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  • Writer's pictureNHA CHUA CHA



A reading from the Book of the prophet Amos

AM 9:11-15

Thus says the LORD:

On that day I will raise up

the fallen hut of David;

I will wall up its breaches,

raise up its ruins,

and rebuild it as in the days of old,

That they may conquer what is left of Edom

and all the nations that shall bear my name,

say I, the LORD, who will do this.

Yes, days are coming,

says the LORD,

When the plowman shall overtake the reaper,

and the vintager, him who sows the seed;

The juice of grapes shall drip down the mountains,

and all the hills shall run with it.

I will bring about the restoration of my people Israel;

they shall rebuild and inhabit their ruined cities,

Plant vineyards and drink the wine,

set out gardens and eat the fruits.

I will plant them upon their own ground;

never again shall they be plucked

From the land I have given them,

say I, the LORD, your God.


A reading from the Prophet Amos

AM 9:11-15

Thus says the LORD:

On that day I will raise up

the fallen hut of David;

I will wall up its breaches,

raise up its ruins,

and rebuild it as in the days of old,

That they may conquer what is left of Edom

and all the nations that shall bear my name,

say I, the LORD, who will do this.

Yes, days are coming,

says the LORD,

When the plowman shall overtake the reaper,

and the vintager, him who sows the seed;

The juice of grapes shall drip down the mountains,

and all the hills shall run with it.

I will bring about the restoration of my people Israel;

they shall rebuild and inhabit their ruined cities,

Plant vineyards and drink the wine,

set out gardens and eat the fruits.

I will plant them upon their own ground;

never again shall they be plucked

From the land I have given them,

say I, the LORD, your God.


Mt 9:14-17


Dear People of God,

God's Word today proclaims to everyone that Jesus Christ is the bridegroom, the Light, and God who must come into the world. The presence of Jesus Christ proves that the Kingdom of Heaven has already come to earth.

The Word of God also tells us about the power and strength of God's love, which is Jesus Christ. He is always alive and present among humans.

Wherever Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of Heaven, is present, there is joy, happiness, and peace, without death, mourning, and suffering.

And where there is joy there is a wedding; and when there is a wedding feast, the bridegroom is present, and the bridegroom is Jesus Christ.

It was at that time that the Kingdom of Heaven was present wherever Jesus Christ and His disciples went. When the Kingdom of Heaven is present, there is no fasting.

That message was announced to all people in ancient times as well as today to joyfully welcome God's presence in the midst of the world.

He wants to talk about the era of the Holy Spirit's activity in this era. The Holy Spirit is love that is always active and flexible according to different situations and times. Therefore, God's plan of salvation is active in the House of God the Father, that is: there is the presence of God, which is Heaven on earth, and the place where the Holy Spirit's activities are manifested through three things: The Word of God the Father written through the hands of Chu Thien Thuong, exorcism and healing.

Today, under the Holy Spirit's activity manifested in the very work of the House of God the Father, these three works are linked together to continue the public work of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It is Chu Thien Thuong who writes the Word of God the Father, along with the people in the Army of Light setting out to preach the Gospel, heal and exorcise demons.

Today God the Father tells everyone that only those who know how to open their hearts to receive the spirit of the Holy Spirit will be able to understand and receive God's plan of salvation, which is placed in the House of God the Father. Today, God also sends everyone the following very important message: this era is the era of the activity of the Holy Spirit, which continues the era of public activity of Jesus Christ.

This is the time to preach the Gospel and call everyone to repent because the Kingdom of Heaven is present on this earth.

Besides, the New Testament records for us that: during the time of Jesus Christ's Gospel preaching activities, there were also people who rebuked His disciples: Why don't they fast while John's disciples were fasting?

Similarly today, at the House of God the Father's plan, there are also those who will persecute Chu Thien Thuong and those in the Army of Light: Why oppose the Church? Why not follow the path of the Church? Why separate from the Church?

But in reality, and in truth, the House of God the Father is following the true path of God's Truth.

Absolutely does not deviate from the path and teachings of Jesus Christ given to the apostles in the past.

Today's apostles also continue to obey Jesus Christ's commands which are to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, calling people to repent and return to God the Father.

Thanks to be to God. Amen.


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