did nothing wrong, he just told the truth.  After that, there were two more videos about angelic pregnancy, videos #59 and #68, which are about 3 children: Thien Thanh, Thien Thành, and Thien Mai Hoa. That was also the reason why Bishop Dominic signed a decree to remove Father Dominic from his position as parish priest of the Holy Mother Parish on September 8, 2020.

On September 25, 2020, Father Dominic obeyed the bishop's order. He came and lived at Chau Son Monastery, Don Duong Province. Here he spent a long time, thirty-three days retreat, meditating and seeking God's Will. During this time, he looked back on what had happened to him after more than five years of knowing the Bao Loc Exorcist Group (the House of God the Father). From the day he came to know the House of God the Father, after a period of time of researching, verifying, and coming to the belief that Thien Thuong's grace of writing God's Word is true. He has done what God commanded him to do, including fasting, praying, giving up passions, etc. Through that, God has given him many special blessings such as laying on of hands for angelic pregnancy, turning muddy well water into clear water, and restoring a new computer that was not working into working again through just one prayer of exorcism. Especially the blessing of exorcism and healing, which have saved and taken many souls to God. His life has also changed since then.

Everything that has happened to him helps him to be more convinced that God's use of Thien Thuong to write God's Word is true. And it is also true that God invited him to collaborate with Thien Thuong to work for God.  However, what should he do?  On one side is the voice of God, and on the other side is the priesthood that he has been attached to for more than 40 years.  If he decided to work for God, it would mean that he would be suspended due to disobedience to the ecclesiastical authority. Losing the priesthood means that he would lose everything that he had built up over the years. Does anyone still want to stay in touch with a suspended priest?  He surely has enough wisdom and insight to see what awaits him ahead. Only those who have ever struggled between two uncompromising choices can understand the priest’s feelings at that moment. Very miserable! Very humiliated! But thanks to God's grace, he decided to give up everything to choose to obey God's call. Father Dominic was ready to give up everything to save many souls for God. Because he was determined to work for God, Bishop Dominic Nguyen Van Manh signed a decree to suspend him from the priestly ministry on December 5, 2020.

As expected, after the decree to suspend him from the priestly ministry he was excluded by the associate priests, considered to be disobedient, and working for the devil…  His spiritual children also shunned him.  The parishioners who had ever loved and respected him and been helped by him despised him now. At the House of God the Father, God continued to purify him.  God instructed him to give up his temper, to be more modestand to be more humble himself, to be gentler, to give up all passions, and only to spend time praying for the sick and souls. That is God's way of purifying the people God chooses.

Father Dominic’s faith, love, and obedience towards God are growing day by day with steadfast conviction so that no difficulty and challenge power can destroy or extinguish them.  He used his reasoning, and the freedom God gave him to choose to walk in the light under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so he has lived a peaceful life at the House of God the Father.

Father Dominic always thanks God for his guidance and enlightenment so that he can use the freedom God gives him to choose to obey his will, even though he knows that this choice brings him many trials and obstacles and demands a total renunciation.  Like Jesus, he has to suffer from humiliation, prohibition, opposition, and defamation of the ecclesiastic authority, the government and society, but he is free and tranquil to walk in the love and grace of God.  For Father Dominic, having God is everything.


2. Father Martin Mai Anh Tuan

Father Martin Mai Anh Tuan was born in Nha Trang, Vietnam, on April 8, 1973.  He is the sixth son in a pious family of eight children. Since his early years, he has had a profound desire to devote his life to God.  He migrated to the United States in 1994 with his family.  In the year of 1996, he knocked on the door of The Society of the Divine Word Order to achieve his religious ideal.  He took his first vows there in 2003.  Was ordained a priest on May 23, 2009.  After ministering in Taiwan for 12 years, he came to know the House of God the Father and left the congregation, and now he is living in the House of God the Father in Virginia, the United States.

During his time in Taiwan, in addition to his pastoral work at the parish where the society was located, he helped celebrate Mass for a Vietnamese community at Charity Church. On a Sunday afternoon in 2014, just a few minutes before Mass, a girl in her thirties lay on the church bench and cried out in panic, "Father, save me." Recognizing that the situation was like demonic possession, he removed the stola because he was already wearing the vestment. When he placed the stola on the girl and prayed that God would cast out the devil, she regained consciousness and was safe.

In another instance, a laywoman working in the school brought a female student to him.  The girl was in a crisis because according to her account, she had seen ghosts.  The laywoman in charge of taking care of that student in the dormitory saw that she was so scared, so she took her to the rectory to ask him to pray for her. He invited the laywoman and the student to pray with him in front of the Blessed Sacrament. After praying and asking God to banish the devil from her, she was at peace again and was no longer afraid.

Following the events involving laying on of hands in prayer and asking God to cast out demons, he searched on the internet to learn more about exorcism.  He saw a video of “Bao Loc Exorcism" by chance, this video made an impression on him because, through witnesses who shared their experiences, he noticed: that God is the one who directs, and the patient is taught how to be healed by God. The Words of God taught to patients through Thien Thuong's hands are very consistent with the teachings of God and the Church, so he believes the exorcism in Bao Loc comes from God.

On May 1, 2018, he was permitted to return home to visit his family for 3 months.  During this time, he went on a retreat at a community house of the Society of the Divine Word Missionary in New Jersey State.  During the six-day retreat, Father Martin applied what God taught the patient according to video clips "Bao Loc Exorcism", for his prayer subjects including fasting, praying constantly, humble, humble himself, loving, forgiving, giving up sinful passions, considering everything as nothing and so on.  When he got home, he found that his mother's legs hurt.  He thought, “If God uses my hands to transform the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of God, then my hands also have some invisible power.” So, he put his hands on his mother's legs and prayed for three days in a row, each time lasting about 1 or 2 minutes, and like a miracle, his mother's leg pain was reduced by ninety-nine percent.

But after returning to Taiwan, he called home to check on his mother's health.  She said she was in more pain now than before he lay on of hands on her.  That made him believe this was the work of the devil.  So, he advised his mother to go to Vietnam and go to the House of God the Father in Bao Loc to be healed by God.  His mother listened to him and went to the House of God Father and was healed there.  

On November 3, 2018,on the Feast Day of Saint Martin, he sent a message to Mr. Quang (Thien Thuong's husband) and introduced himself. He asked for God's Will to know how to make evangelization more effective, and Mr. Quang conveyed the Words of God to him: "My beloved child, come to the House of God the Father and I will give you the grace of healing and exorcism". He was very happy to read Mr. Quang's message since he was looking forward to these two gifts.  On November 12, 2018, he flew back to Vietnam, and on January 13, 2018, he received these two gifts.  From this point forward, God changed the method of exorcism and healing of the House of God the Father by laying on of hands on the patients instead of physically hitting them to cast out the demons.  Through the miraculous prayer of Father Martin, Chu Thien Thuong receives the blessing of laying on of hands.  On the same day, God gave Father Martin to receive Father Dominic as his spiritual father, and Thien Thuong as his spiritual sister. Over time, God the Father added more graces to Father Martin.

Talking about the pastoral work of exorcism, Father Martin recounts:

“During my time working as an instrument for God to exorcise demons since November 13, 2018, I have been taught different ways of exorcism by God.  In order toexorcise demons more effectively, in addition to fasting, loving, and forgiveness, God taught me to spend many hours in prayer with God and Mother Mary, to be more and more humble so that God could give me strength.  Although I could not feel the demons in the patients, but when the demons is revealed to the outside or the demon has been sent by God to the recipients; then, I command the demons to leave them by saying in the Name of the Holy Trinity, I could see demons tremble.  God gave me the strength of God when I cast out demons.  In addition, God has also given Mother Mary, saints, and angels to help and accompany me when I do the work of exorcism.

Therefore, when I exorcise demons, I feel that I am collaborating with God, Mother Mary, archangels, and saints in the work of saving souls.  I enjoyed this work especially when I saw the transformation in the hearts of the patients.  In the event that the demon refused to leave the person receiving the demon, God taught me to ask the Archangel Thien Mai Hoa to help pull the demons out of the person.  Miraculously, after I asked the Archangel Thien Mai Hoa, the demons came out immediately.  There were demons who refused to go or those who received demons who did not feel the power to capture demons, Ithen contacted Thien Thuong to ask for the Will of God and to do according to what God taught.  There have been many times after I asked Mother Mary or the Archangel Thien Mai Hoa to punish the devil for me when the demons refused to do exactly what God wanted them to do, then I saw the demons in the recipient as if an invisible force bound their hands.

During the years of the exorcism ministry, I have never heard the devil speak of my sins or the sins of other priests.  I firmly believe that all situations in which exorcism is involved are under the control of God.  God allows the demons to speak only whatever God commands them to.  If the demon utters things that are not in line with God's will, the other priests, Thien Thuong, or I can silence them.  Thus, when God chose me to serve in the ministry of exorcism and healing, I could only say yes and obey his Holy Will.  Now my entire being belongs to him.  I became God's instrument in his divine plan of salvation.  Since the gifts of God are so great, I can only thank him and determined to live my life to please him no matter what the circumstances."

“As the deer longs for streams of water, a so my soul longs for you, O God.(Psalms 42:2) The Psalm that he chose as a compass to guide his journey to follow Christ in his priestly vocation has now come true.  From here, the psalm becomes the chorus of a song woven with the graces God has bestowed on him.  His desire was granted by God, who brought him to the right place of cool water, known as the House of God the Father.


3.  Father Paul Tuyen Van Pham

The Invitation of Love

The invitation of love is God's call to mankind; He always expects us to respond to that love. As the lyrics of a song described, “God has called my name even though I have greatly sinned: through my faults, through my weakness, and through my frailty.  I am not worthy to receive his graces. God has chosen me out of love among people, calling me to follow his footsteps to proclaim the Good News of Salvation." In gratitude for being chosen by a loving God, I would like to share my journey of following his call.

Out of love, God called and consecrated me in the Missionary Congregation of Saint Vincent.  I was ordained as a priest on February 16, 2004, in the Xuan Loc Diocese of Dong Nai (Vietnam).  I then joined the China Province on July 31, 2006.  After that, I have lived and worked in Taiwan for 16 years since then.

Although I am a priest, I live like a Pharisee with only the outward appearance of holy morality.  All parishioners praise me for being a good priest, but no one knows that I am living in sin and guilt.  Besides celebrating the daily Mass, my pastoral ministry in the hospital is the procession of the Blessed Sacrament and the anointing of the sick.  The rest of the time, I spend time on my passions: like going out, taking care of bonsai.  It is because of the lack of a prayer life, so I always feel empty and lonely.  I started talking, dating, and hanging out with women more.

That's why I committed sin.  I violated the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist by looking at and touching the naked body of the woman who I have sinned with, but then I still celebrated Masses and received the Communion every day.  I was tempted to violate my vow of chastity to the point of wanting to laicize and return to the world. But God's love for me is boundless and his forgiveness is greater than my sins.  He has always given me the opportunity to return to him.

At the beginning of July 2019, God revealed to me" the House of God the Father" via YouTube channel. On August 23, 2019, I returned to Vietnam and came to the House of God the Father, also known as the "Bao Loc Exorcist Group".  At this place, Thien Thuong and others helped to expel the devils within me.  Although everyone lay on of hands on me, there was no reaction in my heart (believe it or not).  When God cast out demons and commanded them to confess their identities, I then believed.

There are two kinds of demons in me: The first one is the evil army demons: they come in and cause pain in my joints.  The second type is the Asmodeus (lustful demon), which tempts me to sin with women.  They said that they had been in my body for 8 years 4 months 2 hours, but they did not really successful because I was protected by the Blessed Mother Mary.  When all the written words of God commanded and forced the devil to say those things, I realized that all are true to what happened to me.

After returning to Taiwan, I completely changed my way of life.  I have thoroughly implemented the Words that God taught me: I have diligently and constantly prayed with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the rosary, abstained from eating meat, and renounced my passions, especially staying away from women.

Every day, I fervently celebrate daily Mass, diligently visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and fully participate in the hours of prayer with the House of God the Father.  After the hours of prayer at 12:00 AM, I spent more time talking to Jesus in the Eucharist until 3:00 AM.Therefore, I have completely abandoned my passions and avoided those lustful temptations in my thoughts and my actions. I spend more time serving patients. From here, I have received abundant graces from God, and I clearly feel the effect of God's grace upon me.

Thank you, God, for allowing me to be reborn into a new person in Your love and graces. I am resurrected in the love of Christ by the Holy Spirit. Not only that, but he also allowed me to cooperate with him in his divine plan of salvation.

In the middle of October 2019, Thien Thuong informed me that God has given me the gift of exorcism through the mobile phone. For the very first time, when I lifted my hand and said, "In the name of the Holy Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I command you to come out of this person", immediately the demons came out. I was really emotional because I'm a newly converted sinner. Yet, God gave me the authority over the devil.

Then on June 3, 2020, through the laying on of hands on me by Father Dominic, God gave me the grace to lay on of hands for healing and exorcism. On July 26, 2020, God used my hand to grant forgiveness of sins. That is when a true sinner confesses his/her sins, then My hand automatically raises to forgive sins. However, if a sinner hides his/her sins, then my hand is not able to be raised to forgive sins.  

God invites me to work for him, but often tests my faithfulness. He allows demons to enter and hurt my body, they push me to the ground. For example: On June 26 through 28, 2020, at 3:00 PM when I was praying the Divine Mercy hour, I was pushed by the devil to fall to the ground.  My two fists were clenched that hit the head, chest, sides, and two feet.  After that, they turned my body upside down and dragged me along the floor, causing my abdomen, knees, and elbows to be severely damaged. Through this incident, Thien Thuong told me, “God let you feel the torture of the evil army and he wants you to suffer along with him." The demons have been hurting my body for more than 10 months.  At any time, they tortured my body.

In January 7, 2021, God the Father selected me, some other people, and others to suffer with him in prayer for the sins of humanity, the Church, the clergy, and the religious.  As a result, the demon forced me to roll around on the ground and hit the wall, then dragged me like an animal.  They stepped on me, pulled my hair, and banged my head against the floor.

On January 9, 2021, at 19:30 P.M, when I was praying the Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary, they pushed me to lie face down on the ground and crushed my forehead until it bled.  Kneeling to pray, I felt as if a heavy weight pressed down on my knees and squeezed them.  When I was lying down, it shook my head very hard and fast, my two legs were pulled up and hit the ground hard.

On January 9, 2022, God gave me the strength of the Holy Trinity. When I lay on of hands, the demon screamed and ran away.  I received this grace from the House of God the Father.

As I lived according to the Word of God and followed his instructions, I was considered arrogant and lacking in humility by some of my fellow brothers in the congregation. My superior has implicated me in heresy. I am forbidden to offer pastoral services to Vietnamese communities, nor can parishioners turn to me for assistance. As a result, I had to move back to the main house of the province so that my superiors could easily observe my activities.

Despite many insults and condemnations, my faith remains steadfast, and I continue to joyfully respond to God's call in the divine plan for salvation.  I believe this to be the truth of my life: "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me," following the example of St.  Paul the Apostle (Galatians 2:20).

4.  Father Peter Ha Ngoc Doai

Father Peter Ha Ngoc Doai was born on June 29, 1947, in Nghe An.  He was ordained as a priest on December 1, 1989, at St.  Christopher’s Cathedral of the Canberra-Goulburn, Canberra, Australia.  He holds a Doctorate Certificate DRS Biblical Theology and Spirituality at the Theological College of Canterbury England.  He is now retired and is working for the House of God the Father. This is the journey to find the House of God the Father and his reflections on the devil, Thien Thuong, Father Dominic, and the people working at the House of God the Father, in the light of the Word of God.

In the Bible verse "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you" (Jeremiah 1:5). And the song "From the time of immemorial, I have loved you; I have called you among the multitudes.” That was the inner feeling that Father Peter had regarded his vocation.  The song that Father Peter sang with joy when he dedicated himself to God in the midst of all God had called him, put him on a special mission like Moses. God had prepared for his luggage the necessary things for the time to come when God would bring it out and distribute it. Now is the time: Father Peter is called into the divine plan of God, to do a great work in the spirit of love. The following is the story of his life.

In 2013, he had two throat surgeries due to thyroiditis.  The results of these surgeries have caused a lot of damage to the respiratory system such as shortness of breath, nausea, headaches, and dizziness...  these symptoms have troubled him for many years.  The doctors recommended that he should see four Western medicine specialists.  After much effort, they declared that the disease was rare and outside of their expertise.  Because they don't have any medicine for this case.  Helpless, he sought out a doctor of Oriental medicine, but nothing improved, on the contrary, it got worse.

He confided: “By chance, I watched on YouTube and came across healing and exorcism videos of a group called the House of God the Father in Bao Loc. I have contacted and reached out to consult for advice and ask for prayers. To my surprise, Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen, Mrs. Maria Thien Thuong, and some religious and lay people laying on of hands, exorcisms, and prayed for me. I was told that the cause of my illness was the devil.  There are many different types of demons with names: Beelzebul, Lucifer, Dracula, etc., their missions are to harm me, strangle me, claiming my life.  I was surprised and wondered: how can there be a demon in me? When I give Mass daily and tried to live a holy life. Gradually I came to understand that: God allows the devil to tempt everyone, without exception, even the hierarchy in the Church.  God tested them as he tested his friend Job (Job1:1-12)”. Now, he understood that it was not a coincidence that he saw the videos of the House of God the Father on YouTube, but it was the way of God bringing him into his divine plan.

With indescribable joy, he reflected on the steps he had taken and realized the root of his illness.  He recounted, “The timeframe of demon possession of mewas very long, more than 30 years, when I was just ordained as a deacon at the cathedral, the very next morning on the walls of the church wrote the number 666, on the stele of the surrounding buildings also have 666.  Also, a nearby city worships the devil.  Some parishioners looked at me and said: “This is a sign for your future life.” But in my heart, I felt very assured.  The devil knew I was ordained and since then he has been following me.  Many times, when I go to say Mass, passing by the Black Mass (the devil's festival), they often take children for sacrifice or substitute animals for children.  There are mothers who run to beg: Father, please save my family.  I always tell them: don't worry, Jesus has conquered the devil.  And after every Mass, on the church’s benches often left letters written: We are watching you.”

When I was transferred to the parish of Saint Michael, a holy parishioner came to me and said: Father, I know the devil hates you because I dreamed that he had followed you for a long time and was determined to destroy you.  Indeed, while I was there, the devil burned the church twice. Which also convinced me that there are real demons and that he is watching over the pastoral work of those God loves. But one thing is that God always protects me through Mother Mary and the Archangel Michael because I have never stopped praying the rosary.

Another time the devil strangled me when I went to say Mass, it choked me as if death was near.  But God and Mother Mary were always there to protect me. The bishops where I lived love me very much.  Every time they saw me, they often laid on of hands to heal me.  I am grateful to them, but my illness still does not improve.”

When he contacted the House of God the Father, Father Dominic and the people helped to exorcise him.  When demons came out, they said they have came up from the bottom of hell to ravage the world and steal as many souls as possible.  They declared their identity: "We are Dracula, the leader of Lucifer".  Dracula is horrible, their temptations are not as ferocious as Lucifer’s but cleverer by their temptations.  They create a beautiful shape, soft and sweet like bitter medicine coated in sugar, but once caught, they will choke, like a fish that has been bitten.

*Remedy to treat Dracula

Dracula has caused him to spend a lot of money on medical treatment, taking many ancient oriental and western medicines, special medicines, but his condition was not changed.  The remedy he has known for a long time and has used is now deepened and more thoroughly applied: fasting, prayer, humility, humble himself, loving, forgiveness, giving up passions, and completely surrendering to God.  This remedy was enlightened by the Holy Spirit to help him practice thoroughly when he went to the House of God the Father.  The greatest temptation for humans are fame-interest, being arrogant, greedy for money, fame, and profit, even a little bit will lead to Dracula's scheme.  They told him: “In the country you live in, more than three-quarters of the ranks of bishops and priests follow us.  As for you, we have been stalking you for many years, but because you prayed to the Blessed Mother that is why the Blessed Mother casted us out, you need to thank the Blessed Mother”.  Choking with emotion, he knelt to thank God and the Blessed Mother for preserving and protecting him in his priesthood over the years.

Speaking of the grace of exorcisms, he wrote:

“While healing me, Father Dominic and the entireteam that worked with him were able to pull out the demons that had been hiding in me for years. Father Dominic commanded them to go, and they went, except for one case, when they entered Mrs. Toan, they refused to go, so they had to ask for the Word of God.  God answered:"My beloved child; Father Peter is allowed to send this demon away." I was surprised and hesitant, but encouraged to just do the will of God. In the name of the Holy Trinity, I commanded them to come out of Mrs. Toan, and immediately they came out to everyone's surprise.  At that time, Father Dominic and Mrs. Thien Thuong understood that God would use me in his divine plan.  Through that amazing moment, from a patient's point of view, I never would have thought I held the power of exorcism.  I do not ask for this grace, I just wanted to pray quietly for Thien Thuong, the priests and the people in the group so that they can do good work for God.  Sometime later, Father Dominic and Father Paul informed me that God had chosen me to work for God.  I am very emotional! As Father Martin clarified to me, I had a very vague understanding of the situation before, since I live in Australia, tens of thousands of kilometers away from Vietnam, so how can I work? About a month later, there were four of us priests, and Thien Thuong was told by God that there would be a battle against the devil.  All are guided by God through the handwriting of Thien Thuong to prepare and be ready for the battle.

Strangely, in the match that day, with such a long distance, I still received the power of the Holy Spirit when I breathed into the demon, besides I also had the help of Mother Mary and the angels came to beat the demons, tie them up and make them submit.  From what I thought was superstition, ambiguity...  but after many battles with demons, after many healings for patients on Zoom, I am convinced that God is really present and active at the House of God the Father in Bao Loc, Vietnam to carry out his divine plan of the salvation.

From the blessings that he had received, for the love of God and for the benefit of souls he bravely expressed his feeling to the Holy Father with urgent: plead to havemercy on us and to come to the House of God the Father to investigate, so that the divine plan of the salvation of God can be made clear so that many souls will be saved from the hands of the devil.  

With his concerns and new discoveries that he has hadon his journey to the House of God the Father, he confessed: "I was like the blind man in Jericho, I speak as I find.  Before I did not see, now I see. Even though the blind man was forbidden by the Pharisees, he still spoke because he only spoke the truth. Likewise, “I have heard;I came to see, I saw, and I believed.”

As Jesus replied to those who questioned him about the cause of the young man's blindness: “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” (John 9:3) Father Peter boldly replied to those who condemned the House of God the Father: “It is not Chu Thien Thuong, Father Dominic, or the Army of Light to blame, but to let the divine plan of the Holy Spirit be revealed.”

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