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  • Writer's pictureNHA CHUA CHA


Updated: May 23


1. Announcement About a "Group of Exorcists in Bao Loc" 06 June 2020 (Identify and Decision)

Bishop Palace of Da Lat

9, Nguyen Thai Học St, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, Viet Nam

Phone: 84.263.3822415- email:



9 Nguyen Thai Hoc St., Ward 1, Da Lat

Da Lat, June 6, 2020





To: Clergies, religious men and women, and thefaithful in the diocese.


Dear people of God,

In recent years in our diocese, specifically in Bao Loc Deanery, appeared a group called "The Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc" led by Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong, of Bao Loc Parish.  It was she who organized demonic treatment at her home, and she posted exorcism clips online that attracted people to come, first to receive treatment, then to stay and participate in the exorcism with her and the group.

In spite of the notice from the bishop’s palace on July 4, 2018, about the banning of exorcism and the organizing of exorcism, as she was directly reminded in the meeting on Octorber 10, 2019, she still continues to exorcise demons and organize exorcisms.  And especially last May 31, 2020, was the date set to inaugurate her new house called "The House of God the Father" with the purpose of healing and exorcism.

Due to the situation of such disobedience, not just once, and in order to protect the sacred unity of God's people, So today I, Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Da Lat Diocese, after consulting with the advisory board on June 2, 2020, decided to issue this notice which includes the following identifications and decisions related to the "The Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc"


1.  Exorcism:

- All of the illnesses that come to the house of Mrs. Thuong are assumed to be caused by demons, and all are treated through exorcism without distinction.  This goes completely against the guidelines in the Catechism of the Catholic Church No.  1673 (refer to the Canon Law 1172).

- Exorcism is mainly carried out through Mrs. Thuong "asking God" and then transmit demons, expel demons, receive demons, cast out demons, fight demons, exorcise, with the participation of many people in the group at times very “forceful method.”

2.  “The Word of God the Father”

- It is worth noting that Mrs. Thuong manages everything by "asking the Word of God".  Since then, she has communicated what is known as “the Will of God the Father” to everyone and governs the arrangement of all affairs in the group.

- Considering the content of "the Word of God the Father" ("God the Father wants", "God the Father says").  There are things "God the Father wants" and words "Godthe Father says" that do not conform to the doctrine of faith, or untrue because they do not occur, or ambiguous or self-proclaimed (paranoid), leading to disobedience to the authority.

- Please read the above details in the “attached letter.”  Especially the disobedience to the authority of the Church…

3.  Disobeyed the authority of the Church:

a.After being given a written notification forbidding the performing of exorcisms/ organize exorcisms from the office of the bishop’s palace, dated April 7th, 2018, and also was directly reminded in the meeting at Bao Loc Parish on June 10th, 2019, she still continued to perform exorcisms and organized exorcism gatherings.  She even posted video clips of exorcisms on social media in ways of attraction.  When she was reminded to stop performing exorcism, she immediately replied she must obey God the Father over the bishop.  

b. In the most recent, she even built a new house called, "the House of God the Father" for the purpose of healing and exorcism.  The house was inaugurated on May 31, 2020.

c. She did not even hesitate to criticize the Catholic Church about understanding and interpretation of the Bible.  She wrote in a message dated March 12th, 2019: “The Book of Revelation has recorded a fact that until today the Church has not yet known, that is we are living in a New Era.  This New Era God allowed the release of all the demons from hell.  Revelation 20:7 says: At the end of those thousand years, Satan will be released from hell.”  Is it the way she explained on her own about the Bible and made certain “the Church has not yet known”, not influenced by any sects and gave herself the authority to interpret the Bible beyond the teaching of the Church?

4.  Self acknowledgment of “private revelation”

As she received the document “The Church with the So-called Private Revelations,” she immediately considered her case to be “private revelation” like the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the apparition of Jesus to Sister Faustina, without showing respect while waiting for the approval of the authority of the Church and affirmed: “Satan may hide under the mantle of humility, but he does not know how to hide under the mantle of obedience.”


Based on all of the above facts, after consulting the advisory board on June 2, 2020, now with this letter, I, Bishop Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Dalat Diocese, decide:

1. Publicly recalling the "announcement" of the bishop’s palace on April 7, 2018, about the regulations of the Church regarding exorcism: "No one can perform exorcisms legitimately upon the possessed unless he has obtained special and express permission from the local ordinary.  The local ordinary is to give this permission only to a presbyter who has piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life” (Canon Law, article 1172).

Mrs. Thuong and her group from the beginning until now performing exorcisms and organizing exorcisms are completely illegal according to Canon Law.  


2. The fact that she and her group have been continuing to perform exorcisms and organize exorcisms after the "announcement" prohibition organizing exorcism of the office of the bishop's palace dated April 7, 2018 and was reminded directly during the meeting at Bao Loc Parish on June 10, 2019, and again posting on the internet video clips of exorcisms to promote attraction, were disobedience, and stubbornness (canonical punishment consequences, article 1371, 2).

“For all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Mt 26:52), recalling the regulations of the Church regarding extreme caution must be exercised in casting out demons and granting faculty of exorcism with the beneficial intention for interdicted person so they will not be harmed by the devil.

3.  The local ordinary has never recognized and continues to disapprove of the supernatural and genuine of the words that Mrs. Thuong impersonates as "the word of God the Father," there were things that were not true of the doctrine of faith and untrue because they did not happen, or are ambiguous, or self-proclaimed (paranoid), leading to disobedience to the authority of the church, causing confusion to the faith of the faithful, and causingserious division in the community of the people of God rather than building unity.

4.  Therefore, Catholics are not allowed to come, not to participate in exorcisms, and not to spread impersonation as “the word of God the Father” of “The Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc.”

5.  May the Spirit of Truth of God the Father Jesus Christ guide us in true faith and in unity under the Supreme Shepherd who declared to his apostles: “Whoever listens to you listens to me.  Whoever rejects you rejects me.  And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me" (Luke 10:16).


Father John Bosco Hoang Van Chinh​​​ Dominic Nguyen Van Manh

               Chancellor​​​​​  Bishop of Da Lat Diocese


2.  Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen was suspended from his position as parish priest.


9, Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ward1, Da Lat, Lam Dong, Vietnam

Phone: 84.263.3622415 - Email:


Number: 03 / SLHC - GPDL2020



Dear: ​Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen,

Diocese of Da Lat.


In the Name of God. Amen.

Dear Father Dominic,

After a long process of gathering the necessary information along with authentic evidences, step by step exchanging and giving opportunities for explanations, I now decide to issue this Ordinance in accordance with the provisions of the Catholic Church as following:


- The serious errors in revelation and doctrine of faith, as well as the increasingly serious disobedience of the Bao Loc Exorcist Group, in which you have admitted that you gave birth to the group.

- The errors and disobedience endanger the faith and unity of the community of God's people through all the developments since the announcement of the Da Lat Bishop’s Palace on the prohibition of exorcism on April 7, 2018, to the Announcement of the Bao Loc Exorcist Group on June 6, 2022. The Orientation Letter was sent to father on September 1, 2020. The Decree of Suspension from the Position of a Parish Priest on was September 8, 2020. The open letter called for prayer for unity in the same faith dated November 12, 2020.

- Considering the event on October 30, 2020, you left Chau Son Monastery on your own, the place you were assigned and chosen by yourself to live in, to go to the house that your group called "the House of God the Father." You openly declared your decision definitively to obey the Will of God the Father through Mrs. Thuong and to refuse to heed the local ordinary.

- Considering that you declared from now on, you will heal and exorcise demons without having to ask the bishop for permission, and considered it as a special grace that was given to you by God, not belonging to your holy priesthood.

- Considering that there was no sign of conversion after being repeatedly reminded, even warned, especially the group constantly uploaded video clips called “The Voice of the Truth" to critique, criticize, and showed disobedience to the local ordinary.

- Considering by doing so, you have removed yourself from the ecclesiastical communion with the diocesan presbyterium headed by the bishop to whom you have promised to obey since the time you were ordained as a priest.


- Pursuant to the notice of the Bishop of Da Lat on “Bao Loc Exorcist Group” and the letter attached to the notice of the same title dated June 6, 2020;

- Pursuant to the Orientation Letter on September 1, 2020, and the Decree of Suspension from the Position of Parish Priest on September 8, 2020, in which analized the mistakes made by "The Group of Exorcist of Bao Loc," of which the main mistake was Mrs. Thuong self-claiming to be the one who directly inquires and conveys the word of God the Father to everyone in the group, including you, led to many other fundamental mistakes (relating to revelation, the doctrine of the faith, angelic pregnancy, exorcism, interpreting the Bible, self claiming to be a private revelation...), and increasingly obstinate in disobeying the local ordinany.

- Pursuant to the two letters you sent to the diocesan bishop and the Advisory Board, dated October 24, 2020, and October 29, 2020, in which you declared definitively to obey God the Father's Will through Mrs. Thuong, not to the local ordinary:

- Under Canon Law articles 1341-1349 relating to the application of penalties.

- Pursuant to the Canon Law, which prescribes appropriate punishment for those who use social media to incite opposition to the Church (canon 1369), disobey a lawful order or prohibition of the local ordinary or the superiors. (Article 1371.2 °), violating the obligations imposed upon oneself as punishment (Article 1393);

- Pursuant to the Canon Law, which prescribes a ban or other appropriate punishment for someone who openly incites members of the group to oppose any act of ecclesiastical authority or to incite disobedience (Canon 1373);

- Pursuant to your petition on these dates (December 3rd and 4th, 2020) contacted by phone you wanted to be "suspended from a priesthood" so that you could register for temporary residence at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Quang-Thuong to work in helping patients.



-The undersigned is Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of the Diocese of Da Lat.  In recognition of the responsibility for the pastoral care of the diocese, and at the same time, both in compliance with the provisions of the code of the Canon Law, and also after long thought, prayers, and consideration for the good of God's people and the world, for you, as well as consulting the Advisory Board on October 30, 2020, now through this letter,



Applying the decree of supension of priestly ministry to you (Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen) as outlined in the Canon Law 1333§ 1.

- It means forbidden:

* Not allowed to celebrate Masses and any other liturgical rites as a minister. If violated, you must be discharged

* Not allowed to celebrate Sacraments or sacramentals.

The litigant is forgiven only if you have renounced your obstinacy in accordance with the Canon Law 1347§2 (cf. dd 1358§1), including meeting with the local ordinary, expressing sincere remorse for the crime committed, and properly repairing damages and bad examples, or at least seriously promising to do so.

- You have been informed that if you appeal against this decree, you must appeal to the diocesan bishop or to the Holy See within ten useful days of your receipt of this letter of decree.

Surely this is painful that no one wants, it is the only force to resort to when there is no other way and for very serious reasons related to the good of God's people, such as to protect the faith of the faithful in the face of threats distortions that cause confusion and protect the unity of the faithful in the face of scandals of disobedience, especially in exorcisms which can cause serious division.

May God the Father of Jesus Christ, who built the church on the foundation of the apostles and declared: “Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.” (Lk 10,16), bestow upon you the Spirit of Truth so that you soon realize the priceless gift God has given to the holy priesthood,  and for the Church the gift of "unity and peace according to the Will of God."


Da Lat Bishop's Palace, December 5, 2020



Father John Bosco Hoang Van Chinh                    + Dominic Nguyen Van Manh

     Chancellor​​​​​    Bishop of Da Lat Diocese



3.  Order to apply for a restraining order against Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong.


Bishop Palace of Da Lat

9, Nguyen Thai Học St, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, Viet Nam

Phone: 84.263.3822415- email:


Number: 02/MLCC- GPDL 2020

Da Lat, Octorber 7, 2020






To: Clergies, religious men and women, and the faithful in the diocese.


Dear people of God,

The office of the Bishop’s Palace of Da Lat informed the community of the people of God in the diocese.  The decision of the bishop of the diocese on the case of Mrs. Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong in the whole development of the situation is as follows:


To: Mrs. Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong

​Bao Loc Parish, Da Lat Diocese.


In the name of the Lord, Amen.

I, the undersigned, am Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Da Lat Diocese.  With a sense of my responsibility in the pastoral care of the diocese and at the same time based on the provisions of the Code of Canon Law, after collecting enough necessary information and authentic evidences, exchanging step by step, and creating opportunities for the interdicted person to be presented.  Along with careful thought, prayers, consulted with the board of advisors on August 25, 2020, and the wise, now through this letter.



Applying the restraining order on Mrs. Teresa Nguyen Thi Thuong

as specified in Canon Law 1332

It means the interdicted person will be prohibited:

Not allowed to attend Mass and any other liturgical ceremonies in any form as a minister (for example, liturgical reading, being a cantor during Mass…).  If there is any violation, the exclusion will be applied.  

Not permitted to celebrate the sacraments or sacramentals and not allowed to receive the sacraments(like confession, receiving communion...).

These prohibitions shall be released only when the person has renounced his/her obstinacy in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law 1347 §2.  (s.  n.  1358 §1).  An offender who has truly repented of the delict and has also made suitable reparation for damages and scandal or at least has seriously promised to do so must be considered to have withdrawn from contumacy.


Surely everyone has known: Since the announcement dated June 6, 2020 issued by the bishop’s palace about “the Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc” and the letters of the same date sent to Father Dominic and Mrs. Thuong, there have been successively appearing online of the video clips made by the group spontaneously called “The Voice of the Truth,” as such “seasonal campaigns”, not only to justify their wrong doings, yet increased criticism even of the Mother Church and attacked the local ordinary.  Through the above clips, the group has proven more and more deeply immersed in the errors of the doctrine of the faith as shown in the announcement stated on June 6, 2020 and has shown even more clearly the attitude of disobedience to the local ordinary.

It can be summarized the mistakes of the "The Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc" as follows:

1. Major mistake: Mrs. Thuong self-claiming to be “the Words of God the Father,” despite being rejected by the authority of the Church for various reasons.

2. In regard to the content of “the Words of God the Father,” there were things that are not true of the doctrineof faith or untrue because they did not happen, or are ambiguous or self-proclaimed (paranoid), leading to disobedience to the authority of the church, causing confusion to the faith of the faithful.

3. The ambiguity in the doctrine of the faith, without distinguishing between major and minor: She mentioned that Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen pleased God.  He was chosen by God the Father to be the prophet of the New Era, just like: “He and I were chosen by God the Father, which no one else in this country was chosen.  This is the gift that God the Father gives to humanity at the end of times.” Therefore, in all of her video clips, she has almost forgotten and rarely mentioned the role and position of Jesus Christ. The only Savior and final of all mankind (x Heb 1,1)

In video clip 93, part one, at the tenth minute also says: "If Jesus is the final revelation, there is no other revelation but Jesus, then why is God still also revealed through Sister Faustina...  and then Our Lady appeared to the three children Lucia, Francis, and Jacinta.  Then St.  Pio with the stigmata, and many more.  My thought isthat each time God blesses according to the need of a certain period.  When asking for the Will of God, he said: "My beloved child, I want you to tell everyone that I am still active until the end of the world"...  It is obvious that mistakes pile up on mistakes...

4. Sinking deep into the misunderstanding of the doctrine of the faith especially the mystery of the Holy Trinity (Mrs. Thuong's words: "My beloved child, God the Father is also God the Son, and also God the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity is also one"), to such an extent that the orientation letter on September 29, 2020 to Mrs. Thuong had to be summarized: “Due to not being able to distinguish between “person” and “nature”, she gets confused without knowing she gets confused, and she does not know how get out of that confusion.”

5. The confusion regarding the “angelic pregnancy"

When Father Dominic Truyen was asked how to explain of the marriage teaching in the Catholic Church that children should be the fruit of conjugal love, how is it being pregnant without a husband through the laying on of hands? Fr.  Dominic repeatedly many times: I don't know, I can't explain.  I'm not talking about how it goes against the matrimonial teaching of the Catholic Church about children.  I just know and affirm that what I did,and now it came to be...  If necessary, I invite them to testify and show the leaping fetus...  

6. All the sick cases coming to Mrs. Thuong's house are considered to be caused by the demons, and all are dealt with by exorcism without distinction, completely contrary to the guidance of the Catechism of the Catholic Church No.  1673.

7. Liking to post on the internet, as an advertisement, to attract people...  with a type of campaign, known as "seasonal campaign." Not seeing a sense of serene and trusting to God’ Will yet proving impatience, campaign, taking advantage.

8. Without permission and "schemed" in interpretation of the Bible.

Seemingly not knowing the criterion which are very clear in the Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasized:

* No.  85: “The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God...  has been entrusted to the living teaching office of the Church alone.  Its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ.  This means that the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.”

No.  95: “In the supremely wise arrangement of God, Sacred Traditions, Sacred Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church are so connected and associated that one of them cannot stand without the others.”

* No.  119 concludes: “all that has been said about the manner of interpreting Scripture is ultimately subject to the judgment of the Church”, therefore, “There is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation” (2Peter 1, 20).  And CCC quotes of Saint Augustine: “I would not believe in the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not move me to do so.”

Mrs. Thuong, on the contrary, has self-interpreted and applied the Word of the Bible in a very arbitrary and "schemed" way with a simple, subjective formula: "My beloved child..."

* Specifically: When noting her of the Bible of Matthew 7:22-23: "Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.” She replied: “My beloved child, this passage of Scripture does not apply to you and to others...  This passage of the Gospel applied to those who impersonateme for their own gain or to glorify themselves…” (See video clip No.  4).

* Regarding another verse, Lk 10:16: ""Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.” She replied: "My beloved child, please tell the bishop, he has not lived like the apostles in the past, then this verse does not apply to you…”.

9.  Stubbornly criticizes the Church for not understanding the Bible.

Mrs. Thuong wrote: “The Book of Revelation records an event that until today the Church has not known, that is we are living in the New Era.  In the New Era, God let all the demons out of hell.  Revelation 20:7 “When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison” (Text message March 12, 2019).

“My beloved child: what the Church has not known that I have use you… that is in the New Era, demons are free to enter and leave people, free to tempt them” … The interviewer himself also recognized the problem that should be adjusted: In my opinion, it is not that the Church does not know, but the Lord clearly affirms it so that we can firmly believe it, but the Church still recognizes it.

10.  Self-proclaim “private revelation”

11.  Disobedience to authority of the Church

a.  The local ordinary has met many times: Instead of obeying the truth, she and her group repeatedly requested have to go to "the House of God the Father" to investigate and verify.  Deliberately ignoring the local ordinary has met Mr. & Mrs. Quang-Thuong directly on March 25, 2019, and June 10, 2019, at Bao Loc Parish.  In addition, the investigation team of diocesan directly worked with her big group at the hall of Bao Loc Parish on May 22, 2020...During those times, most of the time was her and her group speaking.  

b..It was her group that "advertised" to expose: Moreover, the things that needed to beinvestigated and verified in her are very often founded on false statements compared to the teaching of the Catholic Church (cf.  Canon 1330), confused acts which she has clearly revealed through written work, letters, messages, and video clips that are obvious online.  No need to be at "the House of God the Father" to see or hear...

c.  The records are not "medical" as requested: At the meeting on March 25, 2019, the bishop’s palace asked her to present medical records with doctor's certificate, eventually received hundreds of records, but all of them were not "medical" records, that had been certified as cured by hospital doctors.  They were pages of self-narrative, autobiographical pages, almost the same in format: your name, age, hometown, and residence, before going to Mrs. Thuong was sick with this and that; after returning home was healed.  All of them did not have a certificate from the hospital doctors (only 4 cases had a prescription and that was all), impossible to have a foundation for an objective review and certification...

12.  It is self-contradictory within the group.

- Father Dominic showed more and more conviction in the revelations of God the Father has revealed to Mrs. Thuong.  But he insisted those revelations are limited to moral instructions such as fasting, prayer, sacrifice, and charity...  (These things are not contrary to the Gospel, and the followers of Buddhism, Islam, Judaism...  also practice the same).  While there are actually many things Mrs. Thuong affirmed regarding to the teaching of the Catholic Church about “revelation” (for example, the quote above: “God the Father is in me, and God the Father is in my dad.  My dad and I were chosen by God the Father, whereas no one else in this country was chosen; therefore, he can lay on of hands to give people the blessing of peace.  This is the gift that God the Father gives to humanity at the end of times” …), to the doctrine of faith (examples related to God the Father "incarnate", to the mystery of the Holy Trinity...) ...

13.  There are inconsistencies

- Father Dominic strongly declared on May 31, 2020, that he would go to lay on of hands so that those in the group would no longer exorcise demons in the previous way but treat them with universal energy method, and he confirmed the very next day these people performed as said.

- Why when knowing there will be a decision of the group of exorcism, then there was a change of method? Why was the same Will of the God the Father telling us to do differently before and after? Is it from paranoid, lead to the point of not respecting God the Father, to manipulate him for one own will?

14.  Causing a serious scandal to the faithful in understanding the faith, living the faith, and being united in the faith.  This can be easily verified through the reactions of the community of God's people on the internet and in reality...

These are the main reasons and contexts of involvement with the Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc and led to the decision of the diocesan bishop as mentioned above.

May the Spirit of Truth of God the Father Jesus Christ guide us in true faith and in unity under the Supreme Shepherd who declared to his apostles: “Whoever listens to you listens to me.  Whoever rejects you rejects me.  And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me" (Luke 10:16).



4. Decision of Bishop Manh on Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen  March 23, 2022.

Bishop Palace of Da Lat

9, Nguyen Thai Học St, Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province, Viet Nam

Phone: 84.263.3822415- email:


To: Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen.

Dear Father Dominic,

During these days, you and the Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc appeared in many dioceses, from north to south, even in hot spots such as during the ceremony of presenting the Pallium to Archbishop Joseph Nguyen Nang at Saigon Cathedral on February 19, 2022.  Beyond the fact of “ancient demonic possession, rolling, screaming” requesting the superior to perform the exorcists as a kind of challenge and self-justification, like “My beloved child” in the context of the Synodical Church, self-boasting of “many things God the Father revealed to the Group that the bishops did not know…”-About the work of the group, wherever they go, they videoed themselves and posted them online according to their intentions, causing more and more disturbance in terms of public security in many localities, cause stumbling and division, to a greater degree of recalcitrant and bound to a greater extent.

In the past, you have made a written and signed commitment, not to contact Mrs. Thuong, not to cure diseases, nor exorcise demon, and then you violated, despite of the warning from your local ordinary superior.

Previously, you were directed to the designated place at Chau Son Don Duong Monastery to reflect and pray, but then you still disobeyed, withdraw from the assigned place by your own.

Faced with the new situation with violations causing serious consequences as mentioned above, after consulting with the Advisory Board, now with this letter I earnestly ask you:

- Immediately leave the Group of Exorcism in Bao Loc, no longer contact Mrs. Thuong (whom self-claims to be a secretary, stubbornly transmits the voice of God the Father, and is the main cause of mistakes), neither healing nor exorcism demons as you yourself promised before.

- Return and stay at Chau Son Monastery, Don Duong as you requested and stayed from September to October 2020, to reflect, to pray, and to correct yourself.  Deadline before April 1, 2022;

- If you refuse to comply and want the freedom to live and act according to your own will, you yourself can apply for a clerical suspension(laicization) and the Diocese will help you complete the process to fulfill your wish.

- If not, the diocese will have to apply additional canonical measures, not excluding the "clerical suspension."

May God, the benevolent and most merciful Father, grant you the grace of enlightenment and discernment of the Holy Spirit so that you can make decisions that are pleasing to God, for the benefit of the Church and for those whose out of love are always in communion with prayer for you.

Prepared at the Bishop's Palace of Da Lat, March 23, 2022


Father John Bosco Hoang Van Chinh​​​ Dominic Nguyen Van Manh

​     Chancellor ​​​​​Bishop of Da Lat Diocese



Before the judgments and decisions of the local ecclesiastical authorities  on the House of God the Father, especially on Thien Thuong and Father Dominic Nguyen Chu Truyen, God has allowed us to make our voices heard not to justify or condemn but to speak the truth with a spirit of constructive communion.

Issue 1: Many people think that the words and deeds of the people at the House of God the Father are not true, that they are acting, and that their words and deeds are from Satan.  

1. The Truth from the House of God the Father

First of all, please familiarize yourself with two phrases:

* "Realistic Word of God": This is the Word of God the Father written by Thien Thuong’s handwriting to reveal God’s Will to teach people.  

* “Eternal Word of God”: This is the Word of God in the Bible.  

These phrases are taught by God the Father himself, not coined by Thien Thuong.

1.1 The truth about the Realistic Word of God

Maria Nguyen Chu Thien Thuong is given the blessing to write the Word of God the Father, which is the Realistic Word of God to teach those who want to seek God's Will for their life, want to be healed and converted, and want to believe and love God.  She does not write anything other than the Word of God taught in the Gospel and the Teachings of the Church.  What she writes does not replace the Eternal Word of God in the Bible.  

1.2 The way the Word of God manifested:  

First of all, Thien Thuong prays to God.  Then the Spirit of the Holy Spirit acts on her hand and pushes the pen to move (starting at 00h on October 28, 2013).  Presently, the notebooks of God's Word are still kept at the House of God the Father.  The real witnesses who have received blessings thanks to the effectiveness of God's Word written by Thien Thuong's handwriting have given testimonies in more than 353 Videos of "The Voice of the Truth" domestically and abroad.  

1.3 Those who have been chosen by God

Those who have been chosen by God are Thien Thuong, the four priests: Father Dominic, Father Martin, Father Peter, Father Paul and "the Army of Light."  God uses them each in a different way to work in his divine plan. To be used by God, they were purified and instructed by him: they need to make sacrifices, to pray unceasingly, to fast and exercise self-restraint, to live in modesty and to be humble oneself, to love, to forgive, and to give up their own will and worldly things like money, fame, and passions in order to work wholeheartedly for God. When they have been able to do these things, God uses their hands to do his work of healing the sick, especially they must physically endure the sufferings and pains from patients when demons from patients are allowed to enter into their bodies.   

1.4 The blessings God gives to the patients

when the patients come to the House of God the Father, they themselves must strive to live according to what God teaches in order to be healed by him. Many people have received the blessing of faith, conversion, and healing. They have voluntarily testified for God, his love and mercy in the program of “The Voice of the Truth.”

1.5 The truth of the life of those who are living in house of God the Father

All the people living in the House of God the Father love each other, they all in one heart and one mind in prayer, sharing and helping each other tasks under the direction  of God himself.  They love God, Mother Mary, the angels and saints.  They pray constantly and are connected to God through the YouTube channel of "The Way to Heaven".  This channel was created by the Will of God to help people joining in to pray for the world and for souls.

2. Are the people belonging to the House of God the Father acting or real people doing real things?

2.1 Many people believe that "The Voice of the Truth"

videos are acting however they are not providing any specific proof of  evidences.  For example, have they gone to the place by themselves to meet actors/actresses or props for the plays?  Meanwhile, all the witnesses on all of the videos have left their personal phone numbers, they are available for direct dialogue with those who have concerns or questions.  

2.2 If it is assumed that

those videos are staged or acting, a question is raised, “what for and for what benefits?” Do those who work for God at the House of God the Father like to be humiliated, or are they so eccentric and foolish that their friends and relatives cut them off from contact and stay away? Are they so crazy that they have been accused by the local ecclesiastical authorities  of "disobedience to the local ordinaries" and then convicted and punished as stubborn and dangerous criminals? If it was a play, this script would be very boring, for it has been lasting for many years with the same contents calling people to convert, return to God, live according to the teaching of God: fasting, sacrifice, praying constantly, love, forgive, be modest, humble, give up passions, and attend daily Mass.

2.3 To answer for the question

of why some people considered the works at the House of God the Father are acting as follows:

So, should the question be changed as follows: why do some people consider the works at the House of God the Father to be acting? It is possible that the phenomena of patients being healed by God were beyond their understanding and belief, or they cannot understand and accept God's power through healing phenomena.  It is also possible that in terms of faith and canon law they see that they have the power to heal and cast out demons, but, in reality, they cannot because healing does not happen and demons do not come out.  Therefore, they conclude for themselves that exorcism at the House of God the Father is fake, and it is just acting because, for them, healing and exorcism is very difficult and very rare, and not as easy and frequent as at the House of God the Father.

2.4 Another point is if it is a play,

why do these people often call and implore the bishops, who have the authority to send exorcists or doctors to investigate and find out whether patients are physically sick or demon-possessed, and whether they are healed by medicine or by the power of God? If it is fake, are these people not afraid that the fake play will be brought to light?

Some people think that the witnesses in the program of "The Voice of the Truth" have been bribed, lured, coerced, that the program is staged, acting, and not real, and that it is due to the way of thinking and the freedom of expression of each person.  Nevertheless, “you will know the tree by the fruit.” Please, look at the daily life of those witnesses to see if they live according to what they have testified.

However, among those witnesses there are also some people who have betrayed what they have witnessed and testified because they were manipulated by Satan when they did not practice exactly the teachings of God the Father.  God gives them freedom.  For example, the disciples of Jesus were those who witnessed the miracles of the Lord and were taught by him directly, but there were also disciples who abandoned the Lord.  Especially among the apostles of the Lord, there were people who denied God, abandoned God, betrayed and sold God like Judas Iscariot.  “But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.” (Mk 14:21).

3. Do exorcism and healing of the sick at the House of God the Father come from God or Satan?

3.1 If they come from Satan,

+ Then, “house will fall against house” even when they rely on “the prince of demons to drives out demons.” If Satan is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because if “it is by Beelzebul that I drive out demons by whom do your own people drive them out?” (cf.  Lk 11:15-19).  Until today, those who work in the Army of Light are filled with God's love and grace daily.  Everyone is increasing their prayers and becoming more aware of the mission of evangelization, healing, and exorcism.

+ The exorcist will be tormented by the devil himself and his soul will be robbed: " God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.  Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed.  They would say, ‘In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.’  Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this.  One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?”  Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all.  He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.” (Acts 19:11-17). In the Father's house until this moment, people still see a healthy and beautiful Thien Thuong, despite working day and night.  They still see a 74-year-old priest, Father Dominic, still pray and work like a young man… the people in the House of God the Father are still peaceful and happy.  

3.2 Where is the evidence that shows that the conviction is correct?

If people think that the work we are doing is from the devil, please prove it to us before condemning us.  Where is the evidence that shows that the conviction is correct?

In order to give authentic evidence, the basic principle is to observe, investigate, and verify.  Once upon a time, when he saw Jesus being unjustly condemned, Nicodemus said: "Does our law permit condemnation of anyone before hearing him or knowing what he is doing?” (Jn 7:51).  Does everyone also condemn us before hearing and knowing what we are doing? Everyone has condemned us while they have not come here to examine and evaluate the facts.  In a trial, a fair judge is someone who listens to both sides: the defendant and the plaintiff.  I wonder whether everyone really listens to us or not.  If not, is it fair that everyone condemns us?

People do not know that in order for the divine plan of salvation of God at the House of God the Father in Bao Loc to be known by many people, God wants Thien Thuong and the priests to have a holy, modest, and humble life to set an example for others.  God wants them to give up everything to completely belong to God, to live according to the example of Jesus, and to follow the holy life of the saints.  And not only that, God wants those who follow him at the House of God the Father and those who work in his divine plan to fast for life, pray continuously, exercise sacrifice and self-restraint, love, forgive, be modest and humble oneself, give up passions, and do everything according to the will of God the Father.  How can Satan know how to live and meet the above requirements? Only those who are living in the grace of God can do these things and the fruit that is born in them is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

So, when people condemn the divine plan of the House of God the Father coming from Satan, aren't people condemning the very Holy Spirit? And what is the sin against the Holy Spirit? Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin” (Mk 3:28-29).  The Lord spoke these words to his disciples, after the teachers of the law said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons.” (Mk 3:22).  The House of God the Father is the divine plan of salvation of God, and it is guided by the very spirit of the Holy Spirit with gifts and good fruits born of those who believe and practice what God commands, but people consider it to be from Satan.  God is heartbroken because he is being opposed and condemned by the very people he loves. May those who are condemning the divine plan of God to reconsider, for this is a great insult to the divine plan of God and his boundless love.

3.3 Can be concluded

Thus, it can be concluded that what we are doing here comes from God.  Jesus says, "You will know a tree by its fruit. No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit.” (Luke 6:43). Therefore, the fruits that are produced from the House of God the Father,  the acts of charity and love that are shown through the enthusiastic welcoming of the patients and sinners, giving of time and energy, and the selfless sacrifices when praying for people and healing them are the proofs that what we are doing are from God. It is God who wants us to do his Will, and we do not do anything on our own will.  Just as Jesus Christ obeyed God the Father, we follow the example of Jesus and obey and do the Will of God the Father.

It is because people do not know the true nature of the work we are doing, and they only look outside and listen to public opinions, and then have prejudices, jealousy, envy, pride from within, many people fail to realize the fruits of our charity and love for our patients when we are completely obedient to the Will of God the Father.  Just as Saint Paul professed faith in the situation when he was forbidden to preach the Gospel and bear witness to God, so now we use his words to profess our faith, “We must obey God rather than obeying men” (Acts 5:29).

And the words that we say and the things that we do testify for us about the fact that these actions are from God.  All that is brought to light is "said openly before people, and we speak nothing in secret" (Jn 18:20).

We ourselves are the witnesses who have been healed by God the Father, converted by God the Father, and chosen by God the Father in his divine plan to help people turn away from their sins and return to God.  People don't believe our work, but we testify with our lives that our words and deeds come from God the Father.  And God the Father himself will testify for us.

All of our activities are guided, activated, and motivated by the power of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, so that we can always walk in the light, in the way of God.


Issue 2: Why is it said that God the Father is incarnated in the statue of the Infant Jesus at the House of God the Father?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that "The Holy Trinity is a mystery of faith in the strict sense, one of the "mysteries that are hidden in God, which can never be known unless they are revealed by God."  (SPF 16) (CCC 237). Therefore, in this regard, we would like to quote the original Word of God taught to the people in the House of God the Father on April 8, 2022 at 8:58 AM.

“For the Catholic Church, there is only one Mystery of Faith: Jesus alone, the second person of God, came to earth incarnated. The Holy Trinity is one God, but each person has a different task: the Father creates, the Son redeems and the Holy Spirit sanctifies, the Holy Trinity does different common works. From the human point of view, it is assumed that the three tasks of each person are unrelated; there is respect for each other’s works. But that is human thinking because, with the mystery of faith of the Catholic Church, it always believes that the Holy Trinity is one God, and there is always unity, reciprocity, and mutual support. Therefore, when God the Father gives each person a different task, it does not mean that the Holy Trinity separates the works from each other.  The Father creates, but in creation, in redemption, in sanctification, the Holy Trinity is always intimately united with each other.  Therefore, it was not wrong for God the Father to say that he was incarnated in the statue of the Infant Jesus. For the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one God.  When Jesus Christ came to earth as a man, there was always the unity of God the Father in Jesus Christ.  

In the way of human thinking and interpretation, there is shallow understanding of God's works, progresses, and plans. People only understand literally and can only understand to a certain extent of the mysteries of faith, the progresses and the divine plan of God, so it is assumed that only the Son of God incarnated as man, and there are no other gods incarnate as man. First of all, no other God incarnated as a human. They think that they know God, know about the mystery of the Holy Trinity and they profess that the Holy Trinity is one God, but why do they object when it  said that God the Father incarnates in the statue of the Infant Jesus, considered it wrong? This goes against their conviction of the mystery of faith, the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Three persons of God, but there is only one God.  In other words, it is said that the Father incarnates or the Son incarnates to be only one God.  Humans should not separate the Holy Trinity.

Issue 3: About the subject matter of “angelic pregnancy”

The Christian faith has always been rooted from the Bible.  From the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  Both angels and humans were created perfect.  God turned from nothing into having everything.  Among all the creatures and things, animals, and people.  

Angels are always waiting in the presence of God to praise him.  “God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female  he created them” (cf.  Gen 1:27).  When God created the heavens and the earth, he had power over all things.  With the love God has for mankind, he allowed them to live happily in the Garden of Eden with him.

But because man was arrogant, wanting to be as smart as God, disobeying God when he ate the forbidden fruit, therefore God had to exile him out of the Garden of Eden.  Thereafter mankind had to suffer, worked hard, and no longer able to live happily with him (cf.  Gen 3:17-19).  However, God did not forsake mankind.  He still had mercy on human kind and promised to give them a Savior (cf.  Gen 3:15).  Through the image of the Virgin who will crush the serpent's head, and at the time of salvation, the second person of God was born through the womb of the Virgin Mary, the Immaculate One to save people from sin, from all the powers of Satan.  And the second person of God, Jesus Christ overcame the powers of darkness when he rose from the dead three days later.  He promised when he ascended to heaven, he would send down the Paraclete to accompany and be with humans forever (cf.  Jn 14:16).  This is the Era of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit was sent into the world by God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.  He always accompanies, protects and uplifts people.  He could do all things because he is also God, the Spirit of Truth.  But the world did not accept him.  “The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him.  You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you” (cf.  Jn 14, 17).  

Although the world did not accept, the Holy Spirit is still at work and present in this world.  The Holy Spirit continues to help and save people to return to God the Father.  He reminds people the Word Jesus had taught (cf.  Jn 14:16).  He helps people to realize God is a powerful and merciful Father.  The divine plan of salvation of God will continue when Jesus himself promised to be with man forever until the end of the world (cf.  Mt 28:20).  Therefore, in today's world the Holy Spirit is always at work and continues the divine plan of salvation.  

According to the Catholic Church when not understanding of faith, of the mystery of God such as the mystery of the Holy Trinity, then concluded as "this is the Mystery of Faith", a mystery that exceeds the human understanding.  When theologians could not find the cause or prove it visually, then they considered it is a mystery.  A mystery can only come from God.  Only those who have been revealed by God know the mystery.  God’s ways beyond human  understanding.  What seems to be paradoxical is that God only reveals the mystery to the simple and the little ones.  “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” (Mt 11:25).  It is true that “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!” (Romans 11:33).  The Holy Spirit is sovereign.  He gives grace to each individual according to his Will (cf.  1 Cor 12, 11).  No one has the right to force God to do his/her personal will.  God’s plan can never be thwarted.  

In this era, God the Father revealed to people.  He chose Thien Thuong, the priests, and those who work in the divine plan of God to understand partially his path.  God revealed in this era, the angels  embody in humans through the Spirit of God.

God allowed Father Dominic and Thien Thuong to lay on of hands, through the divine plan of the Holy Spirit, an "angelic fetus" would be formed in the womb of a woman.  "Angelic fetus" is a way of calling that God revealed to humanity.  God also made known an “angelic pregnancy" to be a pregnant of an angel.  With the influence of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands of Father Dominic or Thien Thuong on the head of an individual person to receive an “angelic pregnancy” or not is up to the Will of God.  With the power of the Holy Spirit, God allows the "angelic fetus" in the womb of a mother, without the need for a conjugal relationship.  It is permissible for God to allow "angelic fetus" to embody in human, even in those who are single.  No one has the right to condemn or judge the work of the Holy Spirit.  When mankind doesn't open up his heart, he cannot believe.  Therefore, it is no surprise many people think these works of God came from Satan.  

God is Omnipotent.  He made the second person came to earth as a human under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  Now angels incarnate as human beings, or having "angelic pregnancies" if they are the Will of God, they will happen, because “With God nothing is impossible” (Lk 1:37).    In the New Testament, besides Mary who conceived the second person of God by the power of the Holy Spirit, there was also Elisabeth.  Elisabeth also became pregnant in her old age and whose child was predestined by God to be the last prophet to prepare the way for the Lord.  Through Saint John, the Forerunner, the Holy Spirit completed the preparation of the hearts of the people to be readily of receiving the Lord (cf.  Lk 1:17).  Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, joyfully recognizing God in Mary. John in her womb also leaped for joy because Mary brought the Lord to the visitation (cf.  Lk 1:39-45).

In this New Era, God also had intervened to have some cases of "angelic pregnancy" to serve in his divine plan of salvation, not breaking the natural law of marriage and family as the local ecclesiastical authorities  had claimed.

When speaking of an "angelic pregnancy" many people reacted and considered: absurd!  How can angels come to earth to become humans?  Then, conceived without having a conjugal relationship?  God would never do such!  Mary alone was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.  That was a case of the past; it cannot happen today… When people have these thoughts, are they not committing the sin of pride? They self-claimed to be all-knowing, then framing God within the framework of our limited understanding, not allowing God freely to do what he wants. Is it not that the sin that Adam and Eve committed themselves?  It is the sin of wanting to be equal to God, in this case even wanted to be above God: not allowing God to do things that contrary to human thinking

Issue 4: Many people considered that it is wrong that the House of God the Father addresses Mary as Mother of God the Father.  They think that calling such title is wrong because she is only the Mother of Jesus, so she cannot be the Mother of God the Father.

1.  The title "Mother of God the Father" is it a false dogma? Is it blasphemous?

To answer this question, we will learn about the Dogma of the Mother of God, and the main mystery in Catholicism, which is the mystery of one God in three persons.  

1.1 Is Mary the Mother of God?

Since ancient times, there have been many theories, such as the heresy of Nestorius denied and considered that Mary was not the Mother of God since she only gave birth to the body of Jesus. This heresy advocates that “Jesus had two natures and therefore had two persons.  Mary is only the Mother of the human person of Jesus, so she is not the Mother of God” (Ephesians Council). Muslims also deny that Mary is the Mother of God because they believe that Jesus was only a prophet and not God, so Mary was only the mother of "the prophet Jesus".  Protestant theology believes that Jesus Christ is God, but because Mary could not create the divinity of Jesus, she cannot be called the Mother of God, but only the Mother of Jesus.  For us Catholics, are we convinced that Mary is the Mother of God? Even if Nestorian heresy, Islamic, or Protestantism deny that Mary is not the Mother of God, in reality, Mary is still the Mother of God. No one can deny that title, for Sacred Scripture and Tradition have given us all the essential proofs that Mary is indeed the Mother of God, and this is one of the four dogmas of the Catholic Church about Mary.  The dogma of Mary as the Mother of God was proclaimed by the Church at the Council of Ephesus in 431.  And the council also declared: "If anyone does not confess that Emmanuel is God in truth, and therefore that the holy Virgin is the Mother of God [for She bore in a fleshly way the Word of God become flesh], let him be anathema.” The creed is clearly illustrated in the Gospel of Luke, and since the second century has been extensively interpreted by the Church Fathers Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus, Cyril of Alexandria, Augustine, Epiphany in response to the heresies of the heretics of Gnosticism and Docetism.  In 451, the Council of Chalcedon also proclaimed Mary the Mother of God.  Saint Pulcheria, Queen of Byzantine, built two shrines to the Mother of God in Constantinople.  

In 534, Pope John II proclaimed Mary the true Mother of God.  In 553, the Second Council of Constantinople reaffirmed the dogma Mary the Mother of God.  In 1215, the Lateran Council IV proclaimed the perpetual virginity of Mary, Mother of God.

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) taught: "Predestined from eternity by that decree of divine providence which determined the Incarnation of the Word to be the Mother of God…(LG 61).  By reason of the gift and role of divine maternity, by which she is united with her Son, the Redeemer, and with his singular graces and functions, the Blessed Virgin is also intimately united with the Church… the Mother of God is a type of the Church in the order of faith, charity and perfect union with Christ".  (LG 63).  On the 1500th anniversary of the opening of the council in 1931, in commemoration of the proclamation of the dogma of Mary, Mother of God, Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast of Mary Mother of God, set on January 1st of every year so that everyone turns to Mary as they enter the new year.  Later, the Catechism of the Catholic Church No. 495 also confirmed that: “In the Gospels, Mary is called "the Mother of Jesus.” (John 2:1, John 19:25, Mathew 13:55).  “In the Gospels "the Mother of Jesus", Mary is acclaimed by Elizabeth, at the prompting of the Spirit and even before the birth of her son, as "the Mother of my Lord".  In fact, the One whom she conceived as man by the Holy Spirit, who truly became her Son according to the flesh, was none other than the Father's eternal Son, the second person of the Holy Trinity.  Hence, the Church confesses that Mary is truly  "the Mother of God" (Theotokos) (CCC 495)

After all, the dogma of the Mother of God, drawn from the treasures of the Bible, has been deeply rooted in the beliefs of believers since the dawn of Christianity.  It has gone through a long process and it became a common conviction of the Church based on the Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Church.  The dogma of the Mother of God is opened up to theological reflections and contemplation of the faith of all generations.

2.  The Mystery of One God in the Holy Trinity

The Catechism of the Catholic Church summarizes as follows: “The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life, God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” (cf.  CCC, 261).  

So, as we can see: that the Father is God, the Son is God (because he existed before eternity, just like the Father), and the Holy Spirit is God (because he is as eternal as the Father, of the same nature as the Father).  All three persons are God, but not three Gods, but One God in the Holy Trinity.  This is the greatest mystery in Catholicism revealed to humanity by Jesus.  This mystery is beyond human reasoning and understanding.  The Holy Trinity is the only one God but has three different persons.  God the Father is different from God the Son and different from God the Holy Spirit.  The difference is different in relation: the Father is the Father of the Son, and the Son is the Son of the Father, the distinction is very clear.  There is another difference in the origin: the Father gives birth to the Son, while the Son does not give birth to the Father; The Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son, not vice versa.  Even though they are different, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not three but One God. “The Father and I are one.”(John 10:30).  One because all three share the same life, the same nature: “Everything that the Father has is mine.” (John 16:15).  It is so close that: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” (John 14:9).

3. The title Mother of God the Father

When referring to the title “Mother of God the Father,” Bishop Dominic said that Thien Thuong cannot distinguish the nature of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Bishop said that Thien Thuong does not understand nor able to distinguish between person and being.  So, what is the person and being in the concept of the Mother of God the Father?

In the mystery of the Holy Trinity presented above, it is clear that the persons are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  The being, however, has only one being, which is the Divine Being of God.  The question is: when the Council of Ephesus in 431 defined the Creed of Mary as the Mother of God, did the word "God" here refer to the being or to the person?  If it is related to the person, the creed must be placed as the “Mother of Jesus Christ”, then it is related to the matter of the person and the being, but why does the creed say "Mother of God?"

If it is recorded as the Mother of God, then let's try to explain it in a casual way as follows:

- The Father is God, isn’t he? Yes, he is.

- The Son is God, isn’t he? Yes, he is.

- The Holy Spirit is God, isn’t he? Yes, he is.

Therefore, the Father is God, the Holy Spirit is God, Jesus is also God, and the Council also affirmed the dogma that Mary is the Mother of God.  So, if God the Father wants to call Mother of God the Father or Mother of the Holy Spirit, there is nothing wrong with the doctrine.  

We can use logic to illustrate the title Mother of God the Father in a Theory of Syllogism as the following:

1. Major premise: Mary is the Mother of God (Dogma that Mary is the Mother of God)

2.  Minor premise: The Father is God.

3.  In Conclusion: Mary is the Mother of God the Father.

In fact, the title of the Mother of God the Father is not a false doctrine, but since it has not been used so far, it sounds strange to us.  Although we profess the Holy Trinity when we call Mary the Mother of God, in our minds, Mary is only the Mother of Jesus.  So, to say that Mary is the Mother of God the Father is considered a serious doctrinal error.  But how to interpret the words of Elisabeth, who first called her cousin the “Mother of God?” For at that time she had not yet been revealed to the One God in three persons.   As soon as the angel Gabriel received a command from God to announce to the Virgin Mary, “Hail Mary full of grace, God is with you...,” and when the angel Gabriel continued to Mary, saying: “Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God” (Luke 1:35).

Then with her "yes", the Word became flesh and she became the Mother of God.  The "Hail Mary" is the prayer that we say every day, the prayer that Mary herself taught to Saint Dominic and all of us, also speaks with certainty about the "Mother of God":  Holy Mary, Mother of God……”.

Mary is a creature that has existed in the mind of God before all eternity.  She is God's new "Ark of Covenant".  In the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church professes that "Our Lady is like the Ark of Covenant".  This title has a special meaning.  As mentioned above, when Mary said "Fiat" to the Angel Gabriel, the Word became flesh.  If the ark of God in the Old Testament is venerated because it contains the "Law of the Covenant" that God gave to Moses, the Virgin Mary is even more worthy of honor, because she carried within her the Word that is not written or in symbols, but in the very Word of God, who from the beginning existed, as Saint John describes: “In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1).  

Issue 5: Considering the serious mistakes of which the main mistake is Mrs. Thuong writing the Word of God.  

1. Mrs. Thien Thuong writes the Word of God:

The Bible does not propagate, the Catechism does not mention, and there is no provision in the Canon Law to permit it.  Thus, Thien Thuong self-claimed and this leads to serious mistakes, the main mistake.  If considered in black and white this sentence is correct, but:

In order to examine an issue or an event that is considered a serious error in the Catechism, we must look at its causes and effects.

The cause: God wants, and God uses the hands of Thien Thuong.

The effect: in terms of the consistency of the written Word.  We notice that the words were written by Mrs. Thien Thuong begin with: "My beloved child" this phrase we find similar to the Old Testament when the prophets told the people the Word of God, they all had the sentence: "Oracle of the Lord".  To distinguish true prophets from false prophets, one looks at the actual results.  For example, God sent Moses to Pharaoh with ten plagues.  The Word of God written by Mrs. Thien Thuong also becomes a reality for those who practice exactly what God teaches them.

2. In terms of the content of the written Word and the effectiveness of the Word.

The content: The words have strong vitality because the Word has the power to make Satan convey the Word of God to teach people, the instructions are very direct, not vague, yet authentic. Listeners have to act promptly, and if they comply, the effectiveness takes place immediately. These words are not different from the words of Jesus in the Gospel, drawn from the Gospel and linked to the reality, the actual situation of the penitent, the patient, or those who in need of hearing.

The effect: Those who believe, and put into practice will be transformed, healed or strengthened to endure pains and always have peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

The testimonies of the effectiveness of the Word of God written by the hands of Mrs. Thien Thuong:

2.1 Testimony of Mr. Paul Tran Le Thanh Quang - husband of Mrs. Thien Thuong

“I have accompanied Thien Thuong from the beginning.  I witnessed from the first moment when she wrote the Word of God, started at midnight on October 28, 2013, up to the present, it has been almost ten years.  I would like to affirm, that many times I have observed and studied to see if God really pushed her hand to write the Word of God, or it is interfered by the devil.  Presently, I can affirm that God the Father pushes her hand.  For the words are written by her hand can reveal all the innermost thoughts in my heart.  I would like to share a few experiences: At the time I was building a new house at 53/5 Ho Tung Mau (the present House of God the Father), I remembered the 12:00 AM prayer hour that night, I was distracted, thinking about the construction.  The very next day, when I walked out of the room, God pushed her hand and wrote: "My beloved child, I want your husband to pray fervently, without distraction."  I was surprised because last night, when I kneeled to pray behind my wife, so it was impossible for her to know of my distraction....

Many times, I wanted to tell my friends about the gift of my wife of writing the Word of God, thinking that if they knew and believed in God, their lives would be better.  However, she did not want, she only wanted to keep the matter within the family because she was afraid people would not believe it.  One evening, at 8:00 PM, instead of going to my bar (grand opened in November 2012), I went by myself to my friend’s house to share with him and his wife.  When she checked the camera, she did not see me working at the bar, so she called me.  When she found out that I was at my friend's house to share with them, she was very annoyed and told me: "Why are you such a chatterbox! Telling them but they do not believe so why do you say it?" At that moment, I was very angry of her words.  Thinking that night there would be a conflict between her and me about this matter.  But when I got home, she did not say anything.  I opened her notebook filled with the Word of God (because every night I reviewed what God taught her throughout the day) and found the following: "Your husband is doing the right thing; your husband is witnessing for me.  Do not grumble at him."

There is one special thing that many times I have seen my wife write the Word of God across the whole page without a period, or a comma, continuously writing without stopping.  But when reading, the context of the text is not one word redundant, not a sentence is missing, and the sentences are very concise and meaningful...

Then, there were times when I was suffered, depressed, and under pressured from the government and the Church, but when I had the Word of God, I was again at peace.  

There are times when we argued about different things, but when asking for the Will of God, most of the time, I was often correct.  I affirm that all the things God has taught me so far have been for one purpose, that is, God wants me to become a good person, worthy of a child of God.  All things are written through her for those who come to her for help by writing the Word of God are also for that same purpose.”

2.2 The testimony of Mrs. Maria Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan

“Thank you God for allowing me to accompany Thien Thuong since 2016.  I am convinced that God's Word written by her is true, and it is God who works in her with concrete evidences:

+ As for my own fruits: through the Word of God written by her hand, my life has been transformed for the better, more humble, and loving God more.

In all life situations, when facing difficulties and obstacles, guided by the Word of God through her hand, I was at peace; and everything was well resolved.

+ In the process of healing, when the patients had certain conditions, I could not raise my hands, but once the Word of God had been written by her hand, the patients promise God to do according to the his Will; Only then I was able to help them.

There were secret things in my heart, however the written Word of God also understood the inner intentions that I wanted to say. For example, when I went to ask Father Dominic to lay on of his hands asking for the blessing of peace, God gave me an angel, Thien Thuong asked for the Will of God for me and she said: “God named your child Joseph Nguyen Thien Phuoc” meanwhile Thien Thuong did not know my last name… At that moment, in my thought, it is true that God knows all things.  

Fruits of the patients: through the Words of God written through her hand have helped many people to turn away from the path of sins and return to God.  Many families seemed to fall apart have been mended, and those who have fallen into despair found hope, peace, and happiness.

One thing worth mentioning is the fruits of the Holy Spirit through Thien Thuong and her works. Before she was chosen to write the Word of God, her life was busy of making money and enjoying life, not sharing with anyone but her parents, because she thought the poor were lazy, they refused to work. After she was used by God to write God's Word.  God purified her and her life was completely changed.  Her fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, benovolence, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, modesty, chastity, and goodness.  

There are many witnesses on The Voice of the Truth video clips showing that she is a person chosen by God according to God's Will, and God used her to convey his words to people in this era.  Those who open their hearts will find a source of peace and happiness.

In short, the power and authority of God, God uses and chooses whoever is his Will. People have no right to force God to use a given person according to their own will.  Indeed “For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor?” (Romans 11:34)

Throughout history, we see that God chooses people not because of merit, virtue, or talent, but completely out of his love and mercy.  Is there any theologian or philosopher who can explain the reason for God's choice in his salvation history? Why did God choose an old man Abraham to be the ancestor? A conspirator like Jacob to become Israel? A selfish and stubborn person like Jonah to save the Ninevites? Why did God choose Peter who denied Jesus three times to be the cornerstone of his Church? Why did God choose Paul, who persecuted the Church of God, to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles? Why did God choose a demon-possessed sinner like Mary Magdalene to announce the Good News of the Resurrection to the apostles? And why did God choose Judas to be one of the twelve apostles even though he knew Judas was a money lover and would betray God? Is there anyone in the ranks of consecrated people who dares to admit that they are worthy of this noble vocation?

Many people considered that Thien Thuong's writing of the Word of God is absurd, unreasonable, pride, and blasphemy, etc, because they looked down on her for she is just a mediocre and sinful person.  We can ask here: if the person used by God in the divine plan of the House of God the Father in Bao Loc was a bishop or a priest, would things be different? In that case, would the ecclesiastical authority condemn, forbid, punish, and considered it heretical? We often judge others based on their appearance, but God, on the contrary, looks at the inner of that person.  As Jesus said: “there were many widows in Israel...It was to none of these that Elijah was sent, but only to a widow in Zarephath in the land of Sidon” (LK 4: 25-26).

We can also question that: “There are plenty of talented and good women in Vietnam, why did God choose Maria Nguyen Chu Thien Thuong, Bao Loc to write his Word?” Who can explain this? Does God need to consult people in order to choose her to write his Will?

This era is the era of the activity of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is always flexible and active in the path of the redemptive works of the Holy Trinity.  He works on the divine plan of salvation of God until the end of time.  

With human thinking it is impossible to comprehend God’s way.  People consider her self-claims to be used by God to write the Word of God.  But, it is God’s intention.  God used her to write the Word of God is true.  The truth will be proven through her works of charity, exorcism, and healing.  These works will testify how she is used by God to write the Word of God.  And God the Father himself will testify by sending her into this world; she is used by God the Father in this era to cooperate with him in the divine plan of salvation, to help mankind escape from death through the influence and activity of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit; to bring people back to live in accordance with the Word of God the Father; to draw people back to the words of Jesus Christ.  She never overlaps, replaces, or overwhelms the words of Jesus Christ in the Bible.

Issue 6: Cannot perform exorcism nor organize exorcism without permission; causing confusion in exorcism.

6.1 In the time of Jesus, who had the authority to cast out demons?

During the years of preaching, Jesus also casted out demons.  Then, before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave the power to cast out demons and healing to the apostles, the seventy-two disciples, and to all those who believed in him: “These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages.  They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them.  They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark16:17-18).

Thus, this power of exorcism, Jesus gives to all who believe in him, without exception.  It is a universal power, which is based on faith and prayer.  This can be done by individuals or communities.  Anyone who believes in the name of Jesus Christ can cast out demons.  It was Jesus who gave those who were not members of the apostles the right to cast out demons when John said to Jesus: “John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us” (Mark 9:38).  Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him.  There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me” (Mark 9:39).

6.2. The local authority considered that Thien Thuong exorcises demons in a manner of confusion, without permission yet still performing exorcism, is that right or wrong? 

Based on the Canon Law and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the authorities of the Church condemn Thien Thuong are correct.  Because in the Church and in the society Satan is raging, tempting, and pretending to be God.  They are witches pretending to be the Church itself. It has falsified the Church of Jesus Christ for the purpose of tempting man and making mankind to sin. With great care, the Church, therefore, instituted a ritual of exorcism based on the formula of the Church.  Only priests appointed by a bishop can exorcise.  This is the Church's caution when it comes to Satan.  

In order to increase the effectiveness of the Christ-given power and to protect the faithful from witches, talisman master, and socerrer, etc., the Church instituted a special ritual: exorcism.  This ritual is only performed by bishops and priests who have been appointed to receive special permission to exorcise.  Article 1172 states:

§1. No one can perform exorcisms legitimately upon the possessed unless he has obtained special and express permission from the local ordinary.

§2. The local ordinary is to give this permission only to a presbyter who has piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life.

Thus, in order for a person to be able to exorcise properly, it is necessary as follow:

- Must be a priest.

- There is special permission (for each case) and obviously from the local ordinary.  This permission must not be conjectured.

- The priest must be virtuous, wise, discerning, and prudent.  

It is good for people to know this, so they will not fall into the temptations and traps of Satan.  Because from time of immemorial, there have been many witches, fortune tellers, and psychic mediums.  They also perform exorcism, but behind these witches and psychic mediums is Satan.  When it comes to exorcism, Thien Thuong has also experienced and understood how it is perform in these practices.  For the witches and fortune tellers casting out demons, the high rank demons exorcise the lower rank demons, but when they return, they come back in greater numbers.  However, the witches and psychic mediums do not know about this.  As a result of the conditions that have existed since primitive times in society or in the Church, the Church of Jesus Christ has always been cautious when it comes to exorcism.  So, based on the laws, they forbade Thien Thuong from exorcism is not wrong.

However, the local ecclesiastical authorities do not believe in the work of exorcism that Thien Thuong, Father Dominic, and the other priests carry out.  They were mistaken in assuming that the work of exorcisms at the House of God the Father belonged to the sect of Satan.  Therefore, they banned the House of God the Father from performing or organizing exorcisms.  However, our work of exorcism is to follow the command of God.  Therefore, it cannot be said we perform and organize exorcism without permission, nor confused in the work of exorcisms, because it is the work of God, and the commands of Jesus Christ remains relevant to us today.  (Mark 16:20)

God himself blessed the gift of exorcism to Thien Thuong, the priests, and to those who believe in the divine plan of God at the House of God the Father.  The local ecclesiastical authorities did not give us this grace.  We ourselves cannot exorcise by our own.  Since God has given us the gift of exorcism, only God can take it away or make the gift productive in us.

Indeed, it is the fruits that arise from our works that will testify for us.  This is the work that comes from God.  God the Father himself will testify for us that all that we are doing is under his command.

6.3.  How does the Church exercise its authority on exorcism?

Saint Peter said, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).  The bishops are the successors of the apostles with the mission of evangelization, having the authority to cast out demons and healing.  “Then he summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and to cure every disease and every illness” (Mathew 10:1).  But have they utilize all their special graces? And currently is there any bishop conducting the work of healing and the authority of exorcism? In the Catholic world in general, and in Vietnam in particular, how many exorcists are there? In the 27 dioceses of Vietnam, have any priests been officially appointed to do this exorcism? As a matter of fact, the number of exorcist priests is very few, while the number of talisman masters is immense.  So, people who are possessed and harassed by demons, who will they turn to for healing and liberation? Coming to priests, they are not allowed to exorcise, or they don't have the power to drive out demons; in the end they are in search of talisman masters and as a result, unknowingly, they worship idols, denying their faith in God.

God is full of mercy.  He always loves people and cannot bear to see them fall into the hand of the devil, so he sent the Son of God to become a human to liberate people and help them combat Satan.  The more developed and civilized of the society, the more people move away from God and his ways.  They live in accordance with the worldly ways and even more disastrously as they are no longer aware of the presence and activities of Satan.  Therefore, Satan is freely raging, controlling, and mastering the bodies and minds of many people.

“In my name they will drive out demons, they will speak new languages.  They will pick up serpents [with their hands], and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them.  They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”  So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God” (Mark 16:17-19).  The Word of God must be fulfilled clearly in this era.  There is a great need for people who believe in God, it takes those who dare to sacrifice themselves to the mission of proclaiming the Gospel, but more so evangelical messengers to carry out the accompanying signs that Jesus has promised “in my name, they will cast out demons."

Issue 7: Without permission and schemed in the interpretation of the Bible, stubbornly criticizing the Church for not understanding the Bible.

To help people better understand the reasons leading to the above convictions of the local authorities toward Thien Thuong.  I would like to excerpt from the letter she sent to Bishop Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Local Ordinary of Da Lat on March 11th, 2019, and the orientation letter written by the bishop to her on September 29th, 2020.


* An excerpt from the letter Thien Thuong sent to Bishop Dominic Nguyen Van Manh:

“…The Bible is a treasure chest that contains all revelations. However, there are revelations that have yet to happen, and the Church is still waiting to find out.  The Book of Revelation records a fact that is still unknown to the Church up to this day, that we are living in a New Era.  This New Era, God releases all the demons from hell.”

"When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison” (Rev. 20:7).

* Letter of orientation

Specifically, in “The Voice of the Truth” video clip number 4, she responded in an interview.

Interview question: The attached letter to the announcement number 2b mentioned "Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you.  Depart from me, you evildoers.” (Matthew 7:22-23).  

She responded: “My beloved child, this Bible passage does not apply to you nor to your brothers and sisters.  It is I who chose you and use you for this work.  This Bible passage applies to those who impersonate me for their own gain or to glorify themselves…”

- In another part of the interview: 

Interview question: The announcement from the bishop often uses the Word of God, one of which was "Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me. And whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me" (Lk 10:16). What would you say about this?

She replied: "My beloved child, tell the bishop that he has not lived like the apostles in the past, therefore this verse does not apply to you..."

Without permission and schemed in the interpretation of the Bible


Thien Thuong does not arbitrarily interpret the Bible nor stubbornly criticize the Church.

First of all, to explain not arbitrarily interpreting the Bible, let’s referring to the very word of St.  Peter’s teaching: "Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God” (2 Peter 1:20-21).

In the Decree of Council of Trent relating the printed editions and the use of the Holy Bible, the council of Trento stated: “No one is permitted to interpret the Scriptures differently than ‘holy mother Church.” Especially, the Second Vatican Council taught in the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum defined that "the task of authentically interpreting the Word of God, whether written or handed on, has been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the Church, whose authority is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ. This teaching office is not above the Word of God, but serves it, teaching only what has been handed on, listening to it devoutly, guarding it scrupulously and explaining it faithfully in accord with a divine commission and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it draws from this one deposit of faith everything which it presents for belief as divinely revealed.” (DV10). For the sole purpose: “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers”. (Acts 2, 42), so that holding to, practicing, and professing the heritage of the faith, it becomes on the part of the bishops and faithful a single common effort” (DV10).

Indeed, the mission, the right to teach, interpretation of the Bible belongs to the apostles and successors, bishops, priests, and theologians. Thien Thuong is just a lowly, sinful, weak human being. Compared to the Church, bishops, well known theologians, she is nothing but just an ordinary laywoman like everyone else.  She has never intended to bypass, teach, or condemn the Church.  In the presence of God, she never had an intention of condemning the Mother Church. She did not arbitrarily interpret the words of prophets in the Holy Bible, "for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the Holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God” (2 Peter 1:21).  The fact that God the Father used her to write the Realistic Word of God the Father was due to the grace of God who chose her, so she belongs entirely to God.  How God uses her soul and body is up to his Will.

She does not interpret the Bible according to her own ideas contrary to the true meaning that Mother Church has interpreted.  Because she was chosen by God to write the Realistic Word of God; therefore, God teaches her how to write and how he pushes her hand to write, then she does accordingly.  She completely does not write on her own will, but according to the Will of God that acts on her body and soul.  She only obeys to the Will of God.

On the other hand, in terms of the written Words of God by her, there is nothing contrary to the true meaning explained by the Mother Church, also not above the Word of God, but in the service of the Word of God, teaching only what has been taught, by obeying the Lord's command with the help of the Holy Spirit.  She is always faithful and in communion with the Mother Church by observing, practicing, and professing what was said in the Sacred Scriptures and the Sacred Traditions.  There is no different, the only difference is that God the Father explains and makes it clearer than the Bible, the Catechism and the Canon Law when they refer to as mysteries and mentioned without explanation.

Issue 8: Self-claiming to be a private revelation, disobeying the authority of the Church.  

8.1 There are two types of revelation: public revelations and private revelations

Public Revelations are when God has revealed himself and his Will to humanity in order to liberate mankind. These revelations were contained in the Sacred Scriptures and the Sacred Traditions, and the Catholic Church has the duty to protect and explain these kinds of revelations to mankind. “In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets; in these last days, he spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe, who is the refulgence of his glory, the very imprint of his being” (Hebrews 1:1-3). 

* The Catechism of the Catholic Church also explains about revelation as follows:

“It pleased God, in his goodness and wisdom, to reveal himself and to make known the mystery of his will.  His will was that men should have access to the Father, through Christ, the Word made flesh, in the Holy Spirit, and thus become sharers in the divine nature.” (CCC 51).

Contrary to public revelations, private revelations are the revelations or manifestations of the Will of God to individuals for their own benefit or for the benefit of others.  The Church requires all Christians to believe in public revelations (doctrine, creed) by faith, whereas private revelations are up to the free will of individuals to believe or not to believe.

8.2 The reason why she spoke on The Voice of the Truth was to admit as to be private revelation?

“She did not say that herself. Due to the persecution of the church itself, the local church forced her to accept it as a private revelation.  For the Catholic Church, when it is considered as private revelations, there must be verification by the Catholic Church itself.  Therefore, they pressed her into a position of private revelation to accuse her of self-claiming to be a private revelation. This is the divine plan of God, very important, concerning the entire church and the whole world.  Private revelations are only a small part of the divine plan of God.  For example, the story of Saint Faustina is only a private revelation, a small part of the divine plan of salvation of God.  On the other hands, God uses her to write the Word of God the Father for healing, and for exorcising is a enomous plan relating to the activities in the era of the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, it cannot be said to be a private revelation.  However, due to the church itself and the local authorities themselves forced her into claiming herself to be a private revelation.  They did not come to witness her works, did not conduct a thorough investigation, but raised questions and judged forcing her to respond, to trap her into the phrase of “self claiming private revelation

Issue 9: Disobeying the authority of the Church on exorcism and posting videos on the internet.  

9.1.  Why did Thien Thuong not obey the local ecclesiastical authorities when it comes to exorcism?

Relating to Souls

The world today is overwhelmed with suffering caused by war, disaster, diseases and evils.  Yet God seems to be absent.  Therefore, people have to look for strange signs, signs of times to strengthen their faith in God.  So, what are the signs for us in this New Era? Is God present among us through the divine plan of the House of God the Father? We can compare Thien Thuong with the Prophet Jonah: in the past because of Jonah's preaching, the Ninevites were awakened, quickly repented, and received the mercy and the forgiveness of God.  Now, through the practice of God's teachings through the handwriting of Thien Thuong, God has healed and liberated many of those who are suffering and controlled by evils.

From the very beginning, Thien Thuong is like the Prophet Jonah, who wished he hadn't heard the echoing sounds of God calling him.  She was not better than Jonah, she was also trying to "escape from God."  However, because it is related to the "presence of God" in the suffering people and sinners that she had to obey God (otherwise she would be hurt by God).  Just as Saint Paul the apostle said, “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel” (1 Cor 9:16).  She can also say: "woe to me if I do not write the Realistic Word of God to bring many souls back to God"

Thus, if the House of God the Father is only a "private revelation", it is right that she has to obey the local ecclesiastical authorities .  However, this is a great divine plan coming from God the Father, involving to so many souls, God's divine plan of salvation, and the activities of the Holy Spirit.  And it was God who wanted her to continue to do his Will.

Relating to Thien Thuong Herself

In video clip 268, she shared her thoughts on why it is imperative to obey God rather than to obey her bishops.  She herself had to face the pain and shortness of breath that seemed to be near death.  She herself complained, saddened, lamented with God and pleading God to take this pain away from her.  Yet God comforted, encouraged her and promised to gradually open the hearts of bishops of God…It was these words that strengthened her to go to the end of the God-given mission:  She continued to earnestly beg the local bishop to verify and confirm that her work and the fruits are from God.  Unfortunately, the bishop did not come, for he considered that she was just an ordinary layperson and how can she have the gift of exorcism; and besides, she has the delusion that she can write the Word of God the Father, replacing the Word of Jesus Christ.  Faced with the choice between God and the local ecclesiastical authorities , between the words of the local bishop and the choice to help save many souls from the hand of Satan, she was forced to obey God and to do everything according to his direction to save souls.

Peace and Joy of Doing Everything According to God's Will.  

Not only Thien Thuong, the priests, and those in the Army of Light, but those who accompany her also have to undergo through purification, giving up everything, accepting humiliation, contempt, condemnation from those who gainst us.  We are enduring physical pain; we subject to the devil's attack by tempting us to give up.  But why are we still committed ourselves to serve the patients selflessly? Is this a great blessing that God gives to lead souls to return to God? Then, why are we still at peace, joyfully moving forward in the work of God in all circumstances? There are more people realizing the work of God and live according to the teachings of the Word of God; then why does the authorities of the Church consider that we are stubborn, disobedient, and advertising? Without the power of the Holy Spirit, would anyone accept themselves as a target for people to ridicule, slander and to be excluded?

In fact, she always wants to obey and submit herself to the Church. Therefore, recently she has continued to knock on the door of the bishops’ palaces domestically, to beg favors from Archbishop Marek Zalewski, Non-Residential Papal Representative to Vietnam, and will go to The Roman Curia in the end.  She was not being disobedient.  She has never wanted to be separated from the Church.  Like St.  Padre Pio with the stigmata, during 50 years of life under suspicion and interrogation by the local ecclesiastical authorities . His bishop shouted, “The Church does not need you, a disobedient man.  But he said, “Yes, the Church may not need me, but I really need the Church, I don't want to be excluded.” And now she wants to say the same, “I really need the Church, I don't want to be excluded.” She always believes that God will testify and bring justice back to her. 

9.2 Posting videos on YouTube to advertise is right, but the questions are to advertise what? And what do we get from it?

Fame: To clarify the divine plan of God at the House of God the Father, to advertise the mercy of God so that the name of God can be glorified in order to show his power and strength over evil.  

Benefit: to help suffering and sinful souls to return to God and to know God as a loving and protecting Father.

Passion: the immeasurable joy of those who like to be advertised, to show the whole world to see the truth about themselves, the sins they have committed, and the truth that God has saved them.  The more humiliated they are, the more they will be blessed by God and help many souls to return to him.  They are following the example of the martyrs of the early Church.

    From the beginning, she did not invite anyone, nor did she use any means to introduce herself, but each person has different reasons, different stories, or different situations that motivate them to contact her. Honestly speaking, started from 2016 until today they have come to her for help, an unconditional help.  The Lord wanted those who work as well as those who have received blessings to recognize and to recollect all the events that have happened since the begining.  Everyone is fully amazed at the mysteries happenings at the House of God the Father. We think that this is the time that God wants us to reflect on the graces that God has poured upon us to affirm that this is the divine plan of God, the plan of salvation which marks the beginning of the New Era in the Era of the activities of the Holy Spirit. The blessings received from the House of God the Father, as well as visions and miracles that can be seen with the naked eyes. For example, the phenomenon of the sculpture of God the Father with his eyes and mouth open and close daily, and angels flying in front of the gate of the House of God the Father on special days or events, which shows us clearly the Holy Spirit is acting clearly and powerfully as a new wind blowing from heaven into the world.

As Jesus has taught his disciples: “Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give” (Mt 10:8).  Indeed, we who believe in the House of God the Father have freely received God's gifts: healing, conversion, especially faith in the love of God, and we have done all that God has taught. 

   Thus, she has never considered herself to be able to cast out demons, but only says she has the gift of exorcism.  She wants to tell the world that it is God who is the only exorcist, who expels Satan from the patients because he loves mankind and wants to free them from the power of Satan.  She is just an instrument used by God, so all that she does are under the direction of God.

Issue 10: Serious harm to the good of the Church, causing confusion to the faith of the faithful, causing division among Christians

The local ecclesiastical authorities are under the leadership and guidance of the local ordinary, who is the representative of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.  Before ascending into heaven, Jesus Christ asked Peter three times: "Do you love me?" The Lord wanted Peter to fulfill his responsibility as a leader by tending and shepherding his flock (Jn 21:15-19).  This is also the role and responsibility of the leaders in the Church.

10.1 In reality, how did the local ordinary show his pastoral role and responsibility, when he considered that the House of God the Father was “going astray”?

   Since 2016 up to now, those who are considered "wrong" have been expecting and inviting the local ordinary to consider, investigate, and research because they have experienced and convinced themselves that the activities at the House of God the Father are from God. And the solutions of the local ordinaries

Calling the entire diocese to say a novena for the unity:

    With the responsibility for the life of the faithful and with his love for them that the local ordinary has called all members of God's people to say a novena to pray for unity in the diocese.  It is highly appreciated of his love.  The target of prayer that was clearly stated in the letter was the Group of Exorcist of Bao Loc.  But besides, some parish priests and some websites on the internet condemned, criticized, banned, threatened etc., which created division.

    The novena week ended but still did not bring the expected results, the Group of Exorcist of Bao Loc continued to operate, and immediately an announcement was made after that.

Applying the law

    Everything is a “must”: “must stop, must end, and must obey,” or “don’t”: “don’t welcome, don’t reply, don’t allow.” And if we did not follow the "musts" and accepted the "don’ts", that would be considered to be "serious harm to the good of the Church."

Through the videos of "The Voice of the Truth," the local ordinaries knew well that many people have become better, love God, love the Church, love others more, live and practice the Word of God because they know of the House of God the Father.  However, the local ordinaries do not recognize the fruits that come from the House of God the Father.  They are people formerly full of sins and who have now been converted by God.  The Church should have rejoiced over this, for how important it is to God that a sinner repents and returns: “There will be more joy in heaven over a sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance” (Lk 15:7).


2. Does the House of God the Father cause confusion and division among Christians?


Many of the witnesses in the videos gave great extent of praises of what they saw and experienced at the House of God the Father.  On the contrary, those who have never come only listen without distinguishing right from wrong.  They themselves are the ones who cause confusion and divisions in the parishes.  Their view is very simple, "no need to know how and what the House of God the Father is doing, yet because the bishop does not acknowledge and has issued an announcement of punishment against Thien Thuong.  Therefore, no one should believe.". From the announcement of the local ordinary:

         Many people want to join the prayer on the YouTube channel "the Way to Heaven" because they know that everyone pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy and the Rosary, but they do not dare for fear of being punished like Thien Thuong.  

Some priests also threatened that if anyone joined this group, they would be punished: they would not be allowed to go to Mass, and their children would not be allowed to go to confession and receive Communion.  When they died, the priest would not celebrate Mass for them and they would not be allowed to be buried in the parish cemetery...  

         Some people in their past have committed all kinds of sins, and since they have come to know the House of God the Father, their lives have changed: they fast, pray, love and forgive, and go to Mass every day, etc.  But when the bishop issued the announcement to punish Thien Thuong for being astrayed from faith and disobeyed the Church, these people feel lost and disappointed.  They questioned themselves if the good things that they had been practicing really come from God?  Whether or not if they should continue to live according to what God has taught them through the handwriting of Thien Thuong? They had to struggle between the old and the new way of living.

           Some people with strong faith have been faithfully living according to what God has taught; on the contrary, their own family members and relatives opposed them by scolding and ill-treating them because they did not follow what the announcement indicated.

        When religious men and women knowing of the House of God the Father, they were healed and converted by God; and when they returned to their communities, they continued to live their vocation and bear witness to God with their own lives. However, when the announcement was made, their superiors forbade them from continuing to live according to what God had taught, like abstinence from meat, praying unceasingly of the Rosary and the Divine Mercy...  Because they were brave, and dared to bear witness for the power and mercy of God presence at the House of God the Father, they were willing to risk everything.  They were pressured by their communities to remove videos of their testimony and were forbidden to contact the House of God the Father in Bao Loc, otherwise they will be expelled from their communities.  Therefore, they had to leave their communities in order to fully live out their faith based on their conviction in the divine plan of God at the House of God the Father.

Through what has been presented above, it is evident that the House of God the Father did not cause confusion or division.  The local ecclesiastical authorities regard Thien Thuong's deeds as the cause of serious harm to the good of the Church.  May we ask everyone: the patients are healed; sinners repented, and converted; indifferent people know how to pray and attend Mass daily, addicts give up their passions; people who live in hatred learn to love and forgive; broken families are mended…  Are these things causing harm to the good of the Church?

3. If the House of God the Father does not go astray, only does good, why is it opposed?

     The following Bible passage will help answer this question: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.  As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.  That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.  If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.” (John 15:18-21).

 It is because the House of God the Father is walking in the way of God's light, bringing many souls back to God; Satan will not leave alone those who destroy them, they will use many tricks to fight back. They will use the Church itself to destroy the House of God the Father; they will use the people of the Church to persecute and hinder those who raid them.  They will affect the thoughts and actions of the authorities in the Church by planting in their minds to apply the law rigidly but forgetting the law of love that Jesus has passed on to the disciples.  The Lord himself calls it the new law: "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34). That is the plan of Satan who intends to extinguish the divine plan of God.

    If the shepherds chosen and empowered by God are not vigilant to realize the scheme of Satan, they would inturn unfairly treating those who work for God to save souls.  Instead of chasing away the devil, they turned to chase away those who were against the devil.  The spiritual battle for souls has been going on since the devil appeared until today.  Why do we make it so difficult for God’s chosen people who have given effort to fight the devil to bring souls imprisoned by the devil back to God? From the beginning, Thien Thuong has affirmed and continues to affirm that she has allowed God to use her completely and followed God's direction for the purpose of glorifying God and saving souls.


4. Will Satan be able to destroy the divine plan of God at the House of God the Father?

    In reality, Satan has succeeded in causing bad publicity for the House of God the Father:

    - Thien Thuong and those that believed in the House of God the Father are working for the devil; spells are used in this place; they are scammers…

    - Being considered which God the Father forcing us to pray so much, fasting and staying up late to pray?

    - Causing division between shepherds and those who come to or work at the House of God the Father.

    - Causing many people, even the local ordinary, dare not to come to the House of God the Father for fear of demons, fear of being put under spells, or being enticement...

    - Making people think that this place is following a sect of Protestant, the Church of God Jesus Witnesses.

    - Causing the Church to doubt the power and mercy of God at the House of God the Father.  

   Presently, Satan has successfully drawn some people in the Army of Light to turn against God.  But this is the divine plan of God, which Satan cannot destroy.  “God can draw a straight line with curved lines.”  Just like in the past, it was through persecution that the apostles were scattered everywhere; and wherever they went, there the Good News was proclaimed.  Today, too, it is because of the opposition that the House of God the Father has been known by so many people and through it many souls have been converted.

    God is powerful, and he has power over Satan because they are just his creation.  Therefore, Satan, no matter how strong and cunning, cannot destroy the divine plan of God.  Especially in this New Era, Thien Thuong, the priests, the Army of Light, and the patients have been living according to the word of Jesus: evangelization, healing, and exorcism.  They are collaborating with the Church to glorify God and save souls.  She did not do anything wrong.  She did not oppose the Church.  She only obeys God's command.  However, when the Church does not believe what she has been doing coming from God, the Church considered it causing confusion in faith and conflicts among Christians.  It is normal that what is not believed is considered to be wrong.


ISSUE 11: Confusion in the Doctrine of the Faith, not distinguishing between primary and secondary content; honoring Father Dominic Truyen as if God had chosen him as a prophet of the end of time, a living saint; she serves as a secretary of God but forgets and rarely mentions the role of Jesus Christ.  

1. Confusion in the Doctrine of the Faith, not distinguishing between the primary and the secondary content

a.  Before being used as an instrument of God, Thien Thuong did not know much about the Bible and the Catechism other than making money, fulfilling her duties as a wife and a mother, so the bishop's condemnation that she was confused about the doctrine of faith and did not understand or vaguely understand is right.   Yet, when God used her to write his Word, he purified her so that she became totally a new person according to God's Will.  When she writes the Word of God, she does not rely on her reasoning, but was completely moved by the Holy Spirit influenced her hands.  It was the Word of God, not her words.  Please see the explanation on video No.  270.  God fully controls her soul and body, see explanation on video #290

b.  “Confusion in the Doctrine of the Faith is the writing of the Word of God the Father that is not found in the Catechism and in the Bible of a person who writes the Words of God the Father. Only Jesus Christ is the Savior who brought the Word of God the Father to earth”. 

Indeed, the Bible does not specify that someone will write the Word of God the Father, only Jesus is the Word who brought the Word of God the Father to mankind.  But in dialogues with God the Father, the history of the Church has many, for example, Saint Catherine of Siena of the Dominican Order.  The Doctor of the Church did not know how to write, but directly questioned God the Father and was answered by him.  The book “Dialogue of Divine Providence” dictated by her to two secretaries in order to be able to catch up what God communicated to her.  Here, the issue of Thien Thuong is similar, in order to write the Words of God the Father, she must also ask questions, or those who want to be taught by God the Father must ask questions.  Then, God will answer by pushing her hands to write.

Jesus is the complete revelation of God the Father, but the content of this revelation, what God the Father wants to communicate to the humanity through Jesus, the Incarnate Word, has not yet been fully revealed.  That is why Jesus said to his disciples:  “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now.  But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.  He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming” (John 16:12-13).  Based on these words of Jesus helps us to understand the role of the Holy Spirit, after Jesus ascended into Heaven and in this era is the Era of The Holy Spirit, not only to make the Church remember what Jesus had said and taught, but also to make all things new in the Church, " will declare to you the things that are coming" (Jn 16:13).  Thus, what was not recorded in the Bible, or the Catechism of the Catholic Church does not teach, does not mean that it is not in the divine plan of salvation of God.  It is the Holy Spirit that will continue to reveal to the humanity many things that Jesus has not yet announced through the signs of time (cf.  John 16:12).

2. Father Dominic being chosen as a prophet and a living saint.

When she testified on the video clip about Father Dominic being chosen as a prophet and a living saint, that was what God the Father instructed and revealed to her.  God chooses and uses whoever is the Will of God.  “He summoned those he wanted" (Mk 3:13).  To be used by God to utter a prophecy or write the words of God the Father, it is up to the Will of God the Father.  It is not by the will of man.   Not because Father Dominic or Thien Thuong want or ask for “but upon God, who shows mercy” (Rom 9:16), and only because "I have raised you up, to show my power through you that my name may be proclaimed throughout the earth" (Rom 9:17).

When saying that she promoted Father Dominic as a prophet, we have forgotten one basic thing: once someone has been baptized, one has three offices: priest, king, and prophet.  We must perform these three offices for the rest of our lives.  Then when saying that promoting the prophetic character of Father Dominic in the end of times is wrong.  If Fr. Dominic is criticized, it is also a time to reconsider our own prophetic practice.  We need to question ourselves, whether we are true or false prophets. “True prophets are people whose entire lives and their words of evangelization help people to love God and to enforce his laws.  On the contrary, false prophets are one who, by way of false life and prophecies leads the people away from God”.To be a true prophet of God, one must allow oneself to be constantly purified by God.  Especially prophets in this era, we need to be able to put into practice the words of Saint Paul: “in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Phil 2:15).

In the Old Testament, we see almost all the prophets, when chosen by God, had similar reactions that they were unworthy, incompetent, incapable of speaking.  God, however, will purify whoever he uses to do his work.  Like Isaiah, God purified him before he became his prophet.  "Then one of the seraphim flew to me, holding an ember which he had taken with tongs from the altar.  He touched my mouth with it.  ‘See,’ he said, ‘now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed, your sin purged.’  Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?’ ‘Here I am,’ I said; ‘send me!’” (Is 6:6-8)

As Father Dominic himself when he was chosen by God to be his prophet in this last era, he also felt unworthy, sinful, and full of limitations.  That's why he tried to withdraw for four years.  But when God has chosen someone, he has a way to make that person whether willing or not, to say yes voluntarily. When he was completely obedient to God, God purified him so that he could work for him.  How did God purify him?

He has been a parish priest and a dean for 43 years.  He is a talented priest in the field of building the infrastructure for the Church and society; chosen to be the professor and spiritual priest for a large number of priests, religious men and women, and thirty years accompanying and helping many patients.  Thus, to the local church, he is a person of high credibility and reputation.  He was respected and loved by many people.  In looking at his life, we also observe a solid foundation of faith, Christian theology, and a loving heart for God, the Church, and the people.  And when the time came for God to bring him into his divine plan in this New Era, he still continued with the pastoral ministry that God had called him to do, but more drastically, in the true sense of the scriptures: “Zeal for your house will consume me” (Jn 2:17).  

Indeed, because of his zeal to take care of the House of God, he had to give up everything, consider everything as completely dependent on God, realize God's Will, and become one in God.  United with Jesus, he embraced all humiliation, injustice, ridicule and mockery.  He was stripped off everything such as position and honor; and was viewed as a criminal.  

The bishop of the diocese immediately dismissed him from pastoring at Thanh Mau Parish and his teaching position on September 8, 2020, being suspended from the position of parish priest on December 5, 2020.  On March 23, 2022, the local bishop asked him to return to the Chau Son Congregation before April 1, 2022; otherwise, he would have to apply for laicization.  He sacrificed everything to obey God's Will to accept a great responsibility that God placed on him.  By the grace of the Holy Spirit, he was able to put all his heart and strength along with Thien Thuong, the priests, and others exorcising demons to save souls.  Also, with laying on of hands for healing, blessing, and proclaiming the divine plan of God, renewing and converting today's world, helping the Church return to its origin based on the urgent message of the Gospel of Kerygma and the Doctrine of the Didache.

God wants Father Dominic and everyone he chooses in his divine plan to live according to his teachings, to be holy daily as he desires: “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48).  Certainly, Father Dominic and the chosen are not yet saints, but they are on the way to holiness.  It is God's Will for Father Dominic and everyone to practice holiness while they are on earth (see The Voice of the Truth video #290).  This is the time, the opportunity to build eternal happiness on the foundation of the Bible, God's living and eternal word. No one can become a saint overnight. A person's journey to become a saint cannot be defined at a single point in life.  There are many saints who had sinful pasts. Father Dominic and God's chosen ones were sinners; however, through the mercy of God they are chosen and being purified everyday.  Each person has things that need to give up and things to achieve in order to fulfill what God the Father has assigned to each person.

Fr. Dominic endures the purification of God

* God wants him to give up: alcohol, beer, cigarettes, parties, and hot-tempered...

* God wants him to make more sacrifices: pray constantly, live a life of fasting so that he can have more intimate time with God, to be more humble himself each day, ask for the grace to accept all insults, mistreatments, surrender and trust in God, be hopeful, joyful and faithful to God until his last breath.

* God allowed him to feel the pain in his body when he did not completely submit to God the Father's instructions so that he could feel and be confirmed by God's Words through the handwriting of Thien Thuong.  Are all of the abstinences and sacrifices made by Father Dominic not enough to say that he is a living saint? He kept nothing for himself, only knew how to completely obey God and seek for the benefit of souls.  In absolute obedience to God, he has been given one grace after another.  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb 13:8).  Although we are in this New Era, his vocation has already existed in immemorial time. The present generation has difficulty accepting God's choice of Father Dominic with their human minds, but with an eye of faith and in comparison with the history of the prophets, it is the right of God and in accordance with his holy Will. (Please watch the video clip of “The Voice of the Truth” 179 to listen to the explanation of Father Chu Truyen).


3. Thien Thuong works as a secretary of God but she forgets or rarely mentions the role of Jesus Christ. 


This New Era is the era of the Holy Spirit, God the Father himself and Jesus sent The Holy Spirit to work in this era. Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, he promised to send the Holy Spirit down to humans so that the Holy Spirit himself could work and be placed as a prominent person, that is, the third person of God; and it is the Holy Spirit who comes to make people remember the words of Jesus that have been instructed for people to practice.  It is the temptation of Satan that often leads people to forget what Jesus has taught.  So in this New Era, the Lord uses the Holy Spirit to "convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation" (John 16:8), being wrong about faith and about the world of the devil, who is the ruler of the world.  That is why God uses Thien Thuong to write the Realistic of God the Father.  These words remind us of the words Jesus taught the people in his public time when he lived on earth as a man; these are also the words of God the Father taught Jesus to speak.  Jesus told the Jews, “because I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and speak.  And I know that his commandment is eternal life.  So what I say, I say as the Father told me” (Jn 12:49-50).  He also said to the disciples: “...I have told you everything I have heard from my Father" (Jn 15: 15).  When Jesus spoke the words of the Father, he was filled with the spirit of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity always work together and never separate.

Now is the era of the Holy Spirit, when Thien Thuong has the grace to write the Word of God the Father, she is only the mediator, while the Holy Spirit works in her to write the Word of  God the Father. Jesus is the Word of God, when the Word became flesh was the very Word of God became man, and dwelt among mankind (Jn 1:14). That is why Jesus said, he did not say anything on his own, but it was the Father who sent him who commanded him to speak (Jn 12:49-50). The words that she has been pushed to write are not different from those taught by Jesus, because they are all moved by the same Spirit and are the Word of God the Father.  The Word of God the Father spoken through the Son (the Eternal Word of God) and the Word of God the Father spoken through her hands (the Realistic Word of God) under the influence of the Holy Spirit, in order to remind people of the Words of God the Father has spoken to humanity through the Son, who is the only one. “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you” (John 14:26). Those are the words of God the Father calling people to return to live in accordance with the Ten Commandments, to return to live with the Law of Love, to make people remember and live what Jesus has taught.

She is just a creature created by God, not a God like Jesus.  In this New Era which is the era of the Holy Spirit, God has total authority over humanity; God has total authority over all creation that he has made.  He uses whoever is his right.  God uses her as a creature. Whatever God taught her, she would obey and practice. Because God created her and has authority over her, she must obey the Word of God above all things.  And when she obeys the Words of God above all things, she is practicing the two most important commandments: to love God above all things and to love others as yourself.  When she is working for God, she is also loving others; willing to give up everything to help others, despite being condemned, ridiculed, and humiliated.

All the Words of God the Father written through the hands of Thien Thuong are due to the spiritual action of the Holy Spirit. Those are the words that help people return to the words that Jesus taught in the Bible, nothing else. "My beloved child, I want you to pray constantly, fast, love and forgive, be humble, make self-sacrifices, renounce your passions, and love God above all else, and to love others as yourself...'', those are the same words in the Bible. “So submit yourselves to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you,” and will be healed, make peace with God, turn back to God (James 4: 7).  Could these words be any different from what Jesus has taught? When someone says she is trying to replace the Word of Jesus, pushing the Word of Jesus out, they are completely wrong, slandering her. This is an unconvincing statement.  Because it is only a basic and simple act of the sign of the Holy Cross, it shows all the characteristics of a Christian as belonging to Christ and proclaiming the mystery of the Holy Trinity God. That is what we do to make the sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Then, through this sign of the cross, I would like to ask if Jesus is absent from her?

She has never had an intention of pushing Jesus out of her life, out of the works of helping her patients. Is there any word of God the Father written from her hands that teaches people to hate anyone, to live dishonestly and proudly? Never! When God uses her as a creature, the Holy Trinity is always united and works through her as an instrument to bring the Word of God and graces to humanity.

Issue 12: Self-named “The House of God the Father”; calling itself “The Voice of the Truth”, not only justifies its wrongdoings, but also increases criticism of the Mother Church and attacks the local ordinary through video clips.

1. Being named “the House of the Father”: These are the words of the local ordinary named

"The House of God the Father": this is the Holy Land, the place where God chooses to carry out his divine plan of salvation. God chose this place from the time of immemorial. This house was built with a purpose: to be a place dedicated entirely to God, to serve the divine plan of salvation for souls. On May 27, 2019, God chose Father Martin Mai Anh Tuan to lay the first stone to be written in the history of the House of God the Father so that future generations would be remembered.

Why is it called “The House of God the Father?” Although this is the property of Mr. & Mrs. Quang Thuong, However, when designing and contructing the house, God was the one who directed and appointed the project.  Mr. & Mrs. Quang Thuong are only managing this house.  The Word of God also makes it clear: "My beloved child, I want you to tell everyone that I want to build My house and this is the place I choose.  More than two thousand years ago, the Temple of Jerusalem was established, where I chose and was present; and more than two thousand years later, it is in this Holy Place, the second Holy Temple of Jerusalem, that I present to bestow graces and salvation to everyone who comes to this place of pilgrimage.”  In the divine plan of salvation of God, no one knows of his Will, no one knows of his intentions.

She also affirmed: “This house is my house, but I am only managing for God, God himself is the owner. He wants to build this house for his use.  And everything in this house is under the direction of God and no one is self-named ‘the House of God the Father’ but God himself.  He claimed this place to be his chosen place.”

Therefore, those who have been sent by God to stay in this place are living in the House of God; not the house of Mr. & Mrs. Quang – Thuong, including their children, if they do not live according to the instructions of God, then he will not allow them to stay in this house.

Because people did not know and assumed that Thien Thuong named “the House of God the Father” herself.  This is the House of God the Father, built by God and used for his divine plan of salvation.

2. Why is there a program called “The Voice of the Truth” and where does it come from?

The Voice of the Truth” is the voice of God conveys to humanity in his light and his Truth. The program “The Voice of the Truth” was established on June 15, 2020.

The Voice of the Truth comes from the teaching of God himself. God wants his divine plan of salvation at the House of God the Father in Bao Loc to be known to everyone, so when the patients come to this place, God blesses them with the graces of faith, conversion, and healing.  God invited them to go to meet bishops and parish priests to testify of his power, love, and mercy that he had blessed them. However, when they came, the bishops and the parish priests did not welcome them. Yet God has been patiently waiting, but there is still no response from them. Because of his love for humanity, God wants to let the world know about the program “The Voice of the Truth,” to help people understand his divine plan of salvation.

Like the story of the Lord healing the demon-possessed young man in Gerasenes.  After he was healed, he wanted to follow the Lord, but he did not permit him and said to him: “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” (Mk 5:19).  

Jesus' words transformed him into a witness sent by God to proclaim the Good News.  Also, in the House of God the Father, patients with sickeness in body and soul have been healed by God, when they go home, God also wants them proclaim his love to the people around them.  All the witnesses in the program "The Voice of the Truth" are those who have seen and experienced the love of God.  So when they testify, they do not speak in theory, but with conviction and with the life of concrete witness.  

Through the program "The Voice of the Truth", God teaches people: The way to make sacrifices to please God; The way to pray for intimate union with God; The way to recognize our sins to repent and return to God; At the same time helping people realize the temptation of the devil in today’s world.

God loves human beings, so he wants to warn, teach and help them return to him.                                                                                                                                                                                                    


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