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Modern Architecture




*NoteWhen judging crimes, each crime must consider relationships in the family, at school, in the community, at work...Only judge your own sins, not the sins of others. For example: If I'm upset with someone, it's my fault, don't blame this person or that person as the reason for my discomfort.

How should we examine ourselves?
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart and open your mind to realize your sins
- Read and meditate on the first decade of the Sorrowful Mysteries, asking the Virgin Mary to help you repent of your sins.
- Read the self-assessment report and consider each point. If you see any points that you have errors in, write them down on paper.
- Then look back at the sins you just wrote down and consider what the consequences are for each sin: the damage caused by your sins harms your relationships with God, and with others. How are you yourself?
- Determined to forgive sins and do penance.
- Resolve to apologize to others. If you no longer have a chance to apologize, then resolve to pray for them.

- Recite the prayer "Act of Contrition and the prayer "Ask for God's Mercy".
- Then go to confession (just mention your sins).

- After examining oneself, recite the following sutras:



Father, merciful God, I beg You to have mercy on my soul;
Please consider my supplications and prayers;
Please forgive me for the mistakes I have made that have defiled my own soul.

Father, have mercy on my soul, because my disobedience has caused Your holy name to be profaned.

Have mercy on my soul, for my disobedience has grieved You; Because of my pride and disobedience, I did not listen to Father's instructions to always love God above all things and love others as myself.
I only think about myself, about my own soul, but I have made mistakes in charity, shortcomings towards others, that is, lack of sharing and giving.
I have disobeyed My teachings to know how to share and give the graces that I have given to me.
I ask you to forgive me. I ask you to give me strength.
I ask Mother Mary, Father Saint Joseph, the archangels, angels, and saints to help me, so that I can do the things that God the Father teaches me. Amen.


O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.






There are fourteen ways to love people

Loving the body in seven ways:
First: Feed the hungry
Second: Give drink to the thirsty
Third: Clothe and clothe the ragged
Fourth: Visit the paralyzed and the imprisoned
Thursday: Let guests park
Sixth: Redeem the servants
Saturday: Bury the dead body

Loving the seven-pointed soul:
First: Use good words to advise people
Second: Wake up the ignorant
Third: Comfort those who are worried
Fourth: Admonish sinners
Fifth: Forgive those who are easy to forgive
Sixth: Forbear those who offend us
Seventh: Pray for the living and the dead.

The Six Precepts of the Church

To go to Mass and refrain from servile work on Sundays and Holy days

To go to Confession at least once a year

To receive the Eucharist at least once a year, during the Easter Season

To observe the days of fasting and abstinence

To help to provide for the needs of the Church according to one’s abilities and station in life

To obey the marriage laws of the Church

The Seven Deadly Sins
First: Be humble, don't be arrogant.

Second: Be generous, don't be stingy.
Third: Keep yourself clean, do not indulge in lust.

Fourth: Be patient, don't be angry.
Fifth: Abstain less, don't indulge in eating and drinking.

Sixth: Love people, don't be jealous.
Seventh: Be diligent in the work of God, and do not be lazy.

Through the seven deadly sins, we see that the sins fall into two main sins: pride and passion


Love God above all things: Attend Mass, prayer many Sundays and solemnities do you miss? Value earthly relationships more than God?
Diligent in God's work or lazy?
Communicate while you are committing a mortal sin
Calling God's name without cause

Idolatry: fortune-telling, fortune-telling, casting spells.
Not daring to declare my belief in God in front of others, still afraid and apprehensive.
Having thoughts of suicide, I asked God to let me die early because I couldn't stand the pain and suffering.

Through the first, second, fourth and sixth sins

- Be humble, not arrogant:
Be proud of yourself and always look down on those around you. Often we take pride in:
I have this talent, that talent, and can do great things
Whatever I do is successful
I have a high position in the association/community
I have leadership talent
I am respected by many people
Proud of the status of family members. Wherever you go, you brag.
Being chosen by God to work for God, considering myself better than others, obeying God more than others, living holier than others.

- Be generous, don't be stingy.
Always considering yourself the best and the center leads to stinginess and selfishness (not recognizing that what you have is given by God's grace and you must use those graces to serve God and others).

Being stingy with time, health, talent, and material things: only taking care of personal needs or those who belong to you. Therefore, it is difficult to share and support others when possible.
When you are reluctant to share, you regret giving or just sharing your surplus with others.
Selfish, considering your own needs as more important, not thinking about the needs of others. Lead to:
Wanting others to serve you (big people often have this problem)
Always give more to yourself
Never listen to other people's opinions, only want others to listen to you. When others don't listen, they get sad, angry, curse, and beat.
Blame others for everything. Never admit your mistakes. Give reasons to justify your words and actions.
Expecting others to change for you, when they don't change, you get angry, annoyed, and ostracized.
Whatever you want, you do it, no matter whether other people want it or not.

- Anger:
Difficult to hold back, easily angry when not satisfied

It's sad when others give comments
Holding on to your heart, taking it to heart, not forgiving your brother's words and gestures when they hurt you.
Irritability and frustration with other people's words and actions, leading to anger, complaining, and nagging.


- Hate:
Envy, jealousy (comparison):
The desire to have the same abilities and gifts as others
It's not fun to see others being better than you, luckier than you, more successful than you.
Be happy about the failures of people you don't like or like.
Judging, condemning, criticizing others for: dress, speech, and actions
Gossip and slander...Agree with those who speak ill of others to you
Let your heart hate, curse, and wish evil on those who harm you
Unfair treatment and favoritism in the way we treat others
Forming cliques and factions leads to exclusion and division

Murder, theft, cheating, bearing false witness against others

In family relationships:
Are you filial to your parents and respectful to your superiors?
Do you love, respect, care and be faithful to your spouse?
Do you love your children fairly, discipline them in love, or scold, scold, or beat them?


The third and fifth sins.
God said that all passions belonging to the human body are referred to the SIN OF LUSTIC PASSION. Like passion for eating, passion for beauty, passion for shopping, passion for sleeping, passion for money...
On July 29, 2023, God sent demons to teach about issues related to sexual immorality:
“God the Father said that to be pure in chastity, in virginity, it is not just not having sexual intercourse between husband and wife that is considered pure. All actions, gestures, thoughts, feelings, ideas, and thoughts related to the body belong to the world of lust. Why do you eat well, dress well, and get enough sleep? To nourish the body, right? You like to smear and smear to make yourself beautiful and attractive to others

What is the use of praising your bright faces? Is that purpose pure? You can wear whatever clothes God the Father gives you, but you want to dress better and more luxuriously than your other brothers and sisters. So is that purpose pure? So we must be alert to the virtue of chastity that God the Father teaches. It's not that not looking at others means you're pure, it's not that not having sexual relations means you're pure (...) Why does God the Father say all of His children must live pure, loyal, and faithful? Because being pure about sin does not mean that from now on, if you do not have sexual feelings, then you are pure. As long as you like this person because he or she is gentle, and don't like that person because he or she is frowning and uncomfortable, that is also lust. God the Father wants to love everyone, without favoritism toward anyone.”

- In the eyes:
    + Likes to look at pornographic pictures and movies and indulge in emotions
    + Reading novels and fantasy…
    + Likes to look at people of the opposite sex and desires to commit crimes.
    + Seeing husband and wife cuddling each other, filled with desire.

- In thought:
    + Or think about people having sex in movies, craving to do that act.
    + Coveting other people's spouses, comparing your spouse with other people's spouses.
- In words:
    + Or say lewd, lascivious words, say obscene words, say obscene words, say to provoke lust in others.

    + Or say sweet words, push...
- In action:
    + Masturbation:
    + Committing the sin of sexual immorality with oneself.
    + Using sexual stimulation tools.
    + Using ecstasy
    + Masturbating each other over the phone.
    + Committing the crime of lewdness with a second person:
       . With homosexuals
       . With people of the opposite sex when married or not married?
       . Having a lover but committing a crime with a third person
       . Have sex before marriage.
       . Having sex with a married person
    + When having sex, do you use contraceptive methods: IUD, condoms, birth control pills, contraceptive devices, etc.? (indirect abortion)

    + There is direct abortion
    + When having sex: do you perform sensual stimulation positions like in movies? Or watch bad movies during sex to stimulate sex.


God sent the devil to speak His Word on: July 31, 2023 "I am the person who loves to eat and drink, likes to eat delicious food and dress well. What is the most delicious thing we like to explore and eat to nourish our body. That's what I did in your child's body. God the Father wants to tell you: to feed the body is no longer important, but to feed the soul. The body is sunny in the morning and rains in the afternoon, noon fades away, like flowers in the field that bloom early in the afternoon and fade away in the afternoon, quickly passing away. Let God the Father take care of your health. Don't worry about what you eat or wear, whether it's nutritious or not, but instead worry about taking care of your soul with virtues."

- In thought: dreaming about delicious dishes, dishes in restaurants that you have never eaten.
- In words:
    + Saying things demanding to eat delicious delicacies. If you don't get it, you feel uncomfortable.

    + Saying criticism about whether a dish or cook is good or bad lacks constructive intention.
- Action:
    + When there are delicious dishes, eat a lot, and eat other people's portions

    + Buy whatever you like to eat, buy it if it's expensive, buy it if you have money, buy a lot to save and eat wastefully.
    + Very greedy for food, when cravings he finds a way to eat as much as he can.
    + When it's time to eat, I feel uncomfortable without food
Eat too much, drink too much.


In thought:
Be beautiful to be praised by others, be beautiful for others to see, attract attention from others, especially the opposite sex.
Wanting to be more beautiful than others.
In speech: often praises himself, says he is more beautiful than others, criticizes others.
In action: find ways to make yourself beautiful: go for beauty treatments, wear makeup every day, dress elaborately to attract attention from others, especially the opposite sex. Leading to being an excuse for others to sin against you.

             PASSION FOR MONEY
Stealing money, stealing petty things.
Play lottery numbers, bet on football, buy lottery tickets.
The desire to get rich was so great that he forgot God, did not go to Mass, and did not pray.
Lying and cheating to sell more profit.
Wanted to have a lot of money, had to earn a lot of money at all costs.
Want to live a rich and prosperous life, want to live a life of enjoyment and happiness.
Greedily snatching your own jobs.
-Because of greed for money, they oppress workers and colleagues
- Because of wanting money, they compete with siblings in the family.

             PASSION FOR SLEEP
In thoughts: like to sleep a lot, want to sleep well. Always have the mindset of having to sleep enough hours, having to make up for lack of sleep,...
In speech: often says it's time to go to bed and doesn't do anything, doesn't help anyone.
In action: Often sleeps late, sometimes even skipping menstruation.
I love sleeping so much that I miss meal times and even miss worshiping God.
During the menstrual hours, I fell asleep.

Likes to talk a lot, saving everyone else's time.
Speaking too quickly and not being able to control your words sometimes upsets other people's hearts and causes scandal for others.
Passion for talking a lot, especially talking about unnecessary things that waste time.
There are many wrong things to say, so many times it also talks about a third person speaking ill of others, judging others, causing division and hurting others.

Always want people to listen to you. Everyone must listen and follow everything I say.
Wanting everyone to respect you, wanting to be the center, thinking that without you, no one can do anything.
Likes to be big, likes to lead others


Consequences of watching movies, news, and playing games a lot:
Waste of God's time
Can lead to committing sexual immorality in thoughts, words, and actions when watching movies or playing unhealthy games.
Neglecting obligations to family and patients.
Not spending time praying to God.
Watching movies all night long is harmful to your health and affects your work.

Buy things you like that you may never use or use very little.
I like to buy expensive brands, I have them too.
Buying provocative, revealing items with the intention of attracting the attention of others.
And other passions: Passion for singing and dancing; Passionate about coffee and cigarettes; Passion for work and study: ignoring duties to God and others...


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